ACITC Meeting Minutes February 16, 2007 Attending: Judith Barlow, Linda Khan, Sharon Ainsley, Bill Allen, Eric Kledzik (for Jason Ball), Bill Gabrenya, Steven Lazarus, Dick Newman, Korhan Oyman, Kurt Winkelmann, Cookie Young. Absent: Carol Shehadeh, Mary Bonhomme. Call to order at 3:35 pm. Meeting starting time changed to 3:35 pm so that members could attend the Adobe Connect workshop. Minutes for January 12, 2007 were approved. Date for March meeting: Friday, March 16, 3-4:30pm. Committee Reports ADITC: Cookie Young Employee Self-Service is now available to all employees on their PAWS account Access to PAWS will convert to TRACKS login around mid-May. Former students can use PIN. Communication was sent to campus community. New student online orientation check-in process goes live in March. IT: Eric Kledzik EMC Application Extender has been selected for Florida Tech’s document management; will first be implemented in Financial Aid. UA/Bisk full integration still in process; IT is working on pricing for a new Banner server for this project. University is evaluating Adobe Connect, a synchronous meeting tool. They will also look at Elluminate, a tool that Bisk uses for synchronous support. Feedback from faculty is needed. A question was asked about printing from off-campus. Eric said that printing is possible from a remote desktop, but tech support needs to set a VPN for off-campus printing. A new server was ordered to handle the increased level of SPAM. 85% of Florida Tech’s incoming mail is SPAM. ITEC: Linda Khan IT Security policies 1002 to 1006 were reviewed. Policy 1002 - Contacting Law Enforcement Policy 1003 - Transmission and Use of Sensitive Information Policy 1004 - Securing Sensitive Information Policy 1005 - Policy on Unsupported Operating Systems Policy 1006 - Policy on Digital Millennium Copyright Act Violations All policies were approved except Policy 1002. The wording for1002 needed to be revised and the revised policy be reviewed by legal counsel. Policies 1005 and 1006 go into effect immediately. Policies 1003 and 1004 go into effect on August 1, 2007. The library has received a Central Florida Library Cooperative (CFLC) grant to provide Sirsi training on our campus for Sirsi regional libraries. The Link Electronic Archive Project continues with funding from Marilyn Link, Dr. Andrew Clark and the Link Foundation. WAC: Sharon Ainsley Both Sharon and Judy Tintera are actively working to restore this committee. Certain issues still to be resolved: concept of the committee has been approved but not started; old charter still stands but needs to be more meaningful; publication and IT are currently greatly under resourced. ACITC Subcommittee reports: Minigrants: Korhan Oyman Eleven proposals have been received for the 2006-7 Professional Development grants: 3 from Psychology; 2 from Chemistry; 1 each from Aeronautics, Business, Mathematical Sciences, Physics and Space Sciences, DMES; and 1 jointly from Chemistry and Systems Engineering. All applications were submitted online through the mini-grants webpage. Dr. John Deaton (SOA) has replaced Dr. Carstens on the review committee. Dr. Carstens asked to be removed as she planned to submit a proposal. Reviewers will evaluate and score applications separately then meet to make final recommendations and choose winners. In answer to a question, Sharon Ainsley explained the mini-grant process and showed how the process has improved from last year. Sharon said that the review committee members should contact her if they had any questions about the online evaluation process. Teaching and Learning: Carol Shehadeh This committee has not met and has no report at this time. Resources: Bill Gabrenya The subcommittee rewrote the charter based on feedback from the main committee. A revised draft copy (attached) was sent to members via email prior to February 16th meeting for their review. To speed up the whole charter revision process, Bill Gabrenya recommended that the committee go over the document together, line by line, making modifications on the spot. However, since the meeting started late and some members had other commitments, the members present agreed to continue this review outside the meeting. Members were requested to provide feedback to Bill preferably in advance, or at to the next scheduled meeting. Suggestions made at the meeting were: Line 10, add IT (since ACITC advises ITEC and gives input to IT). Line 32, change to Assistant Vice President. Notes: Due to the time, the other agenda items were tabled. Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm. Next meeting: Friday, March 16, 3-4:30 pm, Dean’s Conference Room, Olin Engineering. Minutes prepared by Linda Khan.