Leadership Training Curriculum Introducing the Holy Spirit Booklet Level of Competence Desired: 1. Can introduce the Holy Spirit booklet 2. Can transition from the Four Spiritual Laws to the Holy Spirit booklet. 3. Can state from memory each main point of the Holy Spirit booklet 4. Can state from memory the following verse references for each main point (John 15:5; Galatians 5:16-18; John 7:37-39; Ephesians 5:18; 1 John 5:14,15). Simulated Session Field Experience Simulated Session Field Experience The Spirit-Filled Life Presentation Level of Competence Desired: 1. Shared the booklet through page 16 with confidence and ease. 2. Gave his/her contact an opportunity to pray the prayer on p. 12. 3. Emphasized the importance of faith in being filled with the Holy Spirit. 4. Clearly explained how to exhale (confess sin) and inhale (by faith claim the fullness of the Holy Spirit). Checkout – Holy Spirit Booklet 1 © 2003, The Orlando Institute