Study Leave – Frequently Asked Questions 1 What are some examples of studies normally approved for Study Leave? 2 a technical, trade or vocational course conducted by TAFE or a registered training organisation (RTO); an enabling or bridging course; an undergraduate or postgraduate course at a university; any other accredited course at a tertiary institution or RTO; single subjects not leading to the attainment of a formal qualification (e.g. Associate Student Program at CSU). Are casual staff eligible to apply for study leave? No. 3 If I work part-time, how do I calculate the maximum number of study leave hours I am entitled to? 4 x your employment fraction as a % = Max. number of hours per week. E.g. 4 x 75% employment fraction = 3hrs maximum per week in the academic session. 4 What if my supervisor doesn’t approve of the amount of requested study leave? Study Leave is a mutual agreement between you and your supervisor where approval is subject to the operating requirements of your work area. It is expected that the Executive Director/Dean or equivalent will try to approve the amount of study leave requested (up to the maximum) so as to enable you to meet your course requirements. However, if operational requirements prevent this, then the study leave allocation should be reduced as little as possible. 5 How and when do I need to apply? It is advised that you discuss your study leave requirements and submit the completed Application for Study Leave to your supervisor before the start of each academic session or as soon as confirmation of enrolment is received. You should only apply for the amount of study leave needed to meet course requirements. This Study Leave – Frequently Asked Questions Page 1 may be lower than the maximum entitlement. If you are commencing a course, the completed application form must be accompanied by a copy of: 6 your offer of admission; the full program of study that has been approved by the tertiary institution or registered training organisation; and relevant subject/module details for the current academic session. How and when do I need to re-apply? At the commencement of each new study session, e.g. the beginning of each semester/ term/ trimester, you will need to complete a new Application for Study Leave. If you are continuing a course, the completed application form must be accompanied by a copy of: 7 subject/module results for the previous academic session; and relevant subject/module details for the current academic session. Am I eligible to apply for study leave if studying through CSU Training? Yes. For further information on CSU Training courses and/ or programs, please visit: 8 If I plan to apply for the CSU Postgraduate Study Support Scheme, am I also eligible to apply for study leave? Yes. You should discuss this with your direct supervisor and complete the required application forms. For further information about the Postgraduate Study Support Scheme, please click on the links below. Postgraduate Study Support Scheme for General Staff - Policy Postgraduate Study Support Scheme for General Staff - Procedure 9 Does study leave accrue if I do not use the agreed amount per week? No. Any leave that is not taken on a weekly basis during each session, semester, trimester, etc will not accrue to the following week. Study leave may only be used in large blocks of time for residential schools. Study Leave – Frequently Asked Questions Page 2 10 What arrangements do I need to make for my examinations? Special leave to attend and travel to/from compulsory examinations associated with a course or nominated subject is in addition to the maximum entitlement for study leave. Once you know the dates, you can then apply for special leave via Web Kiosk. 11 Is there financial support available for paying subject fees? Yes. The Division of Finance can pay your subject fees up front for an academic session and then deduct the loan instalments from your fortnightly salary. The Staff Development Fee Support form is located at under the Career Development heading. This form must be sent directly to: Accounts Receivable Division of Finance Wagga Wagga 12 How do I find out about Tax Deduction for Self-Education Expenses? If you are enrolled in a full fee-paying course that is of direct relevance to your current employment , you may claim study-related costs such as tuition and course fees, textbooks, professional and trade journals, photocopying and/or travel as a tax deduction on their tax return. NOTE: Employees who have salary packaged the course fees are not able to claim self-education expenses as a tax deduction on their tax return. Details about self-education expenses that can be claimed as tax deductions are available from the Australian Taxation Office’s website at: 13 What do I do when I have completed my course of study? On completion of a course or single subject(s), you are asked to provide a copy of your testamur/certificate and academic transcript to the Division of Human Resources for placement on your personal file. Please note that original documents are required (or copies certified by a Justice of the Peace (refer to the national register or the CSU register Alternatively, these documents may be presented to your supervisor for sighting and forwarding to Human Resources. Study Leave – Frequently Asked Questions Page 3