QEP Transition Plan (07/13) Drafted by Dr. Tom Marcinkowski Context, Need and Purpose Over 2004-2005, Dr. Bob Fronk oversaw the preparation and submission of Florida Tech’s first Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP-1). In 2005, I worked with Dr. Fronk as a member of the committee that developed that Plan (QEPAC), assisted him in the preparation of Florida Tech’s clarifications and responses to SACS regarding that Plan, and then on the establishment of the university-wide committee to assist with the implementation of that Plan (QEPIC). Over 2005-06, I served on that Committee, and was then asked by Dr. Fronk to Chair it, as well as to coordinate implementation of QEP-1. Over 2010-11, I drafted a 10-page report of this implementation reflected the three major elements of enhancement: (1) courses: the modification and/or addition of one or more courses within each undergraduate degree program that addressed established QEP outcomes in critical thinking (and problem solving) skills and communication skills. Each course endorsed by the QEPIC and approved by the UGCC has been included in the University Catalog (i.e., designated with a Q); (2) assessments: the implementation of annual internal assessments and periodic external assessments to allow the gathering of sufficient assessment data to document and determine the effects of QEP course implementation. Scoring rubrics were developed for these assessments; and (3) evaluation and improvement (‘closing the loop’): the periodic review of accumulated assessment data as part of the evaluation of each course/course sequence and associated portions of that degree program, as well as the use of the results of this review as the basis for improvement planning and activities. I developed the chart for accumulating assessment results over AYs, while Dr. Baloga developed the review and improvement plan form. This report was submitted as part of the university’s Five-Year Review Report to SACS in March 2011, and was accepted by SACS in late 2011. Now that QEP-1 has been fully implemented and approved by SACSs, and planning for QEP-2 will soon begin, it is time to ensure that implementation of QEP-1 will continue with a reasonable degree of attention to these three dimensions of enhancement, and with a reasonable degree of fidelity to guidelines and procedures associated with each. As I will soon become immersed in QEP-2, a transition plan is needed to support the continued implementation of QEP-1, as expected by SACS and as supported by the Florida Tech Administration. No single entity will become responsible for all three dimensions of enhancement; rather, these responsibilities will be folded into ongoing university operations, and overseen by the entities responsible for those operations. The responsibility for (1) course review and approval is to be folded in to ongoing course and program review/approval procedures overseen by the UGCC, and as described below, will serve as the primary focus of this Transition Plan. The responsibility for (2) assessment and (3) periodic evaluation has, at least in part, been absorbed into the University Assessment Program (e.g., in many degree programs, outcomes and measures in critical thinking and communications have been tied to their QEP or Q courses). The primary purpose of this document is to suggest steps and timetables for the UGCC’s assumption of responsibility for the review and approval of QEP courses for undergraduate degree programs offered on campus, off campus (Extended Studies), and online. Overview of the Course Review, Endorsement, and Approval Process for QEP-1 (2005-2013) As described in the 2011 QEP report to SACS, modification of existing courses and/or development of new courses for QEP-1 was undertaken in two ways: (a) it was undertaken in more-or-less annual cycles for the university’s Colleges (Year 1: Engineering; Year 2: Science; Year 3: Business and Psychology; Year 4: Aeronautics, Extended Studies and Online); and (b) following the completion cycle for each College, it was undertaken as new undergraduate degree programs were being developed. Following QEPIC endorsement, members of the UGCC became involved in QEP course approval for (a) and then (b). In this Transition Plan, primary emphasis will be placed on (b), and secondary emphasis will be placed on modifications to existing courses and degree programs (e.g., as has been needed in the College of Business and School of Psychology). The general sequence associated with the review of a proposed QEP course was as follows: I was notified about the development or refinement of one or more existing courses to serve as the QEP (Q) course(s) for a given undergraduate degree program, and advised the responsible faculty member(s) about QEP guidelines, procedures, and materials (e.g., QEP Objectives/ Outcomes; the Course Summary Form); If and as needed, I worked with those faculty members during the design, development, and/or review of syllabi and other materials (e.g., assignments and rubrics) for their QEP course(s); Once a full draft was ready, faculty sent me a completed Course Summary Form, syllabus and, if/when applicable, other course materials, for each course as e-mail attachments; Dr. Baloga and I conducted a preliminary review of the files for each course. After discussing our separate reviews, I notified the submitting faculty member (a) with a summary of our questions, comments, and questions, and/or (b) of our preliminary approval and my plan to circulate these materials to QEPIC members for their review [(a) requires recycling until (b) is reached]; Once the materials were ready for QEPIC review, I circulated the materials to QEPIC members as attachments to an e-mail message in which I explained our review procedures (i.e., either preparation for a meeting of the QEPIC at which questions and concerns would be discussed, or a discussion of questions and concerns via e-mail on which all QEPIC members were cc’d); Once all questions and concerns had been addressed, QEPIC members were asked to vote in a confidential manner to endorse, not endorse, or abstain from endorsing the proposed course(s) (i.e., either in person during a meeting, or via e-mail); and Once a voting quorum had been reached, QEPIC members’ votes were tallied, and a determination made as to whether the course(s) had or had not been endorsed [if not endorsed, questions and concerns must be revisited and resolved to the satisfaction of QEPIC members]; Once the QEP course has been endorsed, all appropriate parties were notified of the results of that vote (i.e., the submitting faculty, Dr. Baloga, QEPIC members, the UGCC, and Ms. Liz Fox for designation in the University Catalog). A copy of the QEP Objectives/Outcomes and the Course Summary Form will be provided to UGCC members, as described in the Transition Plan in the next section. Transition Plan for Shifting Oversight of QEP-1 to the UGCC: Suggested Steps and Timetables Phase Suggested Timeframe 1 08/ – 09/13 2 09/ – 10/13 3 10/ - 11/13 4 12/13 5 01/14 Activities Milestones Comments * Present, review and discuss this Transition Plan, and UGCC responsibilities for QEP-1 * Present, review and discuss QEP review process, including QEP Objectives/Outcomes, Course Summary Form, and its placement in new program review process * UGCC discussion and decisions regarding: (a) where QEP course review belongs in the program review process; (b) how UGCC wishes to undertake the QEP course review; and (c) whether UGCC wishes to designate a sub-group to oversee portions of this review up to the point where full UGCC review and vote is warranted * Piloting of QEP Course review process using (a) existing course for 7035/7037/7038, and/or (b) new course(s) proposed by Psychology * UGCC understands and accepts responsibility for QEP-1 course review and approval I will be present to present and discuss this Transition Plan and these QEP materials with the UGCC. * UGCC arrives at decisions for (a), (b), and (c) (1) Whether the current Course Summary Form will work or will need to be revised should be decided. (2) If/as needed, I will participate in these discussions. * UGCC completes the pilot(s) of its QEP review process * UGCC completes review of pilot procedures/results, and decides if /where adjustments are needed * UGCC discusses and finalizes QEP * UGCC approval of review placement, processes (new operating procedures and existing degree programs), and, if applicable, responsibilities, and materials policies, pertaining to (a) its review of QEP courses for new UG programs, and (b) its review of proposed changes to QEP courses in existing UG programs * UGCC begins full-scale implementation of QEP review process for courses in new and in existing degree programs If/as needed, I will provide UGCC and/or its designated sub-group with background information pertinent to each proposed course. If/as requested, I will work with UGCC members to prepare and present this information and/or these materials.