This recommended list includes timelines and ideas, but it is up to the mentor’s professional judgment to
decide what to include and when. This is based on a fifteen-week class. If a class is shorter than fifteenweeks, then the schedule should be adjusted accordingly.
Prior to the first week of the term/first week:
Call the mentee and identify yourself and the mentor program.
Arrange a convenient time to meet with the mentee. At the first meeting:
Discuss the roles and expectations of the mentor/mentee relationship.
Discuss and sign the Mentoring Agreement.
Discuss this checklist.
Discuss the course(s) to be taught.
Ensure mentee has all required course resources.
Explain department support for courses (e.g. master outlines, master syllabi,
course coordinators, program directors, etc.).
Review all College, School and program/discipline meeting dates/times,
including convocation/graduation, etc.
Review mentee’s syllabi.
Answer questions about policies & procedures.
 College, School and program/discipline policies (e.g. parking rules,
attendance, snow day, text alerts, room scheduling, AVS services)
 Using the computer network (e.g. ADMIN/login in classrooms,
files.cnm.edu, I drive, SharePoint, myCNM, etc.)
 Registration deadlines (late enrollement, registration exceptions, etc.)
 Accessing myCNM for:
o class list
o dropping students
o performing over-rides
 Process for submitting syllabi
 Process for submitting full time faculty schedules
 Process for submitting office hours in Web for faculty. This applies to
both full and part-time faculty.
 Process for taking leave
 Process for acknowledging FLAC, if applicable
 Copier/copier password, and duplication services
Meet as scheduled.
Review syllabi (if needed).
Discuss the first week of classes and share ideas.
Discuss the importance of following the stated syllabus attendance policy and dropping
no show students before census date (last day to drop w/out a W).
Introduce/provide other contacts that could be of assistance.
Mentor Checklist For Faculty
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Created: 02/12/2014
Revised: 06/13/2014
Review and reconfirm meeting time.
Explain the availability of classes through Cooperative for Teaching and Learning (CTL).
WEEKS 3 & 4
Maintain contact with the mentee as scheduled.
Review CNM’s organization structures.
Review Student resources (e.g. DRC, ACE, Achievement Coaches, CNM Connect, etc.)
Review class cancellation/substitution practices and policies.
Schedule the mentee to visit the mentor’s class.
Schedule the mentor to visit the mentee’s class.
Discuss student evaluations and other forms of feedback for instruction.
Verify mentee is checking myCNM and reconciling class rosters.
Review syllabi to to ensure consistant application of stated policies (i.e.drops, late
assignments, etc.)
WEEKS 5 – 7
Invite mentee to college activities.
Keep mentee apprised of workshops that would be helpful.
Discuss instructional techniques.
Discuss student retention strategies.
Review and discuss gradebook.
WEEKS 8 – 11
Continue to maintain phone, personal, or e-mail contact per schedule.
Continue discussion of instructional techniques.
Optional. Schedule additional class visits.
Optional. Schedule another class visit for the mentor to visit the mentee’s class.
Review student evaluation process.
WEEKS 11-13
Review entering grades into myCNM and end of term memo.
Discuss the administration of final exams.
Discuss submission of program assessment data.
Discuss process for signing up for online certification through Teaching and Learning
Online courses (TLOL) at CNM.
WEEKS 14 & 15
Mentor/mentee schedules a final meeting to review the semester.
Mentor schedules a meeting between the mentee, mentor and supervisor to review
and sign the mentoring checklist, determine future goals and potential for further
Complete the Plus/Delta and submit forms to the supervisor at final meeting with
Mentor Checklist For Faculty
Page 2 of 3
Created: 02/12/2014
Revised: 06/13/2014
Because each mentoring relationship will be unique, you may find it necessary to change specific tasks to
maintain the mentoring relationship.
When this checklist is completed, both the mentor and mentee should sign this form below. Turn the
completed and signed form in to your supervisor along with the completed Plus/Delta forms.
Mentee Signature
Phone and Email
Mentor Signature
Phone and Email
Supervisor Signature
Phone and Email
Additional comments/goals:
Mentoring to be continued
All areas
Specific Areas:
Assigned Mentor:
Mentor Checklist For Faculty
Page 3 of 3
Created: 02/12/2014
Revised: 06/13/2014