Rubric and Template for Pace Path Four Year Plan in UNV 101 Pace Path Four Year Plan: In this assignment you will create a Pace Path Four Year Plan for your personal, academic, and professional goals for the time you spend at Pace University. The plan should be uploaded to ePortfolio in order to have your plan available through your four years at Pace. Your plan should be flexible and will evolve over time. Your individual plan should explain why you chose your major or explain why you are interested in the possible majors you wish to explore. Your plan should also include the courses you plan to take, the co-curricular activities/goals in which you plan to engage, and identify possible sources of coaching/mentoring both within Pace and outside (e.g., professionals in your possible chosen field). You will use the template provided to record your Four Year Plan. Please note that co-curricular activities/goals should have duration, supervision, and work product associated with them. However, one-time events, such as workshops and lectures, can often be highly valuable for students and are highly encouraged. These events can serve to help you find long term activities/goals for your Pace Path. Duration means that activities are ongoing across a semester, summer, or year. Supervision could come from faculty, staff, advisors, and coaches/mentors. Work product should provide evidence of success. At the end of your plan you will write a 450 to 500 word reflection on how you will accomplish your personal, academic, and professional goals in your four years at Pace. Your reflection should consider your own background (e.g., experiences, family, education, culture, etc.). The following should guide your reflection: 1. What did you expect from creating the Pace Path Four Year Plan before you did it? 2. What resulted after creating your plan? Discuss how you approached your plan. Highlight how you will accomplish your personal, academic, and professional goals while at Pace University. How will making the most of your experience at Pace help to differentiate you when you graduate? 3. What did you learn from this experience? What did you like the most from this experience? How do you think this experience will benefit you? What action could be taken to make this experience more meaningful for you? This plan will serve as a guide for your personal Pace Path in order to make the most of your Pace experience. Each semester as you will grow, learn, and reflect, you will modify your plan. Making the most of your time at Pace University will help you differentiate yourself as you pursue your interests and goals. NOTE: For many freshman it may not be possible to plan completely to senior year. Your plan should start in UNV 101, but should become fuller as you grow throughout your time at Pace. The Pace Path is an innovative four-year program unique to Pace University that helps each student become successful in college, career, and life. Each student develops strengths in managing oneself, interpersonal relations, and organizational awareness through co-curricular activities within an academic program. This is accomplished through collaboration with Pace faculty, advisers, staff, coaches, and mentors. The following is a rubric on what is expected for your Pace Path Four Year Plan. The rubric is intended to assist both the student and instructor in planning and evaluating the plan. However, the plan should be flexible enough to meet your unique needs and goals. Following the plan’s template there is space for the reflection and faculty feedback and/or student notes. This should be used as a guide for your Pace Path Four Year Plan. Remember to type your plan directly into the template so you can upload the plan to ePortfolio, which will allow you to edit the plan during your four years at Pace University. Rubric for Pace Path Four Year Plan: The following rubric will be used to guide your Pace Path Four Year Plan. Exemplary Satisfactory Needs Improvement Personal Goals and Action Steps Plan fully articulates at least one personal goal, along with needed action steps, for each semester during the four years. Academic Goals and Action Steps Plan fully articulates at least one academic goal, along with needed action steps, for each semester during the four years. Professional Goals and Action Steps Plan fully articulates at least one professional goal, along with needed action steps, for each semester during the four years. Co-Curricular Activities/Goals Note: Long term Co-Curricular Activities/Goals must have duration, supervision, and produce a work product. However, one-time events, such as workshops, lectures, etc., can often be highly valuable for students and are highly encouraged. Plan lists at least three cocurricular activities/goals to explore in the first semester (from the approved list of activities), along with at least one long term activity/goal for each of the three remaining years. Long term activities/goals must have duration, supervision, and work product. Plan fully articulates the student’s major and the reason the student choose the major. Or, the plan fully articulates the possible majors to explore and the reason for exploration. Academic Major Courses Coaching/Mentoring Template Narrative Reflection Writing Quality Plan fully lists possible courses to take over all eight semesters based upon major or possible major. Plan fully articulates a coaching/mentoring plan for the student’s major or majors in which the student is interested for each of the eight semesters (inside and outside of Pace). Plan fully uses the template provided. Plan contains a 450 to 500 word reflection on how the student will accomplish the personal, academic, and professional goals over the four years at Pace. Plan is well written with no grammatical/spelling mistakes. Plan partially articulates at least one personal goal, along with needed action steps, for most of the semesters during the four years. Plan partially articulates at least one academic goal, along with needed action steps, for most of the semesters during the four years. Plan partially articulates at least one professional goal, along with needed action steps, for most of the semesters during the four years. Plan lists at least three cocurricular activities/goals to explore in the first semester (from the approved list of activities), along with at least one long term activity/goal for most of the three remaining years. Long term activities/goals must have duration, supervision, and work product. Plan partially articulates the student’s major and the reason the student choose the major. Or, the plan partially articulates the possible majors to explore and the reason for exploration. Plan partially lists courses to take over most of the eight semesters based upon major or possible major. Plan partially articulates a coaching/mentoring plan for the student’s major or majors in which the student is interested for most of the eight semesters (inside and outside of Pace). Plan partially uses the template provided. Plan contains a 250 to 449 word reflection on how the student will accomplish the personal, academic, and professional goals over the four years at Pace. Plan is somewhat well written with few grammatical/spelling mistakes. Plan does not articulate at least one personal goal, along with needed action steps, for the semesters during the four years. Plan does not articulate at least one academic goal, along with needed action steps, for the semesters during the four years. Plan does not articulate at least one professional goal, along with needed action steps, for the semesters during the four years. Plan does not list at least three co-curricular activities/goals to explore in the first semester (from the approved list of activities), along with at least one long term activity/goal for most of the three other years. Long term activities/goals must have duration, supervision, and work product. Plan does not articulate the student’s major and the reason the student choose the major. Or, the plan does not articulate the possible majors to explore and the reason for exploration. Plan does not list courses to take over the eight semesters. Plan does not articulate a coaching/mentoring plan for the student’s major or majors in which the student is interested for most of the eight semesters (inside and outside of Pace). Plan does not use the template provided. Plan contains fewer than 250 words for the reflection on how the student will accomplish the personal, academic, and professional goals over the four years at Pace. Plan is not well written with grammatical/spelling mistakes. Pace Path Four Year Plan Template: Please use this template to articulate your Pace Path Four Year Plan. Freshman Year Personal Goals and Action Steps Fall semester Spring semester Goal: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Academic Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Professional Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Co-Curricular Activities/Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Academic Major Courses Coaching/Mentoring Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Sophomore Year Personal Goals and Action Steps Fall semester Spring semester Goal: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Academic Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Professional Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Co-Curricular Activities/Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Academic Major Courses Coaching/Mentoring Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Junior Year Personal Goals and Action Steps Fall semester Spring semester Goal: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Academic Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Professional Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Co-Curricular Activities/Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Academic Major Courses Coaching/Mentoring Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Senior Year Personal Goals and Action Steps Fall semester Spring semester Goal: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Academic Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Professional Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Co-Curricular Activities/Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Academic Major Courses Coaching/Mentoring Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Narrative Reflection Faculty Feedback (could be written by faculty member or could be a place for student notes based upon faculty/student in-person meeting) If additional space is needed for goals, you may use this sheet. Personal Goals and Action Steps Fall semester Spring semester Goal: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Academic Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Professional Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Co-Curricular Activities/Goals and Action Steps Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: Goal: Action Step: