SC MAPS Correlation to SC Social Studies Standards Revised version - January 2005 (Correlation by grade 8/ unit level) Compiled by Ted and Iris Aschenbrand Correlation based on SC MAPS pages and activities in the Teaching Manual – Fourth Edition, January 2000 1 SC MAPS CORRELATION TO SC SOCIAL STUDIES STANDARDS GRADE EIGHT SC MAPS PAGE SC MAPS ACTIVITY CONTENT STANDARDS LITERACY ELEMENT 1-54 1-2.02 Trace 3 coastal river drainage basins 8-1.3: Summarize impact of natural environment on colony development. F-Ask geographic questions. I-Use maps to observe and interpret. Q-Interpret information. 8-3.1: Explain the importance of agriculture I-Use maps to observe and interpret. in antebellum SC. 1-56 1-2.07 Investigate reason for building canals 1-59 1-3.04 Examine Washington’s entries about agriculture and land cover 8-3.1 Explain the importance of agriculture in antebellum SC. 1-60 1-3.09 Trace Charleston Businessman’s trip 8-2.5 Economic and political tensions. 1-61 1-3.12 Analyze census of Native American Nations 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political systems, and daily life of Native Americans. K-Use texts, photographs, documents to observe and interpret trends. O-Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. F-Ask geographic questions. I-Use maps to observe and interpret geographic information and relationships. K- Use texts, photographs, documents to observe and interpret trends. S-Interpret information obtained from variety of sources. 1-62 1-3.13 Locate Native American national territories 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political systems, and daily life of Native Americans. F-Ask geographic questions. I-Use maps to observe and interpret. Q-Interpret information from maps. 1-62 1-3.14 Locate Native American national territories 1-62 1-3.15 Analyze effects of landforms in Revolutionary War battles 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political systems and daily life of Native Americans. . 8-2.3 Summarize the course and key conflicts of the American Revolution in SC and its effects on the state. F- Ask geographic questions. I-Use maps to observe and interpret. Q-Interpret information from maps. G- Make observations about physical characteristics. 2 SC MAPS PAGE SC MAPS ACTIVITY 1-63 1-3.E3 Research people Washington met on his Southern Tour 1-3.E4 Choose a Native American Nation to research. 8-2.4 Summarize events and leaders in the Continental Congress. 1-64 1-4.04 Explain obstacles to transportation in the 1800’s. 8-4.1 Explain the purposes of Reconstruction with attention to economic and geographic problems. 1-65 1-4.06 Explain impact of railroads on economy. 8-2.5 Explain the economic and political tensions between the people of the Upcountry and the Lowcountry. 1-65 1-4.08 Relate early railroad lines to county seats. 8-3.6 Compare the effects of the Civil War on SC daily life. H-Construct maps, graphs, tables, and diagrams. 2-18 2-1.07 Explain the cultural isolation of the Blue Ridge. 8-2.5 Explain the economic and political tensions between people of the Upcountry and the Lowcountry of SC. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. 2-18 2-1E.3 Compare Native American and modern hunting practices. 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political systems, and daily life of the Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands. 3-25 3-1.02 Relate development of cities to river location. 8-5.4 Compare migration patterns within SC. A- Distinguish between past, present, and future time. B- Establish chronological order in constructing one’s own historical narratives. E- Explain change and continuity over time. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe. 1-63 CONTENT STANDARDS 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political systems, and daily life of the Native Americans. LITERACY ELEMENT P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. A–Distinguish between past, present, and future time. E- Explain change and continuity over time. G-Make and record observations about the physical and human characteristics of places. E- Explain change and continuity over time FAsk geographic questions. 3 SC MAPS PAGE SC MAPS ACTIVITY CONTENT STANDARDS LITERACY ELEMENT 3-27 3-1.08 Make a Land-Man Relationship Chart. 8-1.2 Categorize improving or worsening relations between Native Americans and European settlers. H-Construct maps, graphs, tables, and diagrams to display social studies information. L- Interpret calendars, time lines, maps, charts, tables. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. 3-28 3-1.09 Identify Native American place names. 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political systems, and daily life of the Native Americans of the Eastern Woodlands. 3-28 3-1.10 Trace Great Philadelphia Wagon Road. 8-1.3 Summarize the history of European settlement including the diverse origins of the settlers, and the impact of the natural environment. