2. 1. Barbara Hensley Shepard Longwood University 212 W. Ruffner Farmville, VA 23909 (434) 395-2294 shepardbh@longwood.edu 455 Taro Road Cullen, Virginia 23944 (434) 542-4170 - Horne (540) 391-4731)- Cell sheparbx@aol.com Education University of Mississippi Doctoral Candidate Expected date of completion: Fall 2011 Major: U S History through 1865 Minor: Early Modem Europe Minor: Southern History James Madison University Master of Arts, 1988 Major: History (U S) Longwood College Bachelor of Arts, 1995 Major: History Teaching and Professional Interests Colonial U S through Early National Period History of the South Virginia History History of Southside Virginia U S Social and Intellectual Tudor-Stuart England Georgian England Experience August 2002 -present LongwoodUniversity Lecturer /Adjunct Courses taught: History of Western Civilization Tudor-Stuart England United States History U S Nineteenth-Century Social and Intellectual History Victorian England Renaissance and Reformation 2001/2002 Randolph Henry High School Courses taught: United States History (Dual Enrollment) Political Science (Dual Enrollment) August 1999-May 2001 University of Mississippi Graduate Teaching Assistant Lectured, led discussion groups, graded maintained attendance and grading records May 1997-December 1998 James Madison University Graduate Teaching Assistant Taught World History, led discussion groups, created and graded examinations, maintained attendance and grading records March 1984-July 1991 U S Postal Service Various positions, ranging from Postmaster, Supervisor Mail Processing to distribution/window clerk Work in all aspects of mail delivery and processing, except actual delivery. Managed up to 20 employees and met all required budget and time restraints. Awards Study Abroad Scholarship 1994 University of Bath Bath, England Carlton B. Smith Award 1998 James Madison University Professional Affiliations American Historical Association Organization of American Historians APVA Charlotte County Museum – Board Member Southern Historical Association Research Interests Little “r” Republicanism Politics in the Early National Period Colonial Virginia through the Age of Jackson The Randolphs of Virginia