Returning Theme Renewal application

Returning Theme Renewal Application
Thank you for your interest in renewing your Theme Community for the 2016-2017 academic year!
Please respond to the questions below. All responses must be thorough, typed, and submitted via email
to Residence Life at no later than Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at noon. Questions may
be directed to either Nick Martin ( or Lindsay Hammond (
1. Please provide the name and Reed email address of up to two Theme Coordinators for this
community. This information will be made available on our website unless otherwise requested.
Name of Theme Coordinator:
Co-Theme Coordinator (not required):
Email Address:
Email Address:
(Name of alternate if person named above is applying to be a House Advisor*: _______________)
*In the event that the individual(s) renewing a Theme hope to concurrently apply for the House Advisor position, a Theme Coordinator alternate must
be identified by name on this application. The TC alternate must be willing to assume the TC position and all of its accompanying responsibilities in the
event that the individual(s) proposing the new Theme Community are selected to serve as House Advisors.
2. Please review your theme’s description as it is currently written on our Theme Housing web page and
check one:
___ Description is accurate
___ An updated/revised description is provided below (please limit to 150 words or less):
3. Reflecting on the fall semester, evaluate your Theme Community with specific regard to the Criteria
for Renewal, outlined on the Theme Housing web page. What is going well? What could be going better?
What changes, if any, will you implement next year to further enhance your community’s living
4. What are the goals of your Theme Community for next year? Include potential events, activities,
traditions, and/or other methods you will use to build community and engage new and returning members
5. Please briefly evaluate your Theme’s current building location. Does it meet the needs of your Theme
Community? Why or why not?
6. How many people do you anticipate will have a strong interest in living in your community next year?
On what information have you based this estimate? (This will help us determine which potential locations
may be most appropriate for your community.)
7. In order to support your community, what type of living arrangement and/or facility needs should be
considered with respect to Theme location? (E.g. kitchen, proximity to bike storage, etc.). If you wish to
remain in your current location, please note this below. If you are seeking a location change*, share your
top three (specific) preferences below and note the reasons why the space(s) would better meet your
community’s needs.
*The Theme Housing Committee, in collaboration with the Assistant Director of Housing Operations, will determine the placement of
the Theme Community based on your evaluation of your Theme’s current location, stated needs, expected number of future
applicants, and available spaces within the residence halls. Residence Life and the committee cannot guarantee that a change in
location can be made due to potential impacts and space allocation associated with the larger Housing Lottery.