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. 3-28 3-1.12 Reconstruct pioneer diet from Act of 1743. 8-1.6 Explain how South Carolinians used natural, human, and political resources to gain economic prosperity. 3-29 3-1.13 Discuss solutions for settlers terrorized by outlaws. 8-1.3 Summarize the impact of the natural environment on the development of the colony. 3-29 3-1.14 Plan Native American style gathering to share legends. 8-1.3 Summarize the culture, political systems, and daily life of the Native Americans. 3-30 3-1.E1 Research Catawba pottery. 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political systems, and daily life of the Native Americans. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. O-Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 4 SC MAPS PAGE SC MAPS ACTIVITY CONTENT STANDARDS LITERACY ELEMENT 3-30 3-1.E2 Make timeline of Catawba history. 8-1.2 Categorize events according to the ways they improved or worsened relations between Native Americans and Europeans settlers, including alliances and land agreements. D-Create and interpret data over time lines. 3-31 3-1.E4 Write to gold mining companies, graph production. 8-5.3 Summarize the changes that occurred in agriculture and industry. 3-31 3-1.E5 Write to a mill town Chamber of Commerce. 3B-2.11 Interpret agricultural market changes through time. 8-5.3 Summarize the changes that occurred in agriculture and industry. 8-5.3 Summarize the changes that occurred in SC agriculture. E- Explain change and continuity over time. H-Construct maps, graphs, tables, and diagrams. S-Interpret and synthesize information obtained from a variety of sources. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. 3B-8 3C-13 3C-2.01 Locate features at 8-2.3 Summarize the course and key battle site. conflicts of the American Revolution in SC, including the Battle of Kings Mountain. 3C-13 3C-2.02 Calculate slope of 8-2.3 Summarize the course and key Kings Mountain. conflicts of the American Revolution in SC, including the Battle of Kings Mountain. . 3C-2.05 Analyze the 8-2.2 Compare the perspectives and roles newspaper article. of different South Carolinians during the American Revolution, including African Americans. 3C-2.E1 Research African- 8-2.2 Compare the perspectives and roles American military heroes. of different South Carolinians during the American Revolution, including African Americans. 3C-14 3C-15 F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 5 SC MAPS PAGE CONTENT STANDARDS LITERACY ELEMENT 3C-2.E2 Document importance of Kings Mountain Battle. 8-2.2 Compare the perspectives and roles of different South Carolinians during the American Revolution, including African Americans. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. S- Interpret and synthesize information obtained from a variety of sources. 4-21 4-1.04 Evaluate potential locations for State Capital S-Interpret and synthesize information obtained by a variety of sources. 4-22 4-1.06 Locate towns important to transport of cotton. 4-1.07 Trace route of Alexander Scaife. 8-2.5 Explain the economic and political tensions between people of the Upcountry and Lowcountry. 8-3.1 Explain the importance of agriculture in antebellum SC. 8-2.5 Explain the economic and political tensions between the people including the economic struggles of both groups. E- Explain change and continuity over time. F- Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. I- Use maps to observe and interpret. OConsider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 3C-15 4-22 SC MAPS ACTIVITY I- Use maps to observed and interpret. QInterpret information obtained from maps. 4-22 4-1.09 Locate Civil War landmarks and retell stories. 8-3.6 Compare the effects of the Civil War on daily life in South Carolina. 4-23 4-1.10 Locate site where Sherman fired on capital. 8-3.5 Compare the military strategies of the North and South. 4A-19 4A-1.E1 Explain why there were no paved streets in Columbia until 1908. 8-6.1 Summarize the progressive reform movement in SC including improvement to roads, hospitals, and libraries. 5-25 5-1.12 Design flags for your county and state. 5-25 5-1.14 Locate Marion’s military engagement. 8-2.3 Summarize key conflicts of the P- Locate, gather, and process information American Revolution in South Carolina from a variety of sources. S- Interpret and and its effects on the state. synthesize information obtained from a variety of sources. 8-2.3 Summarize key conflicts of the F-Ask geographic questions. Q- Interpret American Revolution, including partisan information obtained from maps. warfare of Francis Marion. 6 SC MAPS PAGE SC MAPS ACTIVITY 5-25 5-1.15 List places using Francis Marion’s name or nickname. 5-1.E1 Research Eli Whitney and George Washington Carver. 5-26 6-15 6-16 6-16 6A-18 6A-20 7-1 CONTENT STANDARDS 8-2.3 Summarize key conflicts of the American Revolution, including partisan warfare of Francis Marion. 