Zero and Applied Field Mössbauer Spectroscopy Investigations of Magnetic Frustration in Certain Classic Werner Complexes Above and Below 1K. aWilliam M. Reiff, a,bLázlo Tákács, a,cMichael J. Kwiecien aDepartment of Chemistry, Northeastern University , Boston, MA 02115 ,USA, w.reiff @, bDepartment of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, USA and cGillette Corporate Research, Boston, MA 02115, USA [Ru(NH3)6][FeCl6](I) is an (S=1/2, S =5/2) system whose structure is found to be monoclinic (C2/c at 293K) and isomorphous to the (S=3/2, S=5/2) [Cr(NH3)6][FeCl6] (II). The lower symmetry of (I) and (II) relative to the cubic (Pa3 at 293K) [Co(NH3)6][FeCl6] (III) (S=0, S=5/2) is reflected in a resolved electric field gradient (quadrupole splitting effect) at the complex FeCl63-anion sites. These systems can be regarded as composed of interpenetrating fcc (Z=4) cation and anion sublattices, (I) and (II) approximately, (III) more rigorously ( see slides 3 and 4). Assuming that nearest neighbor AntiFerromagnetic exchange interactions are stronger than the next nearest neighbor interactions, one expects a classic (two sublattice) collinear Néel ferrimagnet as the most likely long range ordered 3D magnetic ground state. However, our Mössbauer Effect characterization of (I), II and III indicate the possibility of a more complex, at least four sublattice ground state magnetic structure (capable of approach to “zero” net moment at low T) and in which next nearest neighbor magnetic interactions are important and perhaps even stronger than the nearest neighbor exchange. This reflects avoidance of the magnetic frustration that is known to arise for (among other geometries) the A F interaction of nearest neighbors in a fcc structure. A somewhat less complex example of geometric magnetic frustration is given for the 2D triangular lattice (slide 4). Here the spins have xy symmetry and lie in the plane of the triangle. The spins can not simultaneously interact to minimize the energy of all of the moments for the A F ground state. With destabilization of the standard Néel A F ground state, degeneracy results as a compromise to minimize the energy of the components of system. This leads to the curious outcome that familiar long range 3D order may not be possible. Greedan, J. E., J. Mater. Chem., 2001, 11, 37-53. Zhang, J. H.; Reiff, W. M.; Helms, J. H.; Hatfield, W. E., Inorg. Chem., 25, (1986) 2936. Helms, J. H. ; Hatfield, W. E.; Kwiecien, M. J. and Reiff, W. M.; J. Chem. Phys., 84(1986) 3993. Hatfield, W. E.; Reiff, W. M.; Takacs, L.; Ensling, J. ; Transition Met. Chem.17(1992) 204-208. In what follows, we look at this situation from the vantage point of zero and applied field Mössbauer spectroscopy and complimentary magnetization and crystallography studies. Cubic or quasi cubic structure of certain [M(NH3)63+] [M’Cl63-]complexes based on interpenetrating fcc lattices [Co(III)(NH3)63+] [Fe(III)Cl63- ] Fcc lattices interpenetrating to the extent of one half the body diagonal* yielding the ………… ……Halite (NaCl) rock salt structure in which each mono atomic or complex ion is six coordinate. The geometrically frustrated equilateral triangular spin plaquette where all three spins can not simultaneously minimize their energy via A F exchange thus leading to frustration and ground state degeneracy. A recyclable carbon sorption pumped He-3 cryostat convenient for T~ 0.30K to ~6K, a necessity for spectroscopic investigation of the critical behavior of many of the systems of this vignette. Excellent source to detector geomerty, ~3.5” horizontal The temperature evolution of magnetic hyperfine splitting confirms long range magnetic order but not the nature (anti-ferro-, ferro-, ferri-etc.) of the ground state. This can be ascertained via magnetization (top slide 6) or applied field Mössbauer spectra (slides 8,9). The dependence of eff vs T confirms A F exchange (curve C) rather than zero field splitting, curve D. The value of eff in the limit of large axial zero field splitting, D, is 191/2 (4.36) vs ~ 3.15 observed. The spectra of slide 5 in combination with the data of slide 7, bottom right confirm 3d AF order with TNéel of ~0.85K for [Co(NH3)63+] [FeCl63-], an (S=0, S=5/2) system. Spectra for the Cr3+ analogue are shown below with TN~2.8K, slide 7 bottom right. [Cr(NH3)63+ ] [FeCl63-] S=3/2, S= 5/2 Calculation of Hinternal for the Cr3+ compound Transition pairs (2&4) and (3&5) of the figure on the right are seen to have the same excited state terminus, namely (3/2, 1/2) and (3/2, +1/2) respectively. Hence the internal field corresponding to the I = 1/2 (ground