DENTAL MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ALL VENDORS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION. The following are proposal specifications. Please complete the following chart by responding in the right-hand column. If you disagree with any of the criteria, you may not be considered. If the criteria do not apply to the services you are quoting, please indicate “N/A.” ENTER VENDOR NAME: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. You have reviewed and accept the Plan’s eligibility provisions outlined in the RFP. You must be licensed in New Mexico or willing to obtain a license in New Mexico. Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Self-funded Quotes: ASO fees must be guaranteed for a minimum of two (2) years from the effective date. A third year rate guarantee is preferred. Fees must be the same for Years 1 and 2. Fully Insured Quotes: Vision rates must be guaranteed for a minimum of two (2) years. A three (3) or four (4) year guarantee is preferred. The rates/fees/premiums should be calculated NET of commissions. Renewal rates and fees must be submitted 120 days prior to the contract renewal date. You have included detailed plan summaries for all quoted plans. Self-funded Plans: You completed the network analysis sections (Attachments 10 and 11) in their entirety, in the format requested. The vendor will be responsible for producing the Booklet/Certificate of Coverage / Summary Plan Description. The client reserves the right to review/revise the Booklet/COC/SPD prior to finalization. Vendor agrees to provide a booklet draft within 60 days of the effective date. Vendors may be required to attend open enrollment meetings. Vendor agrees to provide all standard reports to the client. The client must be able to access reports online. Insured coverage must be provided on a no-loss/no-gain basis for all covered participants so the current group does not suffer a loss of benefit solely due to the transfer of coverages to your firm. You must agree to waive the “actively at work” provision for the currently enrolled. The master contract will reflect the elimination of the actively at work restriction or deferred effective date for all initially enrolled active or inactive employees and dependents. This will include only initial eligibles (those eligible on the effective date of the contract) including COBRA continuees. Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. You are in compliance with all HIPAA Privacy, Electronic Data Interface (EDI) and Security requirements. Your contract must require no more than a 30-day notice of termination by CNM. Your contract cannot prohibit the group from terminating coverage at any time. There must be no penalties for late notification or for termination off anniversary. Vendor agrees to provide performance guarantees. Provide details within your proposal. You have specifically listed all deviations from the RFP and coverage requirements on the Offeror’s Additional Terms and Conditions. NOTE: Deviations MUST be listed; you cannot simply make a “general” reference to section(s) of the proposal. You completed all questionnaires and exhibits in full and in the format requested (e.g., Word or Excel – not PDF). Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Insurance premium tax does not apply to public entity employers including, but not limited to, cities, counties, school districts, etc. If selected, premium tax will not be charged. Vendor agrees to attend annual health and wellness fairs hosted on site at CNM. Agree Disagree Agree Disagree GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE ALL VENDORS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION. ENTER VENDOR NAME: General 1. Do you carry an Errors & Omissions policy? 2. Do you carry a comprehensive general liability policy? 3. Does your company carry a fidelity bond? Organizational Strength 4. What is the normal lead-time required to implement a group? 5. Finalists will be required to provide a formal and detailed implementation plan. 6. What mediums do you accept for plan enrollment? 7. Do you offer online eligibility maintenance for all clients? 8. If so, is there a charge? Is there a charge for hard copy maintenance? For insured coverages: for the first and each renewal year, what periods of time will be used as the basis for determining renewal recommendations? 9. When are premiums/fees due under your policy? 10. 11. 12. What is the grace period? If premium is paid after the grace period, is a penalty and/or interest charge assessed?? If yes, explain in detail. What percentage of claims is auto-adjudicated through your system? Will you agree to offer a Performance Guarantee with financial penalties? If yes, indicate what percentage or dollar amount you are putting at risk. Include your proposed performance guarantee in your proposal. Yes Yes Yes No No No Agree Disagree Yes No Yes No Yes No Which of the following tasks can members and plan sponsor representatives perform online? You may indicate N/A if not applicable to the line of coverage you are quoting. Members Enrollment (New Hires and Open Enrollment) Changes in Status Billing (Plan Administrators only) Claim inquiry Provider search N/A Plan Sponsor 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Access provider directories Physician/provider cost and quality comparison ID card request Electronic EOB Terminations Other Is there an additional cost for online services? If yes, describe. BRIEFLY describe the services you offer to support the client’s human resources / benefits team. Are you able to provide data that benchmarks the client’s experience against the following : Your book of business National norms Similar sized municipalities Please provide cost to provide benchmark reports, if any. Provide a list of all standard and optional reports available and associated costs (if any). Please provide sample reports. Report Frequency Additional Cost? Standard? Indicate amount. Optional? What is the lag time on reports from your firm? Does the client/consultant have the ability to access your database in real time for purposes of: Tracking plan experience Utilization patterns Other available plan information How is this ability provided? Is there an additional charge to the client? If so, what is the charge? Briefly describe your company’s experience with public sector clients, including school districts, public higher education organizations, and public entities in New Mexico. How many colleges and universities are current clients? Please provide the following information. (New Mexico public sector employers are preferred.) 