On Campus Residences are managed by Wodonga Institute of TAFE on behalf of Latrobe University
Resident Code of Conduct and Conditions of Occupancy
In consideration of the Institute making available to the resident a room in the Institute’s
On Campus Accommodation Complex, the resident hereby agrees as follows:-
1. That the Institute has the sole right to allocate rooms to individual residents.
2. That the resident is responsible for their own safety, security and welfare and is also competent and capable of maintaining their own well-being and is able to function co-operatively in a shared adult living environment.
3. That the room allocated to the resident is only to be occupied by that resident and may not be sub-let to any other person.
4. That the resident will not erect on, or affix to, the residence any writings, signs or other similar matter which will leave evidence of its existence when removed.
That if the resident wishes to invite an overnight visitor, the visitor is to enter relevant details into the Visitors Diary and have it signed by the Residential
Assistant. This book is to be presented to any authorised employee of the Institute as requested.
Visitors are bound by all rules of residency at all times. A resident remains responsible for the actions of any visitor/guest, whether overnight or not. In cases of serious misconduct by visitors, residents will be instructed to vacate their room.
No resident may invite overnight guests/visitors for more than two consecutive nights in any period of seven days, commencing on the first day of a visitor being present. Visitors must be present with the approval of all residents in the unit.
7. That the resident will comply with any reasonable direction given by the
Residential Co-ordinator in relation to the occupancy of the unit, and that if any breach of residential rules or guidelines occurs, that the resident will be subject to any penalty determined by the Student Residential Committee.
That the term of occupancy is calculated between February to November inclusive and rent calculated over 2 semesters, holiday periods included. 1 st
Semester rent, accommodation bond of $275.00, key deposit of $25.00 and any other invoiced fees will be paid in full before the resident occupies their room unless otherwise agreed. That all rental monies will be paid by the due date directly to the Wodonga Institute of TAFE.
That the resident reports to the Residential Assistant any defect or damage in the unit without delay.
10. The resident agrees to occupy the allocated room for a period of at least one semester. Rental refunds will only be made on application by the resident and only under extreme circumstances.
11. The resident must give two weeks notice in writing to the Residential Coordinator of their intention to vacate their room, and where such notice is not given, they will be liable for two weeks rent, which may include any vacation period. If left unpaid, it will be treated as a debt to the Institute/University, and results can be withheld. Rent refunds must be discussed with the Residential Coordinator.
12. Residents who vacate their room will remain liable for payment unless a replacement is found for that room. The Residential Co-ordinator can be requested to assist in this process.
The resident will be required to complete a ‘Rent Exemption Form’ available from the Residential Co-ordinator, should they be involved in a Practical
Placement which requires that they live away from the Campus for a period of time and are required to pay rent. This form must be returned to the Residential
Co-ordinator prior to commencement of the placement or no rent refund will be granted.
Any behaviour which causes offence to another will be considered to be antisocial. Residents who behave in an anti-social manner will be warned in the first instance. If the behaviour persists, the resident may be asked to vacate their room.
In extreme instances no such warning is required and the resident will be required to leave immediately.
Anti-social behaviour includes behaviour that may offend, embarrass, harass, bully, discriminate, threaten, injure or endanger the safety of other residents or visitors.
Anti-social behaviour includes the making of unduly loud noise or allowing any music or television set to operate at such a volume as may cause disturbance to other residents. It also includes behaving in such a way as to contravene the
Institute/University’s clearly stated Anti-Sexual harassment, harassment and discrimination guidelines. The Residential Assistant or Residential Co-ordinator will be the first point of contact for any complaint about any such behaviour unless it is unreasonable to do so.
That the resident will not carry out any activity prohibited by any Act of Federal or State Parliament, any other Statute or the common law or any rule of Wodonga
Institute of TAFE. Breach of this clause will result in a resident being asked to vacate their room.
16. That the resident will not smoke anywhere inside the residences . All campus buildings are non-smoking areas.
17. That the use of, or possession of illegal drugs or paraphernalia, by any resident will result in that resident being required to vacate the premises immediately.
