
Academic rank
Associate Professor
Date Employed
August, 2001
CCC Status (check all that apply)
Tenure status:
Tenure track
Full-time in accredited program?
X Tenured
East Carolina University
Central Michigan University
Central Michigan University
Date tenured:
May 2006
Communication Sci. & Dis.
Speech-Language Pathology
Communication Disorders
Describe significant professional experience, contributions, and continuing education
activities during the past 3 years.
List major areas of research interests:
Traumatic Brain Injury and General Neurolinguistic Processing (auditory and visual)
List publications, presentations completed:
Rastatter, M.P., Barrow, I.M. and Stuart, A. (2007). The effects of frequency altered feedback on
reading comprehension abilities of normal and reading disordered children. Neuroscience
Letters, 416, 266-271.
Barrow, I.M., Collins, J.N., Britt, L.D., (2006). The influence of an auditory distraction on rapid
naming following a mild traumatic brain injury: A longitudinal study. Journal of Trauma,
61(5), 1-9.
Barrow, I.M., Hough, M., Rastatter, Michael, P., Walker, M., Holbert, D., and Rotondo, M.F.,
(2006). The effects of mild traumatic brain injury on confrontation naming in adults. Brain
Injury, 20(8), 845-855.
Sung H. You, S. H., Jang, S. H., and Barrow, I. (2005) Virtual reality induced-cortical
reorganization in a child with hemiparetic cerebral palsy: An experimenter-blind case
report. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 47, 628-635
Barrow, I.M., Givens, G., Stuart, A., Kalinowski, J., and Rastatter, M.P. (2005). Influence of
duration and location of pauses on comprehension of a temporarily ambiguous utterance
in adults. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 100, 142-152.
Barrow, IM, Hough, M., Rastatter, M., Walker, M., Holbert, D., and Rotondo, M. (2003) Can
within-category naming identify subtle cognitive deficits in the mild traumatic brain injured
patient? Journal of Trauma, 54(3), 888-95; discussion 895-7.
Hough, M. S. and Barrow, I. (2003) Descriptive discourse abilities of traumatic brain-injured
adults. Aphasiology. Vol 17(2), 183-191.
Walker, M., Barrow, I. M., and Rastatter, Michael P., (2002), The effect of dimension and
vocabulary age on rapid picture naming in children, Journal of Communication Disorders,
Barrow, I.M., Holbert, D., and Rastatter, M.P. (2000), Effect of color on developmental picturevocabulary naming of 4, 6, and 8 year old children, American Journal of SpeechLanguage Pathology,9, 310-318.
2008 Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Poster Session: Influence of
duration and location of pauses on comprehension of a temporarily ambiguous utterance
in elderly adults.
2007 Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, Longitudinal recovery of speeded
processing and the effects of an auditory distraction following a mild traumatic brain
2007 Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia Richmond, Virginia Oral Presentation:
Current Research in MTBI: An Update
2006 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention Miami, Florida
Oral Presentation: Can pictures make a difference in treatment and evaluation?
2006 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention Miami, Florida
Poster Presentation: The Effect of an Auditory Distraction on Performance
Following MTBI
2006 Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia 48th Annual Convention. Williamsburg,
Virginia Oral Presentation: Understanding Cognitive Load Issues in Stuttering Treatment.
2006 Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia 48th Annual Convention Williamsburg,
Virginia Oral Presentation: The Teaching-Planning-Application Method of Treatment
Planning: Applications for all Treatment Areas.
2006 Eastern Association of Surgical Trauma, 19th Annual Scientific Assembly Orlando, Florida
The Influence of an Auditory Distraction on Rapid Naming Following Mild Traumatic Brain
Injury: A Longitudinal Study.
2005 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention San Diego,
California Oral Presentation: Planning Daily Intervention Through the Use of the
Teaching-Practice-Application Method.
2005 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention San Diego,
California Poster Presentation: The Influence of an Intermittent Auditory Distraction on
Within Category Naming Latency and Accuracy.
2005 Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia Annual Conference Charlottesville,
Virginia Oral Presentation: Is Picture Naming Really a Simple Task?
2005 Speech-Language-Hearing Association of Virginia Annual Conference Charlottesville,
Virginia Oral Presentation: Influence of an Auditory Distraction on Naming in Adults.
2005 National Rehabilitation Hospital: Grand Rounds Conference Bethesda, MD Invited oral
presentation: You SH, Jang SH, Kim Y-H, Kwon Y, Barrow I, Hallett M. Virtual Reality
Induced-Cortical Reorganization in a Child With Hemiparetic Cerebral Palsy: An
Experimenter-Blind Case Report.
List grants awarded:
2007 CO-PI; Awarded: James Madison University: $66,000 Sub-Grant of the Virginia
Department of Education’s initiative for implementation of an online masters degree
program collaboration between Hampton University, James Madison University, University
of Virginia and Longwood University.
2007 Awarded: Virginia Department of Education: $5000 Continuing education initiative to
provide teleconference opportunities
2007 ACE Award for Continuing Education, Awarded by the American Speech-LanguageHearing Association.
2006 CO-PI; Awarded: James Madison University: $50,000 Sub-Grant of the Virginia
Department of Education’s initiative for implementation of an online masters degree
program collaboration between Hampton University, James Madison University, University
of Virginia and Longwood University.
2005 Awarded: Hampton University Faculty Research Grant: $5000 Research Project:
Computerized Assessment of Expressive and Receptive Picture Vocabulary.
2004 Awarded: Hampton University Faculty Research Grant: $4000 Research Project: Rapid
Naming Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Longitudinal Study
List activities related to clinical service delivery:
SLP in VA public schools
List clinical supervision experience:
6 ½ yrs in academia; 4 yrs during other work environments.
List professional development (e.g., continuing education activities, attendance at professional
meetings, completion of course work, in-services). Provide the title/topic of activities.
2007 ACE Award for Continuing Education, Awarded by the American Speech-LanguageHearing Association.
List professionally related service activities:
2007 American-Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention Program Committee
Speech and Hearing Association of Virginia (SHAV):
Elected: Vice President for Speech-Language Pathology (Term: 2005-2009)
Conference Planning Committee 2004-2005
Conference Planning Committee, Call for Papers Chair 2006 Conference
Virginia Department of Education Distance Learning Consortium Committee
-Assisted in writing planning grant for $300,000.00 to develop a distance learning consortium
of all Virginia universities offering degrees in Speech-Language Pathology.
List courses currently teaching:
Graduate: Speech Science (both on campus and online); Diagnostics; Articulation/Phonology;
Aphasia and Related Disorders; Voice Disorders; Independent Research
Undergraduate: Language Disorders in Children and Adolescents; Fluency Disorders