AAC Communication 3/12/2014 Item Responsible & Contact Begin Date STEMulus Center Downtown Sydney Fall 14 Expanded Offerings Planned for AMREP Building in Rio Rancho Sydney Fall 14 Solar Panel Units Being Installed at Campuses to Become ‘Living Labs’ Luis Campos Solar Energy Presentations Available to Classes Steve House Now New Distance Learning Course Copy Request Form Audrey Gramstad Fall 14 SAGE Dean Sydney CNM Authors 2014: Call for Participation Renee Goodvin End Date President Kathie Winograd announced that CNM will build upon its longtime legacy of responding to the needs of the community with the opening of the new CNM STEMulus Center in Downtown Albuquerque later this year. Click here to read more. After gathering input from Rio Rancho residents at recent forums on how CNM should expand its program offerings in the City of Vision, CNM plans to respond to the needs of the community by offering new educational programs in Rio Rancho at the AMREP building located at the corner of Northern Blvd. and NM 528, pending state approval. The programs being considered for the building include: Emergency Medical Services (EMS); Fire Science; Nursing Assistant; Electrical Trades (first semester courses); Teacher Education; Criminal Justice; Child Development; Education Assistant; Teachers Using Technology course; and Health 1001. As part of CNM’s sustainability efforts, the college is installing four new photovoltaic (solar panel) systems at four locations that will serve as “living labs” for faculty and students. The first one went up on the roof of the Rio Rancho Campus building last month. The second is currently being mounted on the roof of the Westside I Building. CNM is in the process of installing solar photovoltaic arrays at four of its campuses. Steve House can speak to CNM classes to give a brief introduction to solar energy and he can tailor a presentation to the needs of the class. For more info, email shouse@triplehsolar.com. Apri l April 04 Notes Beginning Fall 2014, Distance Learning will be implementing a new Faculty Course Copy request process. This process will be required for all faculty course copy requests – DL and web enhanced. Click here to learn more. Job closed Monday, Feb 10. 59 applications were received. First round interviews will be Friday, March 14. Have you created fine arts works, published or presented in 2013 or early 2014? If so, please participate in the 2014 CNM Authors program. CNM Libraries will publish a bibliography of all included works, and host a reception in honor of all participants, along with a display of all works. A diverse range of works are eligible for inclusion. These include, but are not limited to: monographs, journal and magazine articles, book chapters, essays, poetry, newspaper editorials, published photographs, fine art works, musical compositions, video productions, conference posters, conference presentations and architectural projects. To participate, click here. Contact Renée Goodvin at 224-4000 Ext. 52550 or rgoodvin@cnm.edu with any questions. Labs to be Relocated for 16 Months During L Building Renovation Sum 14 to Fall 15 CNM is preparing to embark on a major renovation of the Main Campus Laboratory (L) Building in April and it will last approximately 16 months. CNM chemistry, physics and astronomy labs will be moved to other campuses starting with the summer term. Other science labs -including biology, geology, anatomy and physiology, microbiology and geography -- will be relocated to temporary facilities on Main Campus. The L Building renovation will result in new state-of-the-art labs and classrooms with major upgrades to technology and student study spaces. The renovation is designed to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification. Support CNM graduates by participating in the Spring 2014 Graduation Ceremony that will take place at Tingley Coliseum on Saturday, May 03, at noon. CNM Presidential Fellow of Innovation David Valdés has dedicated funds to help faculty teams get their projects off the ground. The Faculty Project Fund will provide grants of up to $1,500 to help turn great ideas for connecting students and the community into realities. Visit cnm.edu/innovation to apply for a grant. Please apply by March 14, 2014. Spring dates, Saturday, May 03-Saturday, May 17 Graduation Rudy Garcia May 03 Faculty Project Fund David Valdes Mar 14 SpringSummer Intersession 2014-15 Distinguished Faculty Award Sydney Sydney and Deans Mar 14 The application and selection timeline is as follows: Beginning of Spring Term: notification to faculty of applications being accepted March 14: deadline to accept applications By End of Spring Term: school selection committees review applications and make final decisions on their award finalists and forward these applications to VPAA. (1 FT and 1 PT from each School) Summer Term: VPAA selection committee reviews applications and selects CNM Distinguished Faculty recipients. Beginning of Fall Term: CNM Distinguished Award event and announcement of recipients. Accuplacer Cut Scores for Math Linda Martin Fall 14 Changes to the Accuplacer cut scores for math placement will go into effect in Fall 2014. The testing center, advising, math faculty, and MCO are working together to inform affected students. New email system for employees Jim Berry, Jackie Lamoureux Luis Brown Sum 14 Fall 14? CNM employees will have nearly 50 times the email storage space and a specially-dedicated place for archiving documents when CNM moves to Microsoft Office 365 this summer/fall. Users won’t see a difference on the front end. They will still use Microsoft’s Outlook application on their desktop to view emails and calendars. However, individuals using the web-based email system, like on their home computer, will see a minor difference.