P-364 ATTACHMENT 3 PRESCRIPTION DRUG QUESTIONNAIRE MEDICAL/RX VENDORS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INSERT YOUR COMPANY’S NAME HERE Retail Pharmacy Network 1. Identify your PBM. Is your PBM internal or external? 2. Are networks of varying size available? Please clearly describe differences in participating pharmacies, differences in discount arrangements, and estimated overall impact on drug spending. 3. Is your list of participating pharmacies available online? Internal External Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 4. If you are selected as a finalist, please be prepared to submit a current listing of participating pharmacies in New Mexico. Do your pharmacies provide flu shots? 5. How is the reimbursement / payment handled? How do you handle specialty drugs? Are there any prior authorization requirements? If yes, please describe. 6. Describe your process for Rx protocol of dosage and refill frequency. 7. Outline/explain any and all dosage or quantity limitations. 8. Are there any specific situations where you would override or deny a physician’s prescription? If yes, provide details? 1 P-364 ATTACHMENT 3 PRESCRIPTION DRUG QUESTIONNAIRE Formularies and Rebates 9. How is your formulary established? 10. Do all drug manufacturers whose products are included in your formulary provide your network with rebates? Yes No Yes No 11. If so, how are the rebates shared with the plan sponsor? If so, are the rebate dollars paid to the plan sponsor or are credits given prospectively? Do you provide minimum rebate guarantees? If so, please describe. How often do the drugs on the formulary change? 12. Is your formulary available on the Internet? Yes No 13. Will you agree to remit or credit back to premium 100% of manufacturers’ rebates and incentives of any kind to the employer? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 14. 15. 16. If not, what percentage? How often? Does the formulary rebate program apply to the mail order program? Do you guarantee that ingredient cost charges made by network pharmacies will be based on the lesser of the discount offered, actual retail paid, MAC price or your actual acquisition costs? If not, explain. Does the PBM receive rebates or other forms of reimbursement from the manufacturers that is not disclosed or shared with the client? 17. Do you have a specialty drug tier plan provision (i.e., 4th tier)? Yes No 18. Are specialty drugs available through mail order? Yes No 19. Outline the categories of medications considered “specialty drugs.” Mail Order Prescription Drug Program 2 P-364 ATTACHMENT 3 PRESCRIPTION DRUG QUESTIONNAIRE 20. Do you have your own mail order prescription drug program? If not, skip to following question. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No No 21. If so, is it fully integrated with your retail network? Where is your mail order pharmacy located? Do you subcontract with an outside mail order vendor? 22. If so, which mail order vendor do you use? Is there an internet pharmacy available through your PBM? If so, please describe. Please confirm that members can order prescriptions online. Pharmacy Contracting 23. Do you maintain the same pricing contracts for all network pharmacies? If not, explain. Eligibility / Maintenance Services 24. Is there an additional / separate ID card required for prescription drug coverage? If so, describe. 25. Are dependents listed by name on the pharmacy card? Do you charge a fee for card preparation? Reporting 26. Describe the claim and utilization reports that will be made available as part of your quoted fee. Provide samples of all. 3 P-364 ATTACHMENT 3 GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE ALL VENDORS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION. ENTER VENDOR NAME: Firm / Organization Questions 1. Do you carry an Errors & Omissions policy? 2. Do you carry a comprehensive general liability policy? 3. Does your company carry a fidelity bond? 4. Will you agree to offer a Performance Guarantee with financial penalties? If yes, include your proposed performance guarantee in your proposal, including the total amount you are willing to put at risk. 5. No No Yes Yes No No Please provide the following information. (New Mexico public sector employers or higher education organizations are preferred.) 6. Yes Yes Three (3) current client references At least one of these references should be from a client of similar size. Provide Client Name Contact Contact’s email address Address Telephone number Type of coverage (e.g., medical, life) Approximate # of employees covered by each contract Please provide the following information. (New Mexico public sector employers or higher education organizations are preferred.) Two (2) former clients, who may be contacted. Provide Client Name Contact Contact’s email address Address Telephone number Type of coverage (e.g., medical, life) Approximate # of employees covered by each contract Reason for termination Implementation, Enrollment, Eligibility and Maintenance Questions 4 P-364 ATTACHMENT 3 GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE 7. What is the normal lead-time required to implement a group? 8. What mediums do you accept for plan enrollment? 9. Do you offer online eligibility maintenance for all clients? If so, is there a charge? Is there a charge for hard copy maintenance? 10. Finalists will be required to provide a formal and detailed implementation plan. Yes Agree No Disagree General Administration Questions 11. For insured coverages: for the first and each renewal year, what periods of time will be used as the basis for determining renewal recommendations? 12. When are premiums/fees due under your policy? What is the grace period? If premium is paid after the grace period, is a penalty and/or interest charge assessed? If yes, explain in detail. Customer Service / Satisfaction Questions 13. Do you complete customer service surveys? Yes No Yes No Yes No How frequently do you conduct satisfaction surveys? What percentage of participants is surveyed? What is your performance standard for patient satisfaction survey results? 14. Will you provide a foreign language interpreter service for participants as needed? Are there any charges associated with this service? If so, specify. 15. Describe your company’s client management team structure. 16. Describe how your company handles client management responsibilities and transition when a member of the team: Goes out on extended leave (more than 2 weeks) Leaves the company 17. Provide a brief bio detailing the experience and background of each individual that would be assigned to the CNM account. 