EDUC 406

EDUC 406: Directed Teaching--LD/EBD/MR
Spring, 2008
Ruth Lyn Meese, PhD
Phone: 395-2340 (Office)
804-598-3553 (Home)
Office: Hull Bldg. Room 235
I. Student Teaching Manuals and Forms
A. The Student Teaching Manual and evaluation forms are on-line. (Teachers can complete
evaluations on-line with pass code S08.)
B. Evaluation forms--On-line—print 2 before submitting. Keep a copy of this form for your
file and I will receive the other copy. Your cooperating teachers and I will discuss your
student teaching performance; however, I reserve the primary responsibility for determining
grades. The Daily Form in the back of the student teaching manual is recommended for daily
feedback from teachers and you are encouraged to request evaluation on the final evaluation
form halfway through each placement. Try also to be observed by a school administrator.
Videotape yourself teaching if you can (after obtaining permission).
C. Schedule forms--to be completed and given to me no later than the end of the first week of
student teaching during my initial visit and conference with the cooperating teacher.
D. Keep a Lesson Plan Notebook. Use a loose-leaf notebook including all lesson plans
following the SPED format given to you. This notebook must be available for me to see
upon arrival each visit. I will critique all lesson plans on each visit and will provide you with
a written copy of evaluative feedback from each observation of your teaching. Keep all
lesson plans and my evaluative feedback in chronological order in your notebook. In
addition, you are to make a daily reflective journal entry. Keep your reflective journal
entries in chronological order in a separate section of your notebook.
II. Professionalism
A. Follow the dress code required in your school building. Shirts and ties for males project the
professionalism of a beginning teacher. Females are expected to dress professionally as well:
nice slacks or khakis, skirts, or dresses can be worn. Males and females should be sure that
clothes adequately cover body parts, tatoos and intimate apparel. Jeans or shorts are only
appropriate for some field trips or field day experiences. Do not display piercing other than
one for each ear for females. When in doubt consult your cooperating teacher or supervisor.
B. If you must be absent (illness, death in family), you must call your cooperating teacher, your
building secretary, and me (the University supervisor) before the start of the school day.
Three calls are necessary for an absence! Be sure to leave plans for your cooperating
teacher if you are to be absent.
C. You are a professional! Attend all meetings, after school events, workshops, etc., with your
cooperating teacher. Follow the same schedule of arrival and departure as your cooperating
teacher. Assume all duties (lunch, bus, homeroom, etc.) of your teacher. Show initiative!
Make bulletin boards, instructional games, long and short range plans, ask for
responsibilities, etc. Good suggestions for activities to be completed are in your student
teaching manual!
D. You are a professional! Use professional language and at all times maintain confidentiality
of information shared with you by teachers, administrators, support personnel, and parents.
Report any incidence of abuse or suspected abuse or neglect or any dangerous
situations to your cooperating teacher and/or your principal immediately.
E. You will phase into each student teaching placement over the first two weeks picking up 1-2
subjects or classes per day until you have a full load. In the last week of student teaching for
each placement, slowly turn instructional duties back to your cooperating teacher. As you
“phase out” try to observe in another setting (general education classroom or special
education classroom), if possible.
F. Work hard, learn, have fun!
III. Supervisor Visits
A. My visits may be unannounced. I will try to schedule a conference with you upon each
visit. After each visit, you will receive written feedback regarding my observations. Please
feel free to call me at home or in the office to discuss concerns, ask questions, get moral
support, etc. Please inform me in advance if you become aware of any schedule changes
(early dismissals, teