SAFE WORK PROCEDURE Activity/Task: Working Outside Regular Hours in the FSc Facilities on the Albury Wodonga Campus SWP No: Trim No: Version No: Date Signed Off: Approved: Yes RISK IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROLS: Please include all steps involved in the performance of the task NOTE: All PPE required must be listed and the minimum PPE for each chemical must be listed as per the relevant SDS. PROCEDURE STEPS 1. Scope: This SWP outlines the procedure for accessing the FSc Facilities on the Albury-Wodonga Campus outside regular working hours. 2. Definitions: FSc Facilities on the Albury-Wodonga Campus: includes all laboratories and specialist spaces in buildings 666, 667 & 669 on the Albury-Wodonga Campus. Does not include the offices located in building 666. Regular Work Hours: Monday – Friday 8am-6pm Trained University Response Workers: includes first aid officers, security, building wardens, emergency response team. Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Nov 2012 Page 1 3. Objectives: Mitigate risk of working outside regular hours in the FSc Facilities on the Albury-Wodonga Campus during times when trained University response workers are not available. 1. References: FSc Working After Hours or Alone Procedure 2. Timing: Outside regular working hours - Monday – Friday 8am-6pm. 3. Responsibilities: All workers Ensure all work being undertaken outside of regular working hours cannot be completed during regular work hours and, has been risk assessed and approved. Notify the Facility Manager and /or the relevant School’s Senior Technical Officer at least three days before commencing any work outside of normal working hours. This requirement can be covered in advance through the project risk assessment. Only undertake work approved through the risk assessment process. Never undertake high risk procedures/experiments outside regular work hours. Sign in/out of the Working Outside of Regular Hours Register located: Bd 666 – Level 1 on top of the student lockers in the foyer. Level 2 on top of the staff pigeon holes adjacent the tech office. Bd 667 – Room 117 with the risk management paperwork. Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Nov 2012 Page 2 Room 101 with risk management paperwork. Bd 669 – In the main office area on the front desk. Notify security (ext ‘400’ or 0260 519 888) on entering the facility, state your location and estimated time of departure. Notify security (ext ‘400’ or 0260 519 888) on departure. 7. Location: Buildings 666, 667 & 669 8. Training Requirements: All appropriate inductions. Only work consistent with approved SWPs/RAs is to be undertaken. 9. Plant and Equipment Details: Dependent upon the work being undertaken. 10. Engineering Details, Certificates, Work Cover Approvals: Nil 11. Maintenance Requirements: Maintained through the facilities maintenance and compliance schedules. Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Nov 2012 Page 3 12. Task/Activity Steps: 1: Complete appropriate risk assessment- include a section explaining why working outside regular hours is essential and detail safety controls. Possible Hazards: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Unnecessary and / or unsafe work outside of normal hours approved. Risk Assessment assessed by appropriate staff ensuring work outside regular hours is required and safety controls are appropriate. 6 Possible Hazards: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Access granted without completing appropriate inductions Access is only granted by the Facility Manager after all activities have been risk assessed and all inductions completed. 6 2: Complete all appropriate inductions. 3: Facility Manager programs access card proving entry only to approved areas. Possible Hazards: Safety Controls: Risk Score: Access granted without completing appropriate inductions Access is only granted by the Facility Manager after all activities have been risk assessed and all inductions completed. 6 4: Notify the appropriate School’s Senior Technical Officer and/or the Facility Manager at least three working days before commencing any work outside of normal working hours. This requirement can be covered in advance through the project risk assessment. Possible Hazards: Nil Safety Controls: Risk Score: 5: On arrival sign into the working outside regular hours register and notify security (ext ‘400’ or 0260 519 888), state location and estimated time of departure. Possible Hazards: Nil Safety Controls: Risk Score: 6: Before departing ensure all doors and windows are locked, sign out of the working outside regular hours register and notify security (ext ‘400’ or 0260 519 888) Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Nov 2012 Page 4 you are leaving the facility. Possible Hazards: Nil Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Nov 2012 Safety Controls: Risk Score: Page 5 SAFE WORK PROCEDURE: Assessment dates Initial assessment date: Nov 2012 Current assessment date: Reassessment due date: Assessors: Name: Signature: Date: Kylie Kent Matthew Gill Cherryl Kolbe Recommendation: (Technical Officer/Supervisor/Manager) Follow up required: No Name: Date: Signature: Kylie Kent Approval: (Facility Manager, Head of School, Manager University Laboratories) Name: Signature: Date: Kylie Kylie Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Nov 2012 Page 6 Risk Assessment Matrix: Evaluate the level of risk associated with the hazard identified. SEVERITY LIKELIHOOD How severely could it hurt someone How likely is it to be that bad? or How ill could it make someone? !!!! Kill or cause permanent disability or ill health ++ + - -- Very likely Could happen at any time Likely Could happen sometime Unlikely Could happen, but very rarely Very unlikely Could happen, but probably never will 1 1 2 3 !!! Long term illness or serious injury 1 2 3 4 !! Medical attention and several days off work 2 3 4 5 ! First aid needed 3 4 5 6 Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Nov 2012 Page 7 I have read and understand this Safe Work Procedure: Name: Safe Work Procedure Version 1: Nov 2012 Position/Role: Signature: Date: Page 8