8-2.5 Explain the economic and political tensions and the transformation of the state’s economy that was caused by the production of cotton. 6-1.05 Trace Alonzo 8-3.6 Compare the effects of the Civil War Jackson’s route and write on daily life in SC. account of escape 6-1.06 Trace possible escape 8-3.6 Compare the effects of the Civil War routes for slaves on on daily life in SC Underground Railroad 6-1.08 Analyze railroad’s 8-4.1 Explain the purposes of effect on town of Gadsen Reconstruction with attention of the economics, social, political, and geographic problems facing the South. 6A-2.02 Where would you 8-1.2 Categorize events according to the look for Native American ways they improved or worsened relations artifacts? between Native Americans and European setters. 6A-2.07 Evaluate the practice 8-3.1 Explain the importance of agriculture of draining swamps for in antebellum SC, including plantation life. farmland. 7-PT “Indian Maneuver” LITERACY ELEMENT P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. F- Ask geographic questions. I-Use maps to observe and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. F- Ask geographic questions. O-Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. K- Use, texts, photographs, and documents to observe and interpret. S-Interpret and synthesize information obtained from a variety of sources. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of sources. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps, aerial photographs, satellite-produced images. K-Use texts, photographs, and documents to observe and interpret social studies trends. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. Mound 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. systems, and daily life of the Native R- Use statistics and other quantitative Americans. techniques to interpret and evaluate. 7 SC MAPS PAGE 7-12 8-15 9-21 9-22 9-22 9-22 9-24 9-24 SC MAPS ACTIVITY CONTENT STANDARDS 7-1.05 Evaluate significance 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political of location of Santee systems, and daily life of the Native Indian/Fort Watson Americans. 8-2.2 Compare the perspectives and roles of different South Carolinians during the Revolution. 8-1.04 Contrast Native 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political American uses of Bays with systems, and daily life of the Native modern uses. Americans. 9-1.07 Locate de Ayllon’s 8-1.3 Summarize the history of European settlement and trace his travel settlement in Carolina from the first route. attempts to settle at San Miguel de Gualdape to the time of South Carolina’s establishment 9-1.11 Contrast Native 8-1.1 Summarize the culture, political American shell mounds with systems, and daily life of the Native modern landfills. Americans. 9-1.12 Identify counties 8-1.6 Explain how South Carolinians used where indigo was planted. natural, human, and political resources to gain economic prosperity including indigo planting. 9-1.13 Explain the military 8-3.5 Compare the military strategies of the importance of the Sea Islands. North and South with regard to specific events and geographic locations in South Carolina. 9-1.E3 Create illustrated 8-3.5 Compare the military strategies of the timeline for Robert Smalls North and South with regard to specific events and geographic locations in South Carolina. 9-1.E4 Research indigo and 8-1.6 Explain how South Carolinians used dye making. natural, human, and political resources to gain economic prosperity including indigo planting. LITERACY ELEMENT F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of sources. R- Use statistics and other quantitative techniques. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information. D- Create and interpret data on time lines. 8 SC MAPS PAGE 9A-7 9A-8 9A-9 9A-11 9C-8 9C-8 9C-9 SC MAPS ACTIVITY CONTENT STANDARDS 9A-1.04 Trace boundaries of 8-1.3 Summarize the history of European original walled city of settlement in Carolina from the first Charleston. attempts to settle …Charlesfort…, including …the impact of the natural environment on the development of the colony. 9A-1.06 Analyze the 8-3.5 Compare the military strategies of the newspaper article. North and South with regard to specific events and geographic locations in SC. 9A-1.10 Recreate an 8-3.6 Compare the effects of the Civil War interview with hotel owner on the daily life in SC, including the Jehu Jones. experiences of …African Americans. 9A-1.E1 Investigate 8-1.5 Summarize the significant changes to relationship between English South Carolina’s government during the Lord Proprietors and the colonial period, including the proprietary King. regime and the period of royal government, and the significance of the Regulator movement. 9C-1.05 Develop criteria for 8-1.3 Summarize the history of the picking Spanish landing site. European settlement in Carolina from the first attempts to settle at San Miguel de Gualdape, Charlesfort, San Felipe, and Albemarle Pointe. 