Workload – Offsets & Overloads Process ACADEMIC AFFAIRS

Workload – Offsets & Overloads Process
Overview of Workload – Offsets & Overloads:
Purpose: To insure that faculty are compensated correctly for their actual workload
taking overload and offsets into account as defined below.
Beginning of Process: Full-time faculty members are required to complete an
Intent Form outlining their schedule for the academic year.
End of Process: Full-time faculty members are assigned classes reflective of the
information provided on their Faculty Teaching Assignment Intent Form.
Full-Time Faculty Member - A full-time faculty member (employee) shall be
defined as an employee who is selected into an approved full-time faculty
Three Term Faculty Member - A full-time faculty member hired to work
three terms (Fall, Spring and Summer).
Two Term Faculty Member – A full-time faculty member hired to work two
terms (Fall and Spring).
Overload – An overload shall be defined as a workload in excess of the
Discipline/Program regular workload set forth in the Workload Appendix when
the excess is generated by the assignment of an additional course. The
employee shall be paid the overload rate for each hour of the course. All
overloads shall be in addition and must occur outside the base workload
minimum of 30 hours per week. All overloads must be approved by the dean
or the dean’s designee. For bachelor's and master's degree prepared
instructors overloads shall be paid at $32 per hour for each hour of the
course, including the required scheduled office hours, if the course has one.
For doctorate prepared instructors, overloads shall be paid at $33 per hour.
Starting with fall semester of 2015, overloads for all instructors shall be $32
an hour. The hourly overload rate shall be the only rate used to compute
compensation for overloads. If, for any reason, the College determines that
the employee’s subsequent assignments within this academic year are such
that the course should not have been considered an overload, the College
shall adjust the employee’s pay to the appropriate level. It is recognized that
the college may limit overload assignments for operational reasons.
Employees requesting overloads shall be given consideration prior to parttime faculty. (Per the Collective Bargaining Agreement)
Created 4/12: Revised 6/15
Offset - An employee may request a workload in a given term in excess of
the Workload Appendix by a full course in that term in order to reduce the
employee’s workload in the summer term by a full course. There shall be no
reduction in pay so long as the employee’s annual workload is equal to the
appropriate amount set forth under the Workload Appendix times three (3).
The request must be made by August 1st of each year. Such employees shall
receive first consideration in offset assignment. The summer replacement cost
benefit cannot be utilized if full workloads are not carried in the preceding fall
and spring terms to include office and other duty hours. This applies to 3-term
faculty only. Please see CBA article 33.3.3 for further information.
Intersession Courses - Full-time faculty may only teach one intersession
course as part of their regular load, offset or overload as approved by the
Dean or the dean’s designee. Any exceptions must also be approved by the
Dean or the dean’s designee. Required contact hours and office hours for
each course must be met during the intersession. The intersession is part of
the regular term that it precedes. This standard will also apply to courses
taught by part time faculty. If a full time faculty member teaches an
intersession course as part of their regular load or as an offset, the required
other duty hours must be spread throughout the rest of the regular term.
A. Contact Hour Table
B. Full-Time Faculty Workload Appendix
C. Full-Time Faculty Summer Replacement Cost Schedule
Two Term Full-Time Faculty Teaching Assignment Intent Form
Three Term Full-Time Faculty Teaching Assignment Intent Form
Offsets & Overloads Spreadsheet
1. The Two Term Full-time Faculty Teaching Assignment Intent Form or the
Three Term Full-time Faculty Teaching Assignment Intent Form as appropriate
is emailed to full-time faculty the second week of the Summer Term with a
requested return date of August 1 as specified in the Collective Bargaining
2. A spreadsheet is created by the schools detailing the faculty members
required workload including their required load, number of classes, total credit
hours per class (i.e., 5 x 3 = 15) and any offsets or overloads.
Created 4/12: Revised 6/15
3. The fall term Argos enrollment report is used to verify what the instructor is
teaching each term and if they have course releases. Class load needs to be
verified each term.
4. If there is a discrepancy between the information on the Intent Form and the
Argos Report, an email is sent to the faculty member for clarification of
teaching schedule.
5. The spreadsheet is forwarded to the Human Resources Representative/Faculty
Contracts Administrator two weeks before the start of term.
6. If a faculty member changes their workload for any term, the spreadsheet is
updated with the changes highlighted. The updated spreadsheet is emailed to
the Dean and school scheduler to verify/approve and forwarded to the Human
Resources Representative/Faculty Contracts Administrator (only if there is a
reduction to their workload or a change to their overload or offset).
7. Each term the academic schools create an offset and an overload spreadsheet
for the Human Resources Representative/Faculty Contracts Administrator.
The academic school’s payroll coordinator fills out both spreadsheets, using
the information provided on the Intent Forms and verified by the actual
assignments per term.
Created 4/12: Revised 6/15