SAFE WORK PROCEDURE Undergraduate private study in the Faculty of Science laboratories and specialist teaching spaces SWP No: Trim No: Version No: Date Signed Off: Approved: Yes No RISK IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROLS: Please include all steps involved in the performance of the task NOTE: All PPE required must be listed and the minimum PPE for each chemical must be listed as per the relevant SDS. PROCEDURE STEPS 1. Scope: This SWP outlines the restrictions and requirements for students wishing to undertake Private Study in the FSc Facilities on the Albury-Wodonga Campus. Definitions: FSc Facilities on the Albury-Wodonga Campus: includes all teaching laboratories and specialist spaces in buildings 666, 667 & 669 on the Albury-Wodonga Campus. Private Study: Independent study and/or independent skills practice consistent with the student’s official enrolment. The technical officer will not necessarily be present during private study but will maintain their availability (i.e. be easily contactable). Technical staff will refer students back to their course material, text books and/or their lecturers if they require any academic clarification. Private Study Register: record of student access to the facilities. Safe Work Procedure Template Page 1 SWP: safe work procedure. RA: risk assessment. SOP: standard operating procedure. SDS: safety data sheet. 2. Objectives: a) To ensure the safety of undergraduate students during private study in the FSc Facilities. b) To ensure the facilities and equipment are treated with respect. 3. References: a) Faculty of Science Laboratories and specialist teaching spaces student induction form – specifically point 3: Undergraduate students are not permitted to enter or remain in the laboratories or specialist teaching spaces unless they are being supervised by a CSU staff member (unless otherwise notified) b) Additional inductions e.g. anatomy. c) Risk documentation including laboratory manuals, RAs, SOPs, chemical SDSs, safe work procedures etc and teaching material including text books, prac manuals and lecture notes etc. 4. Timing: During teaching semester and by special arrangement during residential schools. 5. Responsibilities: Academics: Understand academic responsibilities in the provision of private study. Provide supervision when appropriate. Safe Work Procedure Template Page 2 Notify students of the areas available for private study and the procedure for organising it. Notify students that they may be excluded from private study if they do not follow the correct procedures and/or do not treat the facilities and equipment with respect. Technical staff: Provide existing and new academic staff with this Safe Work Procedure and answer any questions relating to its practicable application. Ensure all risk management documentation is available and up to date in all facilities. Will maintain their availability (i.e. be easily contactable) during times of private study and provide technical support when appropriate. Provide access cards to the facilities Establish and maintain a private study register. Retain all student cards for those undertaking private study Ensure appropriate equipment and consumables are available for students to carry out their private study. Students: Be enrolled in an appropriate subject. Complete all appropriate inductions. Be aware that access to facilities will be limited due to timetabled classes and staff availability. Record access details in the private study register. Only undertake private study consistent with their official enrolment. Treat the facilities and equipment with respect and report any broken or faulty equipment. Safe Work Procedure Template Page 3 Ensure the facility is left clean and tidy and equipment and consumables are returned to appropriate storage before leaving.. Ensure the facility is locked when leaving and access card is returned to technical staff. Special Requirements: a)SNMIH: Contact the technical officer via email at least one week prior to the anticipated date to confirm availability. Correspondence must include student names, subject, skill being practiced and the date and time requested for private study. b)SCH (Level 2): Weekly sign-up sheets will be available in the facilities on Monday mornings. Allocated times dependent on scheduled classes. c)SCH (Level 1 - Anatomy): Access for private study will be notified via Interact. 6. In the event of: (emergency or other) follow specific facility guidelines and induction information. 7. Location: The following facilities are be available for private study: Bd 666 Level 1 anatomy wet and dry laboratories Bd 666 Level 2 rms 220, 216 and 204 Bd 667 rms 101, 104, 115 & 117 Bd 669 rms 111, 112, 104, 102, 117 and 115 Safe Work Procedure Template Page 4 8. Training Requirements: All appropriate inductions. Only private study consistent with the students official enrolment is to be undertaken. 9. Plant and Equipment Details: Dependent upon the study and/or independent skills practice being undertaken. 10. Engineering Details, Certificates, Work Cover Approvals: Nil 11. Maintenance Requirements: Maintained through the facilities maintenance and compliance schedules. 