22. Three (3) current client references At least one of these references should be from a client of similar size. Provide Client Name Contact Address Telephone number Type of coverage (e.g., medical, life) Approximate # of employees covered by each contract Please provide the following information. (New Mexico public sector employers are preferred.) Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Comments Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Two (2) former clients, who may be contacted. Provide Client Name Contact Address Telephone number Type of coverage (e.g., medical, life) Approximate # of employees covered by each contract Reason for termination Client Management Team 23. Describe your company’s client management structure. 24. Describe how your company handles client management responsibilities and transition when a member of the team: Goes out on extended leave (more than 2 weeks) Leaves the company 25. Provide a brief bio detailing the experience and background of each individual that would be assigned to the CNM account. 26. Provide the office location (city) that each member of the account management team works from. 27. Does your company have a local office in the Albuquerque area? If not, what is the closest office? 28. How many onsite meetings does the account team commit to attending throughout the year for: Implementation Ongoing account management and reporting Open enrollment 29. Will CNM be assigned a dedicated representative? How many other accounts will this individual service? What amount of time will the representative’s time will be available to service the CNM account? Network Accessibility 30. With regard to network directories, please respond to the following items. (NOTE: Do NOT include a provider directory with your proposal.) Are your directories available on the internet or a website? If your provider directories are not available online, how frequently are they updated and distributed? How are members, plan sponsors and providers notified of changes? Yes No 31. Do you own your provider network, or do you subcontract? Own Subcontract 32. If you subcontract, please identify network. What is your provider retention rate and/or network turnover? 33. Are you willing to add providers specifically requested by the client? Yes No 34. Do the participating dentists have a contractual agreement not to “balance bill” the patient? Yes No 35. If a participating dentist refers a patient outside the network, are benefits paid at the DHMO or Dental PPO level? 36. Do you have differing network provider arrangements (e.g., “Preferred” vs. “Participating”)? Yes No If yes, describe. If you do have different network provider arrangements, please complete the following chart: Network Discounts Available Network Discounts Available with NO with plan design plan design differentials differentials “Preferred” Provider Yes No Yes No “Participating” Provider Yes No Yes No DENTAL: FULLY INSURED PLANS – QUESTIONNAIRE DENTAL VENDORS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE. ENTER VENDOR NAME: 1. Will you agree to have retention increase at general CPI or some other factor, independent of dental trend? 2. Will experience be based on actual paid claims (rather than incurred or estimated incurred)? 3. Is your quote fully pooled / experience rated or have you proposed both? ▪ 4. If blended, specify percentage attributed to group's experience. For the first year and each renewal year, what periods of time will be used as the basis for determining renewal recommendations? Specify weightings to be applied to applicable periods. 5. Confirm that any adjustment of reserves will be supported by / aligned with current triangulation studies. 6. In the event the account produces a deficit in any one year, will your company seek, in any way, to recoup the deficit? Please explain in detail. Yes No Pooled Experience Rated Blended Both ______ % Yes No DENTAL: SELF-FUNDED PLANS ADMINISTRATION QUESTIONNAIRE DENTAL VENDORS MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE. ENTER VENDOR NAME: 7. The claims administrator agrees that the claims and accompanying eligibility data produced in connection with all the claim payment activities on behalf of the client is and will be the property of the client. And, that the client retains the right to request the full and complete data in electronic format with proper notice and at no additional cost. Agree Disagree 8. You must provide access to all files on request (e.g., a claims audit) and not to assess any fee for such access. Agree Disagree 9. For services that are covered, confirm network discounts are applied to any portion of the claim being paid by the member (i.e. to satisfy deductible, coinsurance, or because the maximum benefit has been exceeded). Concisely identify and comment on any major claim / eligibility / reporting system changes or upgrades planned in the next 12 to 24 months along with the intended outcome. 10. 11. You agree to reimburse services provided outside of the U.S. Yes No 12. Do you coordinate benefits? If yes: Yes No ▪ ▪ Do you outsource this service? Does your claim system readily identify potential COB opportunities prior to claim payment? ▪ Do you (1) pend and pursue or, (2) pay and pursue these types of claims? Does the same person handle both claims processing and customer service functions? Yes Yes No No (1) Pend and Pursue (2) Pay and Pursue Yes No Confirm you utilize a claims quality assurance or review process. Agree Disagree ▪ Yes 13. 14. Do you have reviews conducted by an outside agency? No 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Confirm your system has edits for identification of fraudulent claims and provide statistics as to results for 2012. Audits: ▪ What is the frequency of your internal audits? ▪ What is the frequency of your external audits? At termination, after the runout, how will you handle the following: ▪ Claims in house, but not processed? ▪ Claims submitted after the runout period? Confirm that you will provide final reports consistent with your standard reporting to the client. Can you provide electronic data interface with the client’s Disease Management vendor(s) to supply relevant data? Agree Disagree Yes No Agree Disagree Yes No ▪ 20. Any costs to provide this interface must be reflected on the Dental Cost Attachment 9 B. The existing administrator will pay run-out claims. Your pricing should assume no run-in claims payment. 21. Confirm that if you fail to meet timely payment requirements for in-network providers, neither patients nor the Plan will be liable. 22. What is the standard percentile used as a basis to determine UCR on out-of-network claims? ▪ How often is UCR updated? _______ %