18. That no pet of any description will be kept in the residences.
19. That no firearm or weapon will be kept at the residences, nor be brought into the residential area by any visitor. Failure to abide by this regulation will result in residents being required to vacate the premises immediately.
The Resident will be responsible for the key issued to them and liable for any costs incurred in replacing the key. Any loss or damage must be reported to the
Residential Co-ordinator immediately.
That no property belonging to the Institute/University shall be removed from the residential area. That no resident or resident’s visitor will damage any property or goods, or climb on any building or fixture (eg shade sail) or create any graffiti.
The resident will be liable for costs of repair of any damage or removal of graffiti should it occur. The resident is reminded of the responsibility of their own safety and wellbeing and their obligation to report any breach of this agreement by another resident or visitor.
22. That no reverse charge phone call will be accepted by or on behalf of any resident. (Phone cards that can be used to access an external line can be purchased from the Student Services Department).
23. Residents must park in designated parking areas only and display a current parking permit. No parking is allowed on lawns, paths or beside residential units.
No parking is allowed in adjoining childcare car parking and care must be taken to ensure safety of children and other persons by driving in a safe and aware manner. Residents must also ensure that no broken glass or hazardous litter is left in car park area, nor use offensive language whilst in the proximity of the childcare centre.
24. Visitors must not park in designated residential or childcare parking area whatsoever. Visitors may park in areas designated for visitor parking or the general Institute/University car parking areas.
25 Failure to comply with Parking regulations described in Clause 23 and 24 above will result in statutory penalties being applied.
26. If any grievance should arise concerning the administration or management of the residences, that the issue shall be pursued by approaching the Residential Coordinator, Student Services Manager/Counsellor, or the Equal Opportunity
27. Residents are solely responsible for the safety and security of belongings and are advised to seek appropriate insurance cover. Wodonga Institute of TAFE accepts no responsibility in the event of theft or damage to personal property.
28. Bicycles or motor cycles are not permitted inside the units, or to be left leaning on outside walls or on pathways/walkways, under any circumstances. They may be parked in the designated caged area near Unit Ml.
That the room be made available to contract cleaners at the advertised time allocated for their unit.
A resident has the right to privacy. However, room inspections may occur from time to time by management with 24 hours notice given, except in emergency circumstances or in any circumstance that the Residential Co-ordinator deems fit.
Room door-closers must not be removed or tampered with as they are required in order to comply with fire regulations.
That no resident or resident’s visitor will draw on, deface or damage in any manner, the dining tables, lounge tables or any other furniture or property in the accommodation complex.
Residents and visitors/guests are prohibited from activities that may cause injury or damage to themselves or other residents or residential property including sporting and recreational activities including cricket, tennis, soccer, football, rugby games in the vicinity of the Quad, units and pathways of the complex.
Residents and/or visitors are responsible for removing and disposing broken glass from the premises in an appropriate manner. Use of glass outdoors is discouraged
Private parties, specific alcohol related parties, drinking games and the like and use of hired party equipment at the residential complex are prohibited.
Notification by written or electronic invitation of any activity at the student residence complex is also prohibited. Penalties (i.e. fine, suspension from campus or eviction) will be issued for any contravention of this clause by any resident, visitor, guest or friend.
That the resident will be held responsible for the financial penalties imposed from a false fire alarm. The cost is approximately $1,300.00.
That the resident is bound by the Unit Rules sited in the student residence. It is the resident’s responsibility to familiarize them self with the unit rules located in the student residence.
Consequence of not abiding by this Condition of Occupancy Agreement will range from a warning, eviction from the premises, or Police involvement at the discretion of the Residence Committee. A consequence may also include being suspended or removed from your course of study.
Please complete the attached acceptance form for On Campus Accommodation and return it with additional documentation and semester payment to:
Residential Co-ordinator, Wodonga TAFE, PO Box 963 Wodonga, Vic 3689