Semantics • In propositional logic, we associate atoms with propositions about the world. • We specify the semantics of our logic, giving it a “meaning”. • Such an association of atoms with propositions is called an interpretation. • Under a given interpretation, atoms have values – True or False. We are willing to accept this idealization (otherwise: fuzzy logic). 1 Interpretations An interpretation of an expression in the predicate calculus is an assignment that maps • object constants into objects in the world, • n-ary function constants into n-ary functions, • n-ary relation constants into n-ary relations. 2 Interpretations Example: Blocks world: B A C Floor Predicate Calculus A B C Fl On Clear World A B C Floor On = {<B,A>, <A,C>, <C, Floor>} Clear = {<B>} 3 Semantics Meaning of a sentence is truth value {t, f} Interpretation is an assignment of truth values to the propositional variables ²i f [Sentence f is t in interpretation i ] 2i f [Sentence f is f in interpretation i ] Semantic Rules ²i true for all i 2i false for all i [the sentence false has truth value f in all interpret.] ²i :f if and only if 2i f ²i f Æ y if and only if ²i f and ²i y [conjunction] ²i f Ç y if and only if ²i f or ²i y [disjunction] ²i P iff i(P) = t 4 Terminology A sentence is valid iff its truth value is t in all interpretations (² f) Valid sentences: true, : false, P Ç : P A sentence is satisfiable iff its truth value is t in at least one interpretation Satisfiable sentences: P, true, : P A sentence is unsatisfiable iff its truth value is f in all interpretations Unsatisfiable sentences: P Æ : P, false, : true 5 Models and Entailment Sentences semantics An interpretation i is a model of a sentence f iff ²i f entails semantics Sentences A set of sentences KB entails f iff subset Interpretations every model of KB is also a modelInterpretations of f KB = A Æ B f=B KB ² f iff ² KB ! f KB entails f if and only if (KB ! f) is valid AÆB²B AÆB B U 6 Sentence ExamplesInterpretation that make Valid? sentence’s truth value = f smoke ! smoke valid smoke ! fire satisfiable, not valid smoke = t, fire = f (s ! f) ! (: s ! : f) satisfiable, not valid s = f, f = t (s ! f) ! (: f ! : s) b Ç d Ç (b ! d) bÇdÇ:bÇd valid smoke Ç :smoke s ! f = t, : s ! : f = f valid 7