Academic Information Technology Committee September 15, 2003 Meeting Minutes Attending: Judy Barlow (SOM), Donald Dement (CTLE), Bill Gabrenya (Psychology), Steve Lazarus (COE), Dee Dee Pannell (ACS/SCT), Kurt Winkelmann (CSLA), Mary Bonhomme (SEGS), and Rick Tankersley (CSLA), Chair Absent: Celine Lang (Library), Bob Schuster (SOA), and Jay Wilson (ADITC) Minutes – The minutes from the April 21 meeting and May 1 retreat were approved as distributed. ITEC – Rick reported the top items of discussion were the new telephone switch and the virus/worm attack at the beginning of the semester. Most telephone related problems have been resolved. There was a general discussion about ways to protect against the virus invasion. Now that the McAfee antivirus has been licensed for home use, faculty should install it on their home computers. It was suggested that the updates be “pushed” to campus computers automatically. It was also suggested that we could be proactive and that a special computer security awareness day be designated each semester. This would raise awareness of the importance of computer security. The new printed phone directory is due for distribution in November. The committee requested the list of unit contacts for updating telephone information be distributed. Dee Dee will check to see if the list can be generated. ADITC – Rick will check with Brian Dailey about the ADITC representative to ACITC ACS – Report attached. A listing of electronic classrooms was distributed to the committee. There was a discussion but no recommendation on whether the faculty would like to have their profiles included in the database of the I4 Corridor Economic Council. The SACS web site will be a major web project this year. The site is scheduled to be live August 2004. Vice President for IT – Dick led a discussion of “how do we integrate the IT support into the Academic Strategic Plan?”. The Deans have submitted their individual plans to Provost McCay. Old Business – A subcommittee was selected to organize the minigrant process. Kurt and Rick will meet before the October meeting. A subcommittee was also selected for developing a schedule for the Faculty and Staff web page. The members are Mary, Donald and Dee Dee. New Business – Mary discussed her proposal to take a recommendation to purchase the Enterprise edition of Blackboard through the Technology Committees. The committee asked Mary to provide them with information on the features available in this edition, the cost and the advantage to campus faculty. Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for October 6 at 2:00 PM, at a to be determined location. The regular committee meetings will be the first Monday of each month. Submitted by: Dee Dee Pannell, Recorder ACITC Report from IT August 21, 2003 Web Services and the Web Advisory Board– The university Faculty Profiles web site is now live at The site is accessible through Quick Links, the Directory, and the Faculty and Staff page. The site provides information on faculty research interests, professional experience, and publications and is keyword searchable. All six colleges and schools participated in providing the profile information. The database enables quick access to faculty expertise and the year-long project was a cooperative effort between University Publications and Web Services. Sixty Faculty Profiles have been added or updated since going live July 1. Additional activity is expected once the site is publicized and all faculty return for Fall semester. Other new sites are Institutional Planning and Effectiveness, Career Services, the Electrical and Computer Engineering pages, Purchasing, Undergrad Admission project, and the Facilities Request Form, that provides 61 options for reservation, including Clemente, the Hartley Room, Olin, Gleason, All Faiths Center, the Baseball Field and more, and a search engine for the Newsroom archives. The photo library on the home page has been updated with new photos. Web Services continues to support the database development and web interface for the Institutional Planning and Effectiveness project. The information available through the links on this page will provide information about the strategic plan, goals and assessment policy, accreditation status and mission statement of the university. The database serves as a searchable repository for unit goals and assessments since 2001. Web Services will be working very closely with the Dr. Bob Fronk and the Florida Tech SACS Committee to provide on-line services to the SACS reviewers in preparation for the SACS review in 2005. The university decision has been made to provide the committee information on-line. The Web Advisory Committee is drafting an online data collection privacy statement for review by ITEC and has begun data gathering in preparation for reviewing Content Management Systems for better administration of the web site. The Applied Computing Center – A total of fifteen Dell PCs have been installed to accommodate students in the ACC. These new machines represent a significant upgrade to computing resources and were sorely needed to support the ever-increasing processor requirements for multimedia projects. Multi media support continues to be the most requested activity. Each station can digitize movies and still pictures. Student Lab Assistants are trained in using the new hardware and software. Staff created and compressed three movies for the Undergraduate Admission Lobby kiosk. An unexpected activity in the Center was hosting Grants Accounting during their temporary relocation. The Applied Computing Center (ACC) supported Freshman Orientation by providing workstations and student assistants for Freshman Placement testing. Testing for College Algebra, Calculus and Communications was completely online this year. Although new students were expected to test before arriving at Florida Tech more than half had not completed their testing. The Center is also currently hosting the Biology Ecology labs using SPSS. Other ACC activities include collaboration with Dr. Shenker, Biology, on a grant proposal to the National Undersea Research Program (NURP) at the University of North Carolina and scanning and digitally restoring a 60 year old map on the large format scanner. This project was for the Link Foundation. In addition, forty students have signed up for the Digital Domain Club. The Digital Domain student club is supported through the Center. The Center provided support to the Camp Dream Builders sponsored by the Florida Tech’s Construction Industry Advisory Board (CIAB). Staff processed tapes filmed by the participants and created video clips for their presentations. They also produced an archive CD for future reuse. Large format (24”x36”) scanning is now available in the ACC. This service provides a way to extend the life of fragile large paper documents. System Services - System Services has been busy preparing for the new Academic Year. Email accounts have been created and information sheets printed for 844 new students for Fall semester. SEGS students will be included for the first time in the mass add process for Fall semester. The process will be run in mid-July. This is part of the as the official university address project. Also, a list of 683 email addresses was generated for Academic Support Services in preparation for on-line freshman placement testing. The SEGS student mass add created 1427 new email accounts for Fall semester. This new initiative is in support of the official email address for faculty, staff and students. Other beginning of the semester activities included distribution of TRACKS accounts at undergraduate and graduate orientations, participating in the Micro Teaching Seminar hosted by Dr. Paula Krist, creating the TRACKS facts sheet, and addressing each University Experience class regarding the use of their TRACKS account and the resources available in the ACC. A recent purchase of MatLab software by ACITC was leveraged to provide four departments volume pricing for their department purchases. A total of 67 copies were purchased. System services ran an SPSS comparison for Summer enrollments. In 2002 there were 2047 students and in 2203 there were 2105 students as of May 23. Service Summaries for July: Web Consults - 56, Other Consults – 77, August: Web Consults - 53, Other Consults - 92