Preparing for your Staff Member

Information for Supervisors
– new staff member
It is important that supervisors assist new staff members with key activities when they commence to
ensure a smooth transition to the University.
The checklist below is designed to support supervisors with their responsibilities for new staff.
Obtaining a CSU Login (Username and Password)
Once appointment details have been received and entered into the HR System, an overnight transfer of
the information occurs and a CSU Login is generated by the Division of Information Technology.
After a CSU Login has been generated your staff member will be able to activate their login. This will
enable them to access IT Services and the Web Kiosk.
To activate their CSU login they will need their Staff ID No. which was provided to you in the
notification email. You are also able to access this information from your Team details within the
Web Kiosk. They should then:
Go to the login page of Staff.CSU
 Click on the link ‘Activate my account’
 Follow the prompts
 A Username and temporary Password will be provided.
Providing Proof of Identity and Qualifications
Please ensure the below documentation is submitted to the HR Service Centre for inclusion on the staff
member’s file. If not already submitted, this documentation should be sighted and certified by you on
the day they commence. To certify a document you should sight the original document, take a copy of
the document, note on the front ‘original sighted’, then sign and date the copy. Note: certified
documents must be forwarded to the HR Service Centre.
Birth Certificate or current Passport; if these documents are not readily available a current Driver’s
Licence and a valid Medicare card or Bank keycard will also be accepted.
Qualifications obtained from tertiary education institutions other than Charles Sturt University (if
Proof of residency status giving the right to employment in Australia and Passport (if applicable);
Documents related to a change of name [e.g. Marriage Certificate] (if applicable).
Information for Supervisors – new staff member
Last updated March 2016
Asset ID 699637
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Ensuring that payroll information is complete
Please also ensure the staff member has submitted the following completed forms to the HR Service
New Employee Information
CSU Banking Details
Tax File Number Declaration
Equal Opportunity Data Collection
Completing Orientation and Induction
Your new staff member is required to complete a full online Orientation and Induction to the University
within their first month of employment.
As part of the induction process please ensure they also complete the mandatory OHS and EO Training
which can be accessed via the online Orientation and Induction.
You are responsible for ensuring that the staff member receives a comprehensive induction in respect of
their specific job role.
Completing IT Induction
IT induction can be completed online by enrolling into the ‘IT Fundamentals’ course within the ELMO @
CSU Online Portal.
Please encourage your new staff member to enrol and undertake their IT Induction as soon as
possible after they commence work as it will ensure a smoother transition for them for all DIT
related matters.
Understanding Web Kiosk
Please ensure your new staff member is aware of what is available on the Web Kiosk and that they must
enter their leave requests online via the kiosk, unless they are employed under shift worker or set roster
Instructions for entering leave requests online are located on the Web Kiosk page of the HR Website.
Instructions for supervisors who are required to approve leave requests online are also located here.
How to view appointment details for your staff
To view appointment details for your staff, including appointment end dates, login to web kiosk, then:
Information for Supervisors – new staff member
Last updated March 2016
Asset ID 699637
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Select the ‘My Team’ tab
Click ‘Team Details’
Click ‘Team Appointment Summary’
Click ‘Find’
This will display all current staff details (Note: the Start Date is the date of the most recent change to
their employment record and not necessarily the date they commenced duty).
Obtaining a CSU Staff Card
All continuing and fixed-term employees are eligible for a CSU Card.
To obtain a card, staff located at campuses with card production facilities should email requesting an appointment to have their photograph taken and include:
 the campus where they are requesting the appointment; and
 their preferred day.
Card production facilities are located at the following campuses: Albury-Wodonga, Bathurst, Orange and
Wagga Wagga.
An appointment time and directions will be confirmed via return email. Please note that the production
of student cards will be given priority during periods of peak demand.
Employees located at other sites can request a CSU Card by:
completing the CSU Card Application for Staff Members;
attaching a coloured digital photograph; and
forwarding to
Please refer to the CSU Card Fact Sheet for more information.
Should you have any further queries please contact the HR Service Centre
Information for Supervisors – new staff member
Last updated March 2016
Asset ID 699637
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