Schedule for cool down (March 2008) Strategy for 2008 2009 A 2008 Hardware commissioning Machine checkout To 5TeV No beam 2009 Train to 7TeV No beam Beam Setup 5TeV 43 bunch operation Train to 7TeV Beam B Machine checkout Beam commissioning C 75ns ops 25ns ops I Beam Shutdown Stage A physics running for ALICE and LHCb 43 (44) equidistant bunches Need to do something for LHCb Previously thought to displace bunches in one beam (asym) Can do better (symmetrically displace bunches in both beams) Allows to adjust luminosity sharing between 2 and 8 while keeping maximum number of collisions in 1 and 5 Parameters for 5TeV run Target machine parameters - Stage I - 43 bunch operation Set parameters Unit Injection Collision Crossing angle 1 & 5 μrad 0 0 Crossing angle 2 μrad 0 0 Crossing angle 8 (+/- spectrometer polarity) μrad 0 0 Separation 1 & 5 mm 5 5 Transverse IP shift (crossing plane) mm 0 0 Separation 2 mm 4 4 Transverse IP shift (crossing plane) mm 0 0 Separation 8 mm 4 4 Transverse IP shift (crossing plane) mm 0 0 Beta * 1 & 5 m 11 2 Beta * 2 m 10 10 Beta * 8 m 10 6 Energy TeV 0.450 5 Number of bunches 43 4×1010 Bunch intensity Longitudinal emittance eV.s Normalised transverse emittance μm.rad < 1.0 2.5 3.5 3.75 Parameters for 5TeV run Derived parameters Unit Injection 1.72×1012 Protons per beam Current per beam mA Stored energy per beam MJ Relativistic Gamma 3.1 0.12 480 Bunch length cm 11.24 Beam size 1 & 5 μm 283 Beam size 2 & 8 μm 270 F Peak luminosity 1 & 5 Events per crossing 1 & 5 (60 mbarn) Collision cm-2 s-1 - 1 TBSO Parameter list Circuits and currents Implications What is needed, what is not What do we do about magnets at zero field Experiment magnets will be at 7TeV field Collimators Getting ready for 2009 Training to 7TeV Circuits not commissioned in 2008 75ns and 25ns operation ions