Gordon College Social Work Program APPLICATION FOR FIELD PRACTICUM JUNIOR SW STUDENTS Due to Professor Sybil Coleman, Practicum Coordinator Name: - Phone: First Choice Semester for Practicum: First Week of Spring Semester Your Advisor: Fall _Spring Year What particular aspect of the generalist practice are you most interested in? Micro Mezzo Macro List your first and second choice for general field practicum location: North Shore Urban (Boston, Lynn, San Francisco) ___International Please respond to the following questions on the next page: (no more than 2 pages) Do you have an area of social work practice you are most interested in for your practicum? (medical, schools, child welfare, advocacy, community development, etc) What SW course has most inspired you? What course outside your major? What is your greatest asset for social work practice? Greatest concern? What issues are you particularly passionate about? What skills would you like to acquire at your practicum site? Can you give an example of the type of learning environment you might enjoy? (large/small agency, highly structured position/ independent position) Do you have a specific population you would like to work with at your practicum site? Do you have a second language? Are you interested in a placement in that language? Do you have cross cultural/international experiences not included on your resume? What are your vocational interests? Where do you hope to work five years from now? Do you have any special needs (emotional, physical, cognitive) to be considered or limitations that could impact your assignment (transportation, housing issues, etc) Signed Date_ Please upload a Resume. (The Cooperative Education and Career Services office can assist you with resume writing and review; however you can submit a draft.)