NBMG GEOTHERMAL GEOCHEMICAL DATABASE SCHEMA AND DEFINITIONS As of 5/30/06 TABLE SITES SITE_ID Integer LatDD83 Double LonDD83 Double Type Integer Temp_Descr Text Name Text Area Text County Text State Text Township Single TownNS Text Range Single RangeEW Text Section Integer 1/4Sec Text Meridian Text 7 ½ Quadrangle Text Elevation Integer Holedepth Double Aquifer Text Primary Key Latitude, decimal degree, NAD27? Longitude, decimal degree, NAD27? Spring, well, fumarole, etc. Cold (<20C), warm (20-37C), hot (>=37C) Most-used name of spring Group (can be 1 ("Kyle") or multiple as in "Steamboat Springs") County Two letter state abbreviation Number N or S only Number E or W only Section (1-36) Quarter section or more (we need to adopt single convention) Cadastral coordinate meridian 7.5 minute quad the site occurs within Meters above sea level Depth of hole, if it is a well Name of Aquifer the spring or well taps into TABLE SITEMANY SITE_ID Integer OLDSITEID Integer SITEMANY_ID Integer CHEM_ID Integer Date Date TempC Double Date Double FlowRate Double HoleDepth Double SampleDepth Double ('Many' in one to many relationship with SITES) Primary Key to Sites Table Temporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly Primary Key To cue temperature/flow rate data to a sample: OPTIONAL Date of reading Temperature reading in degrees Centigrade Date temperature (or comment, flow rate…) taken Flow rate in liters per minute (if Site is a spring) Total Depth of hole in meters (if Site is a well) Sample depth of hole in meters (if Site is a well) TABLE SITEEXTRAS SITEID Integer SITEEXTRAID Integer OLDSITEID Integer Text Text Type Text ('Many' in one to many relationship with SITES) Primary Key to Sites Table Primary Key Temporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly Contains data for whatever item is in ‘Item’ Field Type of information stored in ‘Text” field (Name, etc.) The above table is going to contain information on the following fields: Hot Spring Name Mapname - Mapscale TABLE SITECOM SITE_ID Integer SITECOMID Integer OLDSITEID Integer Comment Type Text Comment Text Primary Key to Sites Table Primary Key to SITECOM Table Temporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly Type of comment (“Location”, temperature, flow rate, etc.)i Comment TABLE CHEM SITE_ID Integer CHEM_ID Integer OLDSITEID Integer DATE Date TIME Date/Time Medium Text CollectedBy Text Analyst Text PointofCollect Text Lab Number Text OrigLat Double OrigLon Double OrigFile Text Filtersize Text Reference Text TempC Double Alkalinity-lab Double Alkalinity-field Double Alkalinity Type Text Alkalinity Total Double Conduct Field Double Conduct Lab Double Conduct Unk Double Turbidity-lab Double Turbidity-field Double Turbidity-unk Double Hardness Double Hardness Double Non-Carb Hard Double pHField Double pHLab Double pH Paper Double eH-field Double eH-lab Double TDSM Double TDSC Double TDSc Equation Double Specific Gravity Double Na Double K Double Ca Double Mg Double SiO2 Double As Double B Double Ba Double F Double Fe Double H2S Double Li Double Mn Double Si Double Si (total) Double Si02 (total) Double ('Many' in one to many relationship with SITES) Primary Key to Sites Table Primary Key Temporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly Date sample collected (or, whatever date in database…) Time sample collected Medium sampled (water, steam, gas) Person or group taking the sample Person or group analyzing the sample (drop down?) Spot at site where the sample was collected Lab sample number Original latitude of sample, DDNAD83ii Original longitude of sample, DDNAD83ii Name of original file data came from (or “hand-entered”, etc) Filter size, in microns, or description such as "unfiltered" Short reference, which is also the key to Reference lookup table Temperature in Centigrade mg/l as CacO3 in labiii mg/l as CacO3 in fieldiii Description of alkalinity Total alkalinity, incremental titration, mg/l as CaCO3 Specific Conductivity field, microseimens/cm at 25o C, unfilterediii Specific