Procedures & Concurrency in Ada Thanks to: Fatemeh Salehi, Maryam Foroughi Fatemeh Farzian, Maryam Khademi Control Structures Rich set of Control Structures • • • • • • • A Conditional An iterator (definite and indefinite) A case-statement Subprograms A goto-statement Facilities of handling exceptions Facilities for concurrent programming All-Purpose Iterator • Quite general, quite baroque • Syntax: loop <sequence of statements> end loop • exit-statement: • aborts the loop and resumes control after the end loop • Any number of exits, at any depth • Exit from blocks (not from subprograms) • Has some of the characteristics of nonlocal goto • Multiple mid-decision loops Loop example I := A’First; loop if I > A’Last then exit; end if; if A(I) = k then exit; end if; I := I + 1; end loop; exit when (abbreviation) I := A’First; loop exit when I > A’Last; exit when A(I) = k; I := I + 1; end loop;us from typing Saves Loop termination conditions are clearly marked X Exit can be buried deeply in the body of the loop therefore be hard to spot While loop I := A’First; When I <= A’Last Loop exit when A(I) = k; I := I + 1; end loop; For loop for I in A’Range loop exit when A(I) = K; end loop • The for-phrase automatically declares the control variable I, thereby making it local to the loop • Outside of the loop it will not be possible to determine where K was found Using a controlled variable to save K’s location for J in A’Range loop if A(I) = K then I := J; exit; end if; end loop; K was actually found or not? Declare Found: Boolean := False; begin for J in A’Range loop if A(J) = K then I := J; Found := True; exit; end if; end loop; if Found then --Handle found case else --Handle not found case end if; end; Ada’s Exception Mechanism • Ada is intended for embedded computer applications • Allows us to define exceptional situations, signal their occurrence, and respond to their occurrence Exception Handling • Example – User attempts to push an item when the stack is full – Push function raises Stack_Error, causing the exception mechanism to be called • Assume exception mechanism pops a few elements off the top of the stack and throws them away since they’re older. Then it adds the new data. – Execution of Push and the body of Producer is aborted. Definition of an Exception Handler Use Stack1; procedure Producer (...); begin ... Push (Data); ... Exception when Stack_Error => declare Scratch: Integer; begin for I in 1..3 loop if not Empty then Pop (Scratch); end if; end loop; Push (Data); end; end Producer; Propagation of exceptions • If the exception is defined in the local environment, we go to its handler, otherwise we look for a handler in the caller’s environment. • Exceptions are bound dynamically: – Violate Structure and Regularity Principles. Parameters • In – Transmit information into a procedure – Analogous to constant parameters in original Pascal – Read-only – Elementary types pass by value – Composite types up to compiler – Remaining types pass by reference Parameters • Out – Transmit results out of a subprogram – Ada 83: write-only – Ada 95: may be read after value set within subprogram – Elementary types pass by value – Composite types up to compiler Parameters • In Out – Used for parameters that are to be used as both a source and a destination by the subprogram – Elementary types pass by valueresult – Composite types pass by reference or value-result, compiler’s choice Ada’s orthogonal solution How does the compiler decide? • • • • Composite parameter: s words Each component of the parameter: 1 word Accessing components: n times Cost of passing the parameter by copying: C = 2s + n • Cost of passing the parameter by reference: R = 2n + 1 Reference or Copy Position-Independent & Default Parameters Procedure Draw_Axes (X_Origin, Y_Origin: Coord; X_Scale ,Y_Scale: Float; X_Spacing, Y_Spacing: Natural; X_Logarithmic, Y_Logarithmic: Boolean; X_Labels, Y_Labels: Boolean; Full_Grid: Boolean); Draw_Axes (500, 500, 1.0, 0.5, 10, 10, False, True, True, True, False ) Position-Independent & Default Parameters Problem of programs with many parameters: hard memorization error-prone Solution (also suggested by OS command Languages): Position-Independent Parameters: Parameters can be listed in any order. A name is associated with each parameter. Position-Independent & Default Parameters Example of Position-Independent: Draw_Axes (X_Origin => 500, Y_Origin => 500, X_Spacing =>10, Y_Spacing => 10, Full_Grid => False, X_Scale => 1.0, Y_Scale=>0.5 , X_Labels => True, Y_Labels=> True, X_Logarithmic => False, Y_Logarithmic=> True); Position-Independent & Default Parameters Position-Independent: Readable. Much less prone to mistakes than the position-dependent version. Illustration of the Labeling Principle. Like advantages of Pascal’s labeled case-statement over earlier unlabeled