La Trobe University UAC Personal Information (Pi)/Work Experience Form The La Trobe University Pi form is used by many courses to obtain additional information for assistance in selection. Courses requiring the Pi or Work Experience form will state this in the course description. Not all students are required to complete all sections. Refer to the requirements for each course or to the Alternative Entry (Mature Age entry) in the General section of the La Trobe entry. Applicants providing additional general information to improve their chances of selection should complete the sections that are relevant. UAC ID Number : Click here to enter text. Name: Click here to enter text. Course/s: Click here to enter text. 1) Motivation for study Explain why you chose to apply for the course(s) on your preference list (e.g., interest in field or employment goal). If you wish to direct comments to specific course preferences, identify the course in your comments. Click here to enter text. 2) Work and/or community experience Provide details of paid or unpaid work and/or community experience (type of work, length of service, responsibilities) relevant to your chosen course(s). If you wish to direct comments to specific course preferences, identify the course in your comments. Click here to enter text. 3) Support of work and/or community experience Provide name, contact address, and telephone numbers of referees who can support your work experience and/or community experience statement in Section 2. Click here to enter text. 4) Academic performance Provide details about any past or current academic performance that may influence your competitiveness for selection. Outline the exact circumstances (good or bad) and how they affected your academic performance. If the circumstances are medical in nature, supporting statements from a relevant practitioner (e.g., a medical or psychological report) will better support your evaluation by selection personnel. Note: that this section is not a replacement for an Educational Access Schemes (EAS) application. Click here to enter text. 5) What language(s) apart from English do you speak, read, write and/or understand? List the language(s) and indicate your ability (i.e. basic, moderate, fluent) to speak, read, write and/or understand each language(s). Click here to enter text. 6) Other relevant information Use this section to provide information of a more general nature, e.g. summary of life-experiences, personal qualities and other reasons, not covered in a previous section, that are relevant to your chosen course(s). If you wish to direct comments to specific course preferences, identify the course in your comments. Click here to enter text.