12A. Task/Activity Steps: Access to Buildings 666 Level 2, 667 and 669 1. Students fill out weekly sign-up sheet located in each facility. Possible Hazards: - nil Safety Controls: - Risk Score: - nil 2. Technical staff collects sign-up sheets Friday PM and replaces with new sheets. Possible Hazards: - Nil Safety Controls: - Risk Score: - nil 3. Students go to technical office, complete details in the private study register and collect relevant access card from technical staff. Possible Hazards: - Safe Work Procedure Template Safety Controls: - Risk Score: - Page 5 Nil 4. nil Students undertake private study without supervision. Possible Hazards: - Safety Controls: - Students gaining access to the facilities without prior permission. Facility is locked and access can only be obtained with an appropriately programmed access card. Students using facilities/equipment inappropriately and injure themselves due to them not being directly supervised. Risk Score: - Student has completed facility emergency evacuation inductions Students remove or damage equipment due to them not being directly supervised. Technical staff will maintain their availability during times of private study. Students undertaking private study during an emergency. Only private study consistent with the students’ official enrolment is to be undertaken. All up to date risk management documentation will be available in each facility. Student details are recorded in the private study register. Students are reminded of the emergency evacuation procedures and instructed to report back to the technical office upon hearing an alarm. 5. Students return access card and complete details in the private study register. Possible hazards: Students leaving the facility without returning the access card. Safe Work Procedure Template Safety controls: Student is immediately contacted to return the access card. Failure to do so in a timely manner may result in their exclusion from private study. Page 6 The Facilities Manager, DFM and Security staff are able to remove the card access. 12B. Task/Activity Steps: Access to Buildings 666 Level 1 1. Anatomy technical staff publish an announcement and create sign-up sheets, when appropriate, on Interact regarding access to the wet and dry labs for private study Possible Hazards: Nil 2. Safety Controls: Risk Score Nil Students arrive at the facility and are provided access by technical staff. Students fill out the private study register Possible Hazards: Safety Controls: Risk Score Inappropriate access to the facility 3. Students undertake private study in the wet labs Strict access control is maintained by the Facility Manager and DFM. 3 Possible Hazards: Chemical/biological spill on skin or clothing Safety Controls: Intensive student induction and orientation Risk Score 3 Discomfort/distress due to the exposure to cadaveric material Appropriate training in infection control and specimen handling Cuts/abrasions from sharp edges of bones etc Provision of appropriate PPE Strains from handling heavy specimens All sharp edges of bones are removed as far as possible without compromising the integrity of the specimen. Inappropriate behaviour / language First aid is available at all times There is a technical staff member in attendance at all times 4. Students undertake private study in the dry lab Possible Hazards: Inappropriate handling of models resulting in them being dropped and/or damaged. Safe Work Procedure Template Safety Controls: Students are trained in the appropriate care, handling and Risk Score 6 Page 7 Damage to student tissues/bones from models being dropped maintenance of models Inappropriate behaviour/language First aid is available at all times There is a technical staff member in attendance at all times 5. On leaving the facility students sign the private study register Possible Hazards: Nil Safe Work Procedure Template Safety Controls: Nil Risk Score Page 8 SAFE WORK PROCEDURE: Assessment dates Initial assessment date: Oct 2012 Current assessment date: Reassessment due date: Assessors: Name: Amy Vaccaro Signature: Date: Name: Kylie Kent Name: Amanda Eddy Name: Cherryl Kolbe Recommendation: (Technical Officer/Supervisor/Manager) Name: Amy Vaccaro Signature: Follow up required Date: Approval: (Facility Manager, Head of School, Manager University Laboratories) Name: Kylie Kent Safe Work Procedure Template Signature: Date: Page 9 Risk Assessment Matrix: Evaluate the level of risk associated with the hazard identified. SEVERITY LIKELIHOOD How severely could it hurt someone How likely is it to be that bad? or How ill could it make someone? !!!! Kill or cause permanent disability or ill health ++ + - -- Very likely Could happen at any time Likely Could happen sometime Unlikely Could happen, but very rarely Very unlikely Could happen, but probably never will 1 1 2 3 !!! Long term illness or serious injury 1 2 3 4 !! Medical attention and several days off work 2 3 4 5 ! First aid needed 3 4 5 6 Safe Work Procedure Template Page 10 I have read and understand this Safe Work Procedure: Name: Safe Work Procedure Template Position/Role: Signature: Date: Page 11