state) Zeeman spitting……. Quadrupole Splitting = 0 TN ……is given by the average of the quotients of 2-4 and 3-5 in mm/s by the factor 0.1188 mm/s/Tesla where the latter factor arises from and is specific to the nuclear moment and g factor for I=1/2 ground spin state of Fe57. Quadrupole Splitting 0 TN The H vs T phase diagram of an easy axis uniaxial antiferromagnet for which H(Anisotropy) is less than H(Exchange). The A F to Spin Flop transition is first order while the Spin Flop to Paramagnetic is second order. In the context of applied field Mössbauer spectroscopy, H0 is applied parallel or perpendicular to E while in the table below is the angle between E AND H internal Spectra (stick diagrams below) are typical of a low anisotropy A F system. Relatively “narrow line width” transitions observed (single crystals) broadened for powders. 2ND ORDER 1ST ORDER Magnetic Ground State Determination Via Applied Field Spectra Intensity AF * * * * * * 1ST * * * SF 2ND * * * P MI= 0* Longitudinal and transverse applied field Mössbauer spectra of [Cr(NH3)6][FeCl6] (S=3/2, S=5/2) (powder) at 1.95K and 0.52K, T< TN, respectively, confirming spinflop behavior (in accord with slide 8, bottom) and the antiferromagnetic nature of the FeCl63- sublattice (unto itself!) as opposed to ferromagnetic necessary for overall ferrimagnetism of this material. (MI = 0) Some Magnetic Texture in Zero Field Sample Spin-Flopped Incipient SF to Paramagnetic Spin-Flopped Note that as expected, the intensity of the MI=0 transitions increases for H(║) , 1.95K, and decreases for H() at 0.52K. The antiferromagnetic interaction of the FeCl63-anions is consistent with geometric frustration for this sublattice. A F Ordering of [Co(III)(1,2-propanediamine)3 3+][Fe(III)Cl63-](Co(pn)3FeCl6) (S=0, S=5/2) as confirmed via a combination of susceptibility and zero field Mössbauer spectroscopy experiments. TN~9.9K The effective magnetic moment varies from ~5.3 at 70K to ~1.5 at 1.6K Velocity (mm/s) Relative to Fe In part, we base our interpretation of the A F magnetic exchange pathways in [Co(III)(pn)3] [Fe(III)Cl6] and the other complexes of this vignette on those shown below for the [Co(NH3)6] [SbCl6] structure, i.e short N…Cl hydrogen bonds and close interanionic [Sb(Fe)Cl63-] Cl-Cl contacts. These apparently lead to a remarkably high TN, ~12 times TN of the frustrated Co(NH3)6 FeCl6, i.e 9.9K vs 0.8K! Close interionic Cl-Cl contacts (3.767Å) Spin-Flop Transition N-Cl Hydrogen Bonds (3.545Å) Or Fe !! Schroeder, D. R. et al, Inorg. Chem, 12,(1973), 210. M vs H studies of Co(pn)3FeCl6 up to 1.4T at 1.8K show no field induced transitions. The figure above indicates complete spin-flopping by 3T while the spectrum is unchanged at 6T. Hence, 1.4T <HSF<3T, a reasonable range for this type of system. Scoville, A. N; Lazar, K. L.; Reiff, W. M. and Landee, C.,Inorg. Chem. 22,(1983) 3514. Conclusion The well known charge transfer behavior (Cl- to Fe3+) is concomitant with metal electron spin delocalization to the halogen for transition metals (Fe3+, Ir4+) in their higher oxidation states. With the Mössbauer Effect, we are able to look directly at the cooperative long range magnetic interaction of these centers of delocalized metal electron spin density as spread over the halogen atoms of the periphery of the complex anions. For the Co(III) complexes of this vignette, S = 0 for the complex cation. Hence, the totality of the magnetism of these complexes must reside in the FCC Fe(III)Cl63- sublattice. Since this sublattice is geometrically (topologically) frustrated**, the implication is that the A F order of this lattice results from surprisingly strong exchange interactions (certainly in aggregate) of the Fe(III)Cl63- anions with very distant next nearest neighbor S=5/2 hexachloro-ferrate(III) anions of the anion sublattice. The interpretation of the magnetism of [Cr(NH3)6][FeCl6] presents decidedly more complexity in that this system offers the possibility of two interpenetrating geometrically frustrated sublattices. Unfortunately, the space available in this vignette does not allow for further detailed consideration of this system at this time. **Moron, M. C; Palacio. F; Carlin, R. L.; , Inorg. Chem., 29, (1990) 842. The zero and applied field Mössbauer spectra of these materials incontrovertibly confirm the A F ordering of the anion sublattice and are fully consistent with classic magnetization studies. Even more definitive understanding of the magnetism of these interesting classic Werner complexes awaits single crystal Mössbauer and polarized neutron diffraction study of the deuterated analogues.