18. Provide the office location (city) that each member of the account management team works from. 5 P-364 ATTACHMENT 3 GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE 19. Does your company have a local office in the Albuquerque area? If not, what is the closest office? 20. How many onsite meetings does the account team commit to attending throughout the year for: Implementation Ongoing account management and reporting Open enrollment Health and Wellness Fair 21. Will CNM be assigned a dedicated representative? How many other accounts will this individual service? What amount of time will the representative’s time will be available to service the CNM account? Technology Questions 22. Which of the following tasks can members and plan sponsor representatives perform online? You may indicate N/A if not applicable to the line of coverage you are quoting. Members Enrollment (New Hires and Open Enrollment) Changes in Status Billing (Plan Administrators only) Claim inquiry Provider search Access provider directories Physician/provider cost and quality comparison ID card request Electronic EOB Terminations Other 23. Is there an additional cost for online services? If yes, describe. 24. What percentage of claims is auto-adjudicated through your system? 25. BRIEFLY describe the services you offer to support the client’s human resources / benefits team. Reporting Questions 26. Are you able to provide data that benchmarks the client’s experience against the following : Your book of business National norms Similar sized municipalities Please provide cost to provide benchmark reports, if any. 27. Provide a list of all standard and optional reports available and associated costs (if any). Please provide sample reports. Report Frequency Additional Cost? If so, indicate amount. 6 Plan Sponsors N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Standard? Optional? No No No No Comments P-364 ATTACHMENT 3 GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE 28. What is the lag time on reports from your firm? 29. Does the client/consultant have the ability to access your database in real time for purposes of: Tracking plan experience Utilization patterns Other available plan information How is this ability provided? Is there an additional charge to the client? If so, what is the charge? 7 Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No P-364 ATTACHMENT 3 PRESCRIPTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ALL VENDORS MUST COMPLETE THIS SECTION. The following are proposal specifications. Please complete the following chart by responding in the righthand column. If you disagree with any of the criteria, you may not be considered. If the criteria do not apply to the services you are quoting, please indicate “N/A.” ENTER VENDOR NAME: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. You have reviewed and accept the Plan’s eligibility provisions outlined in the RFP. You must be licensed in New Mexico or willing to obtain a license in New Mexico. Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Self-funded Quotes: ASO fees must be guaranteed for a minimum of two (2) years from the effective date. A third year rate guarantee is preferred. Fees must be the same for Years 1 and 2. The rates/fees/premiums should be calculated NET of commissions. Renewal rates and fees must be submitted 120 days prior to the contract renewal date. You have included detailed plan summaries for all quoted plans. You currently have a provider network in Albuquerque, NM. The vendor will be responsible for producing the Booklet/Certificate of Coverage / Summary Plan Description/Summary of Benefits and Coverage. The client reserves the right to review/revise the Booklet/COC/SPD/SBC prior to finalization. Vendor agrees to provide a booklet draft within 60 days of the effective date. Vendors may be required to attend open enrollment meetings. Vendor agrees to provide all standard reports to the client. The client must be able to access reports online. You must agree to waive the “actively at work” provision for the currently enrolled. The master contract will reflect the elimination of the actively at work restriction or deferred effective date for all initially enrolled active or inactive employees and dependents. This will include only initial eligibles (those eligible on the effective date of the contract) including COBRA continuees. You are in compliance with all HIPAA Privacy, Electronic Data Interface (EDI) and Security requirements. With regard to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) please confirm your understanding and agreement with the following: Vendors must agree to be in compliance with, and able to administer, PPACA’s required administration processes Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Agree Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Disagree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree 8 P-364 ATTACHMENT 3 PRESCRIPTION MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. and reporting requirements (e.g., nondiscrimination testing, etc.), as outlined in the law. Vendors must agree to be in compliance with, and able to administer, PPACA’s claims appeal process (both internal and external) and must be willing to take the steps necessary to ensure that the client/plan is in full compliance. This includes your agreement to contract with at least three (3) URAC-accredited IROs (Independent Review Organizations). Your contract must require no more than a 30-day notice of termination. Your contract cannot prohibit the group from terminating coverage at any time. There must be no penalties for late notification or for termination off anniversary. Vendor agrees to provide performance guarantees. Provide details within your proposal. You have specifically listed all deviations from the RFP and coverage requirements on Attachment 11, Deviations from RFP Terms and Conditions and Coverage Requirements. NOTE: Deviations MUST be listed; you cannot simply make a “general” reference to section(s) of the proposal. You completed all questionnaires and exhibits in full and in the format requested (e.g., Word or Excel – not PDF). Insurance premium tax does not apply to public entity employers including, but not limited to, cities, counties, school districts, etc. If selected, premium tax will not be charged. 9 Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree