CSDS 530

Summer 2008
June 18, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28, July 2 8:30 – 12:30; July 9 1 – 5
Instructor: Lissa Power-deFur, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Office Hours: After class and by appointment
Contact Information: Hull 263; 434-395-2369; powerdefurea@longwood.edu
Course Description
Discussion of the ASHA Code of Ethics, contemporary professional, multi-cultural, and legal
issues with application to clinical practice. 2 credits
Texts and Web Resources
Irwin, D. , Pannbacker, M., Powell, T.W., Vekovius, G. (2007). Ethics of Speech-Language
Pathology and Audiology: An Illustrated Casebook. New York: Thomas/Delmar Learning.
Lubinski, R., Golper, L.A., Frattali, C.M. (2007). Professional Issues in Speech-Language
Pathology and Audiology. N.Y.: Thomson/Delmar Learning.
Yairi, E. (2006). The Tudor study and Wendell Johnson. In R. Goldfarb (ed.), Ethics: A case
study from fluency (pp. 35 – 62). San Diego: Plural Publishing. (available on Blackboard).
Students will be asked to access various documents from the ASHA website (www.asha.org)
including ASHA Issues in Ethics statements, policy and guidance documents, certification
standards. In addition, students will be accessing licensure requirements from the Board of
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (www.dhp.virginia.gov/aud/) and the Board of
Education (www.doe.virginia.gov) web sites
Course Objectives
The following conceptual framework competencies guide the planning and delivery of instruction
in this course. Specific course objectives reflect this framework as they focus on the needs of
the students for developing skills as professionals who will be knowledgeable, caring and ethical
ASHA KASA Standards (applicable to this course)
Standard IV-G: The applicant for certification must complete a program of study that includes
supervised clinical experiences sufficient in breadth and depth to achieve the following skills
outcomes (in addition to clinical experiences, skills may be demonstrated through successful
performance on academic course work and examinations, independent projects, or other
appropriate alternative methods)
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of, appreciation for, and ability to interpret the ASHA Code
of Ethics, including the ability to make professional decisions informed by the code.
Revision 8-07 Demonstrate knowledge of and ability to apply the ASHA Code of Ethics
in an ethical decision-making model; identifying the appropriate choice of action
when faced with an ethical dilemma.
2. Demonstrate understanding of certification requirements related to completion of the
KASA form. (KASA IV-G)
3. Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary professional issues, including professional
practice, academic program accreditation standards, ASHA practice policies and
guidelines, and reimbursement procedures. (KASA IV-G)
4. Demonstrate knowledge about certification, specialty recognition, licensure, and
other relevant professional credentials, including knowledge of state and federal
regulations and policies related to the profession of speech-language pathology.
5. Demonstrate understanding of the structure and purposes of ASHA. (KASA IV-G)
6. Discuss multicultural issues facing communication disorders specialists. (KASA IVG)
Course Requirements
Honor Code:
Students are expected to abide by the Longwood University Honor Code at all times. Suspicion
of any violation will be investigated and university policy will be followed. The Longwood Honor
Code can be found at
Students shall write the Academic Pledge on each assignment before submission. Failure to
do so shall results in a 2 point deduction on each assignment.
Disability Statement:
The instructor is willing to meet reasonable accommodations for any students with a
documented disability. The student should submit supporting material to the instructor. This
includes the necessary accommodations as outlined by the Disability Support Center at
Longwood University (http://www.longwood.edu/disability). This information must be
submitted within the first 2 calendar days of class.
Announcements and course documents will be posted on Blackboard. Students are
encouraged to check Blackboard regularly and bring copies of the course documents to class.
Attendance Policy
In accordance with the Longwood University Attendance Policy, the class grade may be lowered
one letter grade if a student misses 10% of the class meetings, and a grade of F may be
assigned if a student misses 25% of class meetings. Absence, without prior consultation
with the instructor, on a day when a student is scheduled to present a case study will
result in a grade of zero on the assignment.
Policy on Late Assignments. Students are expected to submit assignments on the due
date. Work may be submitted late but there will be a 5% penalty each 24 hour period after due
date until date of actual submission. Students with a significant personal emergency, may
get an extension if approved by the instructor in advance. Students requesting such an
extension should be prepared to offer an explanation of the problem and a reasonable proposal
for an alternative due date.
Use of technology in the classroom. Students are welcome to use laptop computers for
note-taking. Courtesy is expected in the classroom: students should not use the computers for
any other purpose nor should cell phones be used for text messaging. Such personal use of
technology during class will be reflected in lowered participation grades.
Class and Assignment Schedule
1. June 16
8:30 – 12:30
2. June 17
10:45 – 2:45
3. June 18
8:30 – 12:30
4. June 19
10:45 – 2:45
5. June 23
2 – 5 pm
Hull 249
 Course Overview
 Scope of Practice
 What is Ethics?
 Ethical Principals
 Professional Issues
 ASHA Code of Ethics
 Professional Liability
 Ethical Decision-Making
6. June 27
A 8:30 – 10:00
B 10:30 – 12:30
7. June 30
Hull 249
8. July 7
Coding and Reimbursement
Issues (guest speaker: Nancy
Swigert 9 – 11)
Professional Autonomy
Workforce Issues
Personality Types
Effective Teams
Ethics: Competence
Professional Organizations,
Credentials and Licensing
Ethics: Public Statements and
A. Creating and Running a
Rehabilitation Agency (Scott
Rankins, M.S., guest speaker)
B. Counseling (Dr. Linwood
Cousins, guest speaker)
 Ethics: Beneficience and
 Ethics: Public Statements
and Professionalism (cont)
 Tudor Study
 Ethics Case Presentations
 Ethics Case Presentations
 Lubinski, et al, Ch 1, 4
 Irwin, et al, Ch 1 and 2
Irwin, et al, Ch 4
Lubinski, et al, ch 5
Journal entry 1 due
Lubinski, Ch 7, 9, 12, 13
Journal entry 2 due
Lubinski, Ch 26
Journal entry 3 due
Irwin, et al, Ch 6, 7, 9, 10
Lubinski, et al, ch 2, 3
Credentials Matrix due
Professional Organization
flyer due
Journal entry 4 due
Lubinski, et al, ch 17
Journal entry 5 due
Practice Paper due
Irwin, et al, Ch 5
Journal entry 6 due
Yairi article
Journal entry 7 due
Hull 249
July 12 (due date, no
Ethics Essay Due
Journal entry 8 due
Ethics Essay Rating due
Professional Practice Paper (30 points)
Identify an area of practice of high interest and low skill to you (as identified in the Scope of
Practice activity completed in class). Review a minimum of 3 ASHA documents and 2 researchbased sources about this area of practice. In a 5-page paper, describe: the area of practice
and the evidence-based practice you identified supporting this area of practice, specific skills
you will need to develop, and concrete steps you will employ to build your skills throughout
graduate school and in the first ten years of your career.
9 points
9 points
9 points
3 points
Reflects ASHA documents
Identifies evidence-based practice for this area of practice
Based on analysis of readings, discusses the skills needs and plans
steps to take
Form (spelling, grammar, organization)
Ethics Essay (25 points)
Prepare a 500 word (max) essay on Principle of Ethics IV, addressing the importance and
relevance of the principle of ethics and its rules. This essay may be appropriate for the ASHA
Ethics 2008 Essay Contest Your essay will be graded (blindly) by your colleagues according to
the following criteria: Clarity of Position, Support for Argument, Analysis, and Form. (A rating
form will be provided). 20 points for your essay, based on the average rating. 5 points for
completing the rating of your colleagues.
Ethics Case Presentation (30 points)
Each student will be given an ethic case, presented as if it was a complaint to the ASHA Board
of Ethics. Each student should review the case and relevant ASHA policy and practice
documents and Issues in Ethics statements. The student should present the case to the class,
reviewing relevant facts. Principles and Rules of Ethics implicated should be identified. The
presentation should include a recommendation for Board of Ethics action (no violation, possible
violation, sanctions if there is a founded violation). The class will simulate the Board of Ethics
and vote on your recommendations. After the simulation, provide your recommendation
regarding an alternative approach the individual could have taken that would have avoided a
possible violation of the Code of Ethics. A handout should be provided that includes the above
information and recommendations (at least one ASHA Issues in Ethics Statement and one
ASHA policy document must be referenced)
10 points
10 points
5 points
5 points
Reflects knowledge of ASHA Code of Ethics
Reflects knowledge of relevant ASHA policy documents
Clear handout
Reasonableness of alternative approach
Professional Organization Flyer (20 points)
Building on the information in Chapter 3 of Lubinski, et al, develop a flyer to promote
membership in ASHA, SHAV, an ASHA Special Interest Division, or attainment of Special
Recognition through ASHA. This flyer should target a specific population (e.g., public school
speech-language pathologists, 20-something graduate students, career professionals, career
switchers). The target population should be identified in when the flyer is turned in.
10 points
5 points
5 points
Accurately reflects information about the professional organization
Information presented is appropriate for the values and interests of the
target population
Flyer (creativity, spelling, grammar, organization)
Reflective Journal (80 points, 10/day)
Complete a short (2 – 4 page, double-spaced) reflection each week, reflecting on your readings,
the class material, and class discussions. Specific topics should be addressed each week, at a
Journal 1: definition ethics and profession
Journal 2: consider an ethical dilemma you have faced in the past and how the ethical decisionmaking framework would have been of assistance; professional liabity
Journal 3: reimbursement and coding issues
Journal 4: what have you learned about your personality type and how it will influence your
relationships with colleagues and parents
Journal 5: ethics scenarios discussed
Journal 6: counseling
Journal 7: ethics cases discussed
Journal 8: overall course reflection
Grading will be based on the degree to which your journal includes
(a) information from the readings and the class material (5 points);
(b) analysis and reflection on the information you learned (5 points).
Credentials Matrix (20 points)
Review the ASHA, Virginia Department of Education, and Board of Audiology and SpeechLangauge Pathology (BASLP) web sites to identify the academic, clinical, continuing education,
ethical and other requirements that must be met to obtain certification (ASHA), licensure (Va
Board of Education, BASLP) or recognition (ASHA Specialty Recognition) from that entity.
Complete the matrix (provided).
8 points
ASHA requirements
4 points
Board of Education requirements
4 points
BASLP requirements
4 points
Specialty Recognition requirements
Participation (40 points, 5 points/day)
This is a seminar-based class, therefore student participation is critical to mastering the
principles and concepts presented. Each day, students’ participation will be rated according to
the following rubric.
5 points
3 points
1 points
involved, questions and comments reflect thorough knowledge of the readings
some involvement, questions and comments reflect knowledge of the readings
not involved, questions and comments do not reflect knowledge of the readings
Professional Practice Paper
Ethics Case Presentation
Ethics Essay
30 points
30 points
30 points
Professional Organizations Flyer
Credentials Matrix
Reflective Journal
20 points
20 pts
80 points
40 points
250 points
Due Date
June 25
June 30/July 7
Your Essay: July 9
Review of peers: July 12
July 2
June 23
Each day
Each day
243 – 250 points
230 - 242
225 - 229
220 - 224
205 - 219
200 - 204
below 200
Additional Resources
Goldfarb, R. (2006). Ethics; A Case Study from Fluency. San Diego: Plural Publishing.
Silverman, F.H. (1999). Professional issues in speech-language pathology and audiology.
Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.