Reed College Ducey Summer Internship Application and Budget Form


Reed College Ducey Summer Internship

Application and Budget Form

Student Name:



Phone Number: Reed ID: Box Number:

Email: Major:

Is this project being submitted for any other program, such as McGill Lawrence?

If so, which one?



Faculty sponsor has reviewed and approved your application materials.


Contact Name:

Name of organization for internship:

Place where internship will be completed:

Dates of internship (10 weeks):

Does the host organization provide a wage, salary, or stipend?

If so, specify what and how much?

Specify requirements of the internship? (Note: this does not mean what requirements you must have to perform the internship. Rather, it means what the organization requires from Reed College for you to do the work, e.g., access to the library, access to computers, server space, office space, etc. These requirements should be consistent with the specific project you plan to undertake in the organization.)

Signature: Date:

By signing this form, you acknowledge all the terms specified above


Travel and professional clothing allowance will be awarded at the discretion of the Ducey Internship Selection Committee.


Description of Item Total Amount

Professional Clothing

Description of Item Total Amount

Total Requested (Maximum $700)

Budget Explanation (if not self-evident):

Elizabeth Ducey Summer Internships in Public Policy Application Contains:

Written proposal of no more than 1,000 words;

Letter from authorized spokesperson of the sponsoring organization;

Letter of recommendation from a sponsor at Reed;

Current resume.
