UGCC Minutes February 2013_.docx

Florida Institute of Technology
Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Friday, February 22, 2013
The meeting began at 8:00 am.
Dr. Mark Harvey, School of Psychology and Dr. Ken Lindeman, College of Science were guests.
Meeting minutes from January were approved.
The following items were passed on the consent agenda:
Item 1. College of Psychology and Liberal Arts
(1)c. CRC-PSY 4000
(1)d. CRC-PSY 4512
Item 2. College of Science
(2)b. ANC-ISC 3200
(2)d. ANC-ISC 4350
The following items were removed from the consent agenda:
Item 1. College of Psychology and Liberal Arts
(1)a. ANM-BS Applied Behavior Analysis – Rep R. Turner inquired about the math requirement not appearing
to have been met. It was pointed out the EST 2703 (business statistics) is used online as the second math
course to college algebra. Rep. Edkins explained that PSY 4514: Psychology Research Methods and Stats 2 is
the second math course for all psychology undergraduate bachelor of arts students regardless of degree.
Rep. Jones provided historical context about the previous use of business stats and the need to include the
stats in the psychology two course research methods and statistics sequence.
Several members had questions and concerns about the existing practice and the philosophical
underpinnings on methodology of the psychology means to meet the math general education requirement.
Rep. Jones pointed out that not approving this degree would require psychology to readdress all their
bachelor of arts degrees. After considerable discussion on how the committee should review and address
concerns in the general education core Rep. Windsor suggested we vote on approving the new degree in
line with existing psychology B.A. degrees and asked for a memo from psychology articulating why PSY 4515
meets the math requirement. Rep. Windsor also suggested that should the memo not suffice in the math
concern that it be readdressed at the next meeting. Rep. Jones (chair) stated that the math requirement
issue would be added as an item for the March meeting if anyone on the committee indicated it was
necessary if the memo from psychology on the matter did not resolve the concern.
Item was passed and approved without objection based on the expectation of a memo from psychology on
the issue and the opportunity for the committee to readdress the issue at March’s meeting regarding math
general education requirements.
(1)b. ANC-SOC 1000 – This item was withdrew by the department for verification with another
Item 2. College of Science
(2)a. ANM-BS Sustainability Studies – Program was discussed at length with several amendments. An
updated program plan and List of Program Electives is attached. The summaries of changes are as follows.
Program Plan
Technical elective proposed in semester 4 was replaced with CHM1102 Chemistry 2.
The restricted elective in semester four was moved to semester 8.
BUS2703 Business Stats was replaced in semester four with BIO2801 Biometry.
One of the two concentration courses originally in semester 8 is moved to semester 7.
With added credit from CHM1102 and BIO2801 the total credits go from 122 to 124.
List of Program Electives
1. Removed BIO4411 & BIO4412 in the Environmental Sciences section due to hidden prerequisites.
2. Removed CHM1102 from the Technical & Engineering section as it was decided to make the course
required-see item 1 under Program Plan.
3. Removed CHM5201 from Technical & Engineering section as the six prerequisite course string suggested
it was too advanced for most undergraduate students.
4. Added CHM2001 & CHM 2002 Organic Chemistry 1&2 to the Technical & Engineering section after
5. Edited the prerequisite list for MAE5240 from MAE3210 (error) to MTH3210.
Item was passed without objection based on the expectation of the above changes along with the
understanding that ISC4000 will be used as the QEP course for the degree.
(2)c. ANC-ISC 3999 – Rep R. Turner pointed out that having ISC1500 as a listed prerequisite was redundant
given that it is the prerequisite to ISC3200 and therefor unnecessary. ISC1500 was removed and item was
passed without objection.
1) COM to WRI discussion-see the paperwork attached to ANC-SOC 1000 for additional information.
Rep. Rosiene discussed the upcoming change to the prefix for several writing based courses from COM to WRI.
After discussion he indicated that Humanities and Communications would be introducing additional courses
with the changes at future meetings.
Meeting Adjourned at 9:07 am.
Next meeting: Friday, March 29, 2013 @ 8:00 am in F.W. Olin Physical Sciences 2nd floor conference room. Agenda
items are due by Friday, March 22, 2013.