case-statements. Position-Independent & Default Parameters Most users will not want a full grid or logarithmic axes. All users must specify those options. Violation of the Localized Cost Principle (users should not have to pay for what they do not use). Solution: Default Parameters Position-Independent & Default Parameters Example of Default Parameters: Procedure Draw_Axes (X_Origin, Y_Origin: Coord := 0; X_Scale ,Y_Scale: Real :=1.0; X_Spacing, Y_Spacing: Natural :=1; X_Label, Y_Label: Boolean:= True; X_Logarithmic, Y_Logarithmic: Boolean:= False; Full_Grid: Boolean:= False); Draw_Axes (500, 500, Y_Scale =>0.5, Y_Logarithmic => True, X_Spacing => 10, Y_Spacing => 10); Position-Independent & Default Parameters Position-dependent and PositionIndependent parameters can be mixed in a single call. Draw_Axes (500, 500, Y_Scale =>0.5, Y_Logarithmic => True, X_Spacing => 10, Y_Spacing => 10); Position-Independent & Default Parameters Complicate Operator Identification In Ada: A less obvious cost results from feature interaction; in this case, the interaction of overloading with PositionIndependent and Default Parameters. Position-Independent & Default Parameters Complicate Operator Identification Procedure P (x: Integer ; Y:Boolean := False); Procedure P (x: Integer ; Y:Integer := 0); Procedure P bears 2 meaning at onceP is overloaded P(9,True) P(5,8) What is the meaning of the call P(3)? P(3) is ambiguous Ada dose not allow the two procedure declaration shown above. Position-Independent & Default Parameters Complicate Operator Identification A set of declarations is illegal if it introduces the potential for ambiguous calls. Type primary is (Red, Blue, Green); Type Stop_Light is (Red, Yellow, Green); Procedure Switch (Color: Primary; x: Float; Y: Float); Procedure Switch (Light: Stop_Light; Y: Float; x:Float) Switch (Red, x => 0.0, Y => 0.0) Call is ambiguous declarations is illegal Position-Independent & Default Parameters Complicate Operator Identification Switch (Red, x => 0.0, Y => 0.0) 2 over-loading: I. Overloaded enumeration II. Overloaded procedure Human reader and the compiler can have difficulty with a program that makes extensive use of overloading and position- independent and default parameters. Ada Permits Concurrent Execution Ada provides a tasking facility that allows a program to do more than one thing at a time. Example: Small, stand-alone word-processing system that allows users to print one file while they are editing another. Ada Permits Concurrent Execution Defining disjoint tasks: Procedure word_Processor is task Edit; end Edit; task body Edit is begin ------ edit the file selected -----end; task Print; end Print; task body Print is begin ------ print the file selected -----end; Begin --- initiate tasks and wait for their completion --end word_Processor; Ada Permits Concurrent Execution A task is declared very much like a package, with a separate specification and body. We do 3 things at once: We begin executing the bodies of Word_Processor Edit Print Ada Permits Concurrent Execution What does Word_Processor do? In this case not very much. Body of procedure is empty we immediately encounter the end and try to return. Ada prevents a procedure from returning as long as it has active local tasks. Ada Permits Concurrent Execution Word_Processor Edit Print Ada Permits Concurrent Execution Why Ada require all local tasks to finish before a procedure can exit? Suppose Word_Processor had some local variables; those are visible to Edit and Print. When Word_Processor exits: - its activation record is deleted any reference in Edit and Print to the local variables of Word_Processor will be meaningless dangling references Ada Permits Concurrent Execution Alternative: Delay Word_Processor’s return until it can be done safely. This is an example of the Security Principle. Will See: 1: Tasks Synchronize by Rendezvous 2: Control Access to Data Structures task DB_System is task Summary; end Summary; task body Summary is {…}; task Retrieval; entry Seek (K: Key); entry Fetch (R: out Recd); end Retrieval; task body Retrieval is {seek record and return it}; begin ...await completion of local tasks end DB_System; task body Retrieval is{ loop accept Seek (K: Key) do RK := K; end Seek; ... Seek record RK and put in Recd_Value accept Fetch(R:outRecd) do task body Summary is{ . Seek(id); . . fetch(New_Rec); . . R := Recd_Value; end Fetch; end loop; }; } Guards and Protected Types Control Concurrent Access to Data Structures Our word processor • Edit sends documents to Print for printing. task Print is entry Send (D: Document) entry Terminate end Print; task body Print is begin loop select accept Send (D: Document) do … print the document end Send; or accept Terminate do exit end Terminate; end select; end loop; End Print; Task Edit …. Print.Send(D); Making it more loosely coupled • Put a buffer (Communication) in between • We have a Send : used by Edit • And a Receive : used by Print Communication Specification (1) • Package communication is Size : constant integer :=100; Avail: integer rang 0..size:=0; Procedure Send (D: in Document); Procedure Receive (d: out Document); Private in_ptr, out_ptr: integer range o..size-1 :=0; buffer: array (0..size-1) of Document; End Communication; Communication Body (1) • Package body Communication is Procedure Send( d: in document) { buffer (in_ptr) := d; In_ptr := (in_ptr+1) mod size; avail++; } Procedure receive( d: out document) { d := buffer (out_ptr); out_ptr := (out_ptr+1) mod size; avail--; } • Avail is a critical section, we need to have mutual exclusion. • Or the implementation will be incorrect. • One way: have Communication as a task and Send and Receive as guarded entries Communication Specification (2) • Task communication is entry Send (D: in Document); entry Receive (D: out Document); entry Terminate; Private Size : constant integer :=100; Avail: integer rang 0..size:=0; in_ptr, out_ptr: integer range o..size-1 :=0; buffer: array (0..size-1) of Document; End communication; Communication Body (2) task body Communication is Begin loop select when Avail < size accept Send (D: in Document) do … end Send; or when Avail > 0 accept Receive (D: out Document) do … end Receive; or accept Terminate do exit end Terminate; end select; end loop; end Communication; • It has an overhead: an additional task, actively waiting • Ada 95 has an additional construct : – Protected type – Only one of its entries can be executed at a time Communication Specification (3) • Protected type communication is entry Send (D: in Document); entry Receive (D: out Document); Private Size : constant integer :=100; Avail: integer range 0..size:=0; in_ptr, out_ptr: integer range 0..size-1 :=0; buffer: array (0..size-1) of Document; End communication; Communication Body (3) Protected body Communication is Begin entry Send (D: in Document) when Avail< size is begin … end Send; entry Receive (D: out Document) when Avail>0 is begin … end Receive; end Communication; Syntactic Structures • Similar to Pascal declare <local declarations> begin <statements> exceptions <exception handlers> end procedure <name> (<formals>) is <local declarations> begin <statements> exceptions <exception handlers> end Procedures vs. Blocks • Procedures – Have a name – Have formal parameters – Can be “called” from diff. contexts • Blocks -are called where they are written Which Principle? Syntactic Consistency Principle Things that look similar should be similar; things that are different should look different Semicolons • Pascal – semicolons are separators – between statements • Ada – semicolons are terminators – Believed to be less error-prone Fully Bracketed syntax • Compound statement have a terminating statement • Pascal examples: for i:= ... do begin ... end if ... then begin ...end else begin ... end procedure ... begin ... end function ... begin ... end case ... of a: begin ... end; ... end while ... do begin ... end with ... do begin ... end record ... end Ada Brackets • • • • • • • • • loop ... end loop if ... end if case ... end case record ... end record function <name> (<formals>) is ... begin ... end <name>; procedure <name (<formals>) is ... begin ... end <name>; package <name> is ... end <name>; package body <name> is ... end <name>; accept <name> (<formals>) do ... end <name>; Ada Summary • An engineering trade-off • DoD Still disallows subsets • Criticized for Size – – – – – Suffers from “feature bloat” in some ways Ada-83 BNF: 1600 tokens Pascal: 500 Algol: 600 Ada 95 is even larger Ada Summary • C. A. R. Hoare suggested Ada is so big that few programmers will master it. – “Do not allow this language in its present state to be used in applications were reliability is critical ... By careful pruning of the Ada language, it is still possible to select a very powerful subset that would be reliable and efficient in implementation with safe and economic use. ... If you want a language with no subsets, you must make it small.” Ada Summary • Moderately Successful – Widely used in DoD – Not widely used in universities or the commercial market Fourth-Generation Languages • Both consolidation of 3rd generation characteristics and addition of new characteristics • Major contribution: extensions to name structures to give full data abstraction language. • Control structure improvements Fourth-Generation Languages • Dynamically scoped exception mechanism • Data structure constructors corrected some problems with 3rd generation constructors (e.g., array parameters) – Name equivalency is the rule • Syntactic structures – Fully bracketed notation Bottom Line “... culmination and fulfillment of the evolutionary process that began with FORTRAN.” Any Question? And Now Quiz !