DISABILITY RESOURCE CENTER EXTENDED TIME TESTING FORM LOG # __________ SECTION A – completed by STUDENT STUDENT NAME: COURSE: (Example: Math 1101) CAMPUS TEST IS TO BE TAKEN AT: ID#: INSTRUCTOR: TEST DATE: TEST TIME: (Initial here) I have read and will follow the Responsibilities and Procedures on the back of this form SECTION B – completed by INSTRUCTOR NOTE TO INSTRUCTORS: Each test must have a DRC Testing Form attached Once a test date is scheduled with DRC, it cannot be changed without Instructor’s written permission If this test is not completed within 48 hours, it will be returned to the instructor Instructors can email or hand-deliver tests and testing forms as follows: MAIN CAMPUS Disability_Resource_Center@cnm.edu Room SSC 209 WS CAMPUS Disability_Resource_Center@cnm.edu WSII Room 113 (Assessment Center) JMMC CAMPUS Disability_Resource_Center_JMMC@cnm.edu Room TW 103 Verify Number of Pages in Test: Instructions 224-3259 224-3259 224-5946 Instructor Contact: Yes No Additional Instructions: Calculator Open Book Notes Collect Notes May Write on Exam Scantron Collect Scratch Paper What amount of time will the class be given for this test? hour(s) minutes WHEN TEST IS COMPLETED, HOW WILL TEST BE RETURNED? INTEROFFICE MAIL* to: (room #) at: (campus) (division) * PLEASE NOTE: FINAL EXAMS WILL NOT BE SENT INTEROFFICE MAIL INSTRUCTOR WILL PICKUP TEST SOMEONE OTHER THAN THE INSTRUCTOR WILL PICK UP TEST (MUST PRESENT PICTURE ID) NAME: THE EXAM IS TO BE TAKEN ON THE COMPUTER AND ELECTRONICALLY SUBMITTED. SCAN AND EMAIL COMPLETED TEST (to CNM.EDU email address only; NOT available at WS campus) INSTRUCTOR SIGNATURE: SECTION C – OFFICE Use Only DATE: Student started test Date: __________ Time: ___________ Employee’s Initials: __________ Student completed test Instructor picked up test Date: __________ Time: ___________ Date: __________ Time: ___________ Employee’s Initials: __________ Instructor’s Initials: __________ Placed in interoffice mail Scanned and emailed to Instructor Test not taken at DRC; sent back to instructor Date: __________ Time: ___________ Date: __________ Time: ___________ Date: __________ Time: ___________ Employee’s Initials: __________ Employee’s Initials: __________ Employee’s Initials: __________ When test in the pick-box has not been picked up notify the instructor Talked with instructor OR left message Date: _______ Time: ___________ Employee’s Initials: __________ Test Taking with Accommodations Student Instructions: Step 1: Obtain an Extended Time Testing form at least 5 days before the test by: a. Coming by the Disability Resource Center, OR b. Printing the form out at https://www.cnm.edu/depts/disability-resource-center/forms c. Complete a Special Request Form if you need an Interpreter, Reader, or Scribe for your test. Remember that tests with an Interpreter, Reader or Scribe may need to be scheduled on Fridays Step 2: Call or come by the Disability Resource Center to schedule the test Step 3: Fill out Section A of the form Step 4: Give the Extended Time Testing form to your instructor Step 5: Arrive at Scheduled Room at scheduled time (see below for Rescheduling) Instructor Instructions: Step 1: Receive the Extended Time Testing form from the student with Section A completed Step 2: Complete and sign Section B of the Extended Time Testing form Step 3: Submit the Extended Time Testing form with the test (see front of form for options) a. Tests not taken will be returned to Instructors after 48 hours (see below for Rescheduling) Rescheduling a Test: Students must take the test at Disability Resource Center at the date and time on the Extended Time Testing form. Should you not be able to take the test at that time, you must: a. Ask your Instructor if it’s okay to take your test at another time, if so, b. Instructor must notify DRC in writing that the student is approved to take the test at another time c. Student must contact the Disability Resource Center Office to cancel and / or reschedule the test. Reminders about taking tests at Disability Resource Center: 1. All personal belongings (ex: backpacks, purses, hats, cell phones, etc.) will be locked in a cabinet. You 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. cannot take these into the testing room with you. Only materials specified by the instructor are allowed in the testing room with you (ex: textbooks, notes, dictionaries, etc.). Personal calculators are allowed only when specified by your instructor. All food and drink must be in clear containers. Pens, pencils, erasers, and scratch paper will be provided by the Disability Resource Center Office. Scantrons and Blue Books that you bring in for your test will be exchanged with Scantrons and Blue Books provided by the Disability Resource Center Office. Breaks will be supervised. You will have a Disability Resource Center escort for bathroom breaks. 7. 8. Testing while listening to music will take place in DRC testing rooms. (Those students who want to test with music and attend a different campus will have to schedule their tests at one of the DRC test centers. Music devices limited to Pandora or radio provided by the DRC. Radio is only available to students at Montoya and Main.) 9. Testing rooms are monitored; any academic dishonesty* or violation or the rules stated above will result in the test being ended immediately and your Instructor being notified. Continuation of the test will be determined by the Instructor. * CNM Student Code of Conduct, § III. Academic Dishonesty, “Any student suspected of academic dishonesty will be subject to the investigative and disciplinary process outlined in the Academic Dishonesty Policy found in the Student Handbook.” Rev 5/24/16