Conductivity lab, microseimens/cm at 25o C, unfilterediii Specific Conductivity, unknown method, “ “ unfilterediii Lab meas. In Nephalometric Units, unfilterediii Field meas. In Nephalometric Units, unfilterediii Unknown method in Nephalometric Units, unfilterediii mg/l as CaCO3, filterediii mg/l as CaCO3, unfilterediii mg/l as CaCO3 pH of sample taken in field at time of samplingiii pH of sample taken at labiii pH of sample using pH paper taken in field at time of samplingiii Millivoltsiii Millivoltsiii Total Dissolved Solids (measured), mg/liii Total Dissolved Solids (calculated), mg/liii Total dissolved solids using some equation (?), mg/liii Specific gravity, g/cm3 mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered Total silica, mg/l filtered Sr Br Cl OH PO4 SO3 SO4 CO3 CO3 Field CO3 Corr HCO3 HCO3 Field HCO3 Lab Cation Geo Silcia Geo Avg Geo Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double Double mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered as P mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered mg/l filtered field carbonate mg/l, filtered, with steam correction mg/l filtered bicarbonate mg/l filtered field bicarbonate mg/l filtered lab bicarbonate Calculated cation geothermometer temperature, degrees C Calculated silica geothermometer temperature, degrees C Average of cation and silica geothermometeriv NOTE: All the data in CHEMMORE is currently duplicated in the CHEM Tableiii TABLE CHEMMORE (Many in 1 to many relationship with CHEM) CHEM_ID Integer Primary Key to Chem Table CHEMMOREID Integer Primary Key VALUE Double Value for whatever Type field is (“3.7”) Item Text Field name for which Value is assigned to (“Alkalinity”) Type Text Descriptor for Item (“Field”, “Lab”, etc.) Date Date/Time Date listed in the original reference The above fields are going to contain information on the following fields:* Hardness Double Hardness, mg/l HardType Text “Lab”, “Non-carbonate”, etc. pH Double pH reading, whatever type, pH units pHType Text ‘Lab’, ‘field’, or ‘unknown’ Alkalinity Double Alkalinity value, whatever type AlkalinityType Text ‘Lab’, ‘Field’, or whatever text is in there (e.g. “CaCO3”) Eh Double eH reading, millivolts EHType Text ‘Lab’, ‘field’, or ‘unknown’ Turbidity Double Turbidity reading, Nephalometric Units, unfiltered TurbidityType Text ‘Lab’, ‘field’, or ‘unknown’ SpecCond Double Specific Conductivity, microseimens/cm at 25o C, unfiltered SpecCondType Text ‘Lab’, ‘field’, or ‘unknown’ TDS Double Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l TDSType Text Calculated or measured Source Double Source of Sample (drop down: Stack, Counter, NBMG, etc.) SourceNo. Integer Number associated with source TABLE CHEMCOM CHEM_ID Integer CHEMCOMID Integer Comment Type Text Comment Text Primary Key to Chem Table Primary Key Drop down box with discrete type: “Point of Collection”, etc. Comment TABLE TRACE SITE_ID Integer TRACE_ID Integer CHEM_ID Integer DATE Date/Time (Many in 1 to many relationship with SITE) Primary Key to Sites Table Primary Key Primary key to tie this sample to data in the chem. table Date listed in original reference, presumably sample date Al Al_Filtersize Double Al3 (02) Double Al3 (045) Double Ag Double Au Double Be Double Bi Double Cd Double Cr Double Cs Double Cu Double Dy Double Eu Double Fe1 Double Fe2 Double Fettl Double Ga Double Ge Double Hg Double I Double Mo Double Nd Double Ni Double Pb Double Rb Double S Double Sb Double Sc Double Se Double Sn Double Th Double Ti Double Tl Double U Double V Double W Double Zn Double Zr Double (Gas portion of table) Ar Double Ar_diss Double CH4 Double CH4diss Double C2H6 Double CO2 Double CO2_diss Double H2 Double H2_diss Double H2S_aq Double He Double O2 Double N2 Double N2_diss Double NO2 Double NO3 (N) Double Size, in microns, of filter Al3 value, mg/l, after filtering through a 0.2 micron filter Al3 value, mg/l, after filtering through a 0.45 micron filter All the trace elements below are in mg/l mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered Fe 2+ mg/l, filtered Fe 2+ + Fe3+ mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered mg/l, filtered Argon Argon. dissolved NO3 Field NH3 NH3 Free NH4 (N) NH4 Field S2O3 TIC Double Double Double Double Double Double Double TABLE ISOTOPE SITEID Integer OLDSITEID Integer ISOTOPEID Integer CHEMID Integer Date Date/Time C13 Doouble C13 in CO2 Double C14 Double C14 App Double Deuterium Double Tritium Double O18/O16 H20 Double O18/O16 CO2 Double O18/O16 S04 Double NH3 Free Double S 34/32 Double S 34/32 SO4 Double AlphaRadio Double BRadioCS Double BRadioSr Double N15/N14 Double Radon Double TABLE ISOPTOPEALPHA ISOALPHAID Integer SITEID Integer OLDSITEID Integer NWISID Integer DATE Text TIME Text Alpha Text Value Double Isotope Text Primary Key to Site Table Temporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly Primary Key Primary Key to Chem Table Percent modern Apparent age in years Isotope ratio per mil Isotope ratio per mil in sulfate Alpha radioactivity in mg/l picograms per liter Cesium picograms per liter Strontium Isotope ratio, per mil pictogram (or picocuries?) per liter Primary Key to Isotope Table Primary Key Temporary key until we’re sure we removed sites correctly Temporary key for determining units Alphanumeric assoc with record (“<”, “>”, “below detection”, etc) Value Name of isotope TABLE ALPHA One to many relationship with CHEM and TRACE tables CHEM_ID Integer Primary Key to Chem Table ALPHAID Integer Primary Key Plus fields as described below This table contains records where there was a problem with analysis of compounds found in the CHEM and TRACE tables. Usually the values are below detection limits of the equipment. In the table are two fields for each compound: the value (if any) and a text ‘alpha’ field showing the flag associated with each record (“<”, “>”, “below detection”, etc). The table has these pairs for Ag, Al, As, Au, B, Ba, Be, Bi, Br, Ca, Cd, Cl, Co, Fe total, Flowrate, Cr, Cs, Cu, C2H6, CO3, C13, CH4, F, Fe, Ga, Ge, H2, H2S, Hg, I, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, NH4, Ni, NO3, Pb, PO4, Rb, Re, Sb, Se, AlkTtl, Conductivity, He, HCO3, Hardness, Na, N2, O2, O2UF, pH Field, pH Lab, SpecGrav, Turbidity, Tritium, S, SO2, S2O3, SO3, SO4, SiO2, Sr, Sulfide, SulfideH2S, SulfideUF, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W, Zr TABLE GETREFS ID Integer CHEMID Integer REF Integer Lookup table between CHEM and REF table Key to table CHEM table key Key to REF table TABLE REFS REF FAuthor Authors Title Year Pub Contains long (bibliographic) references keyed to ‘ref’ in CHEM Pseudo-primary key for each reference First author with [second author or "others"] and date List of all the authors, in last name + initial(s) format Title of Text Year of Publication Publication name, volume, edition, number, etc. Integer Text Text Text Text Text Thus, bibliographic references can be concatenated for any record in the CHEM table. i Based on assumption that some springs or wells will have temperature sampled without any chem. data that would be contained in the chem table. Makes for duplicate location of temperature data ii Original latitude and longitude of a record is maintained because we moved some locations around in the SITE table which we think are better, but we leave the original location here in case we were mistaken. iii Many fields in the CHEM table contain multiple ways a measurement was sampled. For example, pH was potentially sampled both in the field and/or in the lab. The table thus can include multiple fields ‘pH Field’, ‘pH Lab’, or ‘pH Unknown’ if the method was not specified. This data can also be found in the CHEMMORE table keyed to the CHEM table in a one-to-many relationship, with two fields per measurement: “Type” (such as ‘field’, ‘lab’, ‘unknown’, etc.) and “Item” (such as pH, eH, etc.). Yes, this is in violation of database normalization rules, but the data were put in two ways to determine which worked best, with the idea that one way would eventually be removed. iv Yes, this could have been a calculated field