9C-1.06 Locate position of 8-3.5 Compare the military strategies of the two forts protecting Port North and South with regard to specific Royal. events and geographic locations in South Carolina, including the capture of Port Royal… 9C-1.09 Tell story about a 8-1.4 Explain the growth of the African Gullah tradition and relate to American population during the colonial historical context. period and the significance of African Americans in the developing culture and economy of SC LITERACY ELEMENT G-Make and record observations about the physical and human characteristics of places. I- Use maps to observe and interpret geographic information and relationships. E-Explain change and continuity over time. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. O-Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P- Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. F- Ask geographic questions. G-Make and record observations about the physical and human characteristics of places. F- Ask geographic questions. I Use maps to observe and interpret geographic information and relationships. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 9 SC MAPS PAGE 9C-10 10-16 10-17 10A-11 10A-11 10A-12 SC MAPS ACTIVITY CONTENT STANDARDS 9C-1E.4 Research origin of 8-1.4 Explain the growth of the African Gullah language and culture, American population during the colonial relate to own family. period and the significance of African Americans in the developing culture and economy of SC 10-1.07 Identify counties 8-1.6 Explain how South Carolinians used where rice was planted. natural, human, and political resources to gain economic prosperity,…including rice planting… 10-1E.2 Find out how people 8-5.3 Summarize the changes that occurred lived and worked on in South Carolina agriculture and industry plantations. during the late nineteenth century, including changes in crop production in various regions. 10A-1.09 Outline steps 8-1.6 Explain how South Carolinians used necessary for rice planting. natural, human, and political resources to gain economic prosperity,…including rice planting…, the slave trade, and the practice of mercantilism. 10A-1.11 Analyze why 8-3.3 Draw conclusions about how escape was difficulty for sectionalism arose from events or slaves. circumstances of racial tension, internal population shifts,…slave codes, and the African American population majority. 10A-1.12 Relate life story of 8-1.4 Explain the growth of the African a 200 year-old fanner basket. American population during the colonial period and the significance of African Americans in the developing culture and economy of SC LITERACY ELEMENT O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. F-Ask geographic questions. I- Use maps to observed and interpret. Q- Interpret information obtained from maps. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. S- Interpret and synthesize information obtained from a variety of sources. U-Select and design appropriate forms of graphs, diagrams, tables, and charts to organize social studies information. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 10 SC MAPS PAGE 10A-13 10B-10 SC MAPS ACTIVITY CONTENT STANDARDS 10A-1.E1 Determine effect of 8-5.3 Summarize the changes that occurred end of slavery on rice in South Carolina agriculture and industry cultivation. during the late nineteenth century, including changes in crop production in various regions. 10B-1.08 Evaluate effects of 8-5.5 Summarize the human, agricultural, hurricanes on rice and economic costs of natural disasters and impoundments. wars that occurred in South Carolina or involved South Carolinians in the late nineteenth century. LITERACY ELEMENT O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. O- Consider multiple perspectives of documents and stories. P-Locate, gather, and process information from a variety of primary and secondary sources. 11 Literacy Elements In addition to the previously mentioned content standards, the following activities in SCMAPS meet one or more additional Literacy Elements. SC MAPS ACTIVITY NUMBER 1-PT 1-1.01 1-1.02 1-1.05 1-1.E1 1-1.E3 1-2.01 1-2.E1 1-3.05 1-3.06 1-3.08 1-3.10 1-3.16 1-3.E1 1-4.01 1-4.E3 1-4.E5 2-PT 2-1.01 2A-1.01 2A-1.02 2A-1.10 2B-1.01 2B-1.02 2B-1.12 2B-1.13 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X R S T U V W X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 12 SC MAPS ACTIVITY NUMBER 2B-2.03 2B-2.E3 2B-2.E4 3-1.01 3-1.11 3A-1.01 3A-1.03 3A-1.E1 3B-1.01 4-1.01 4-1.08 4-1.E1 4A-1.01 4A-1.02 4A-2.11 4A-2.E2 4B-1.01 4B-2.02 4C-1.01 4C-1.E1 4C-2.E2 5-1.01 5-1.02 5-1.09 5-1.E6 5A-1.01 5A-1.08 5A-2.10 5B-1.01 6-1.01 6-1.03 6A-1.01 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 13 SC MAPS ACTIVITY NUMBER 6A-1.06 6A-1.07 6A-1.09 6A-2.04 6A-2.05 6A-2.E1 8-1.E3 8A-1.8 9-1.01 9-1.03 9-1.08 9-1.E2 9A-1.01 9A-1.02 9A-1.03 9A-1.05 9A-1.12 10A-1.01 10A-1.02 10A-1.04 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R X X X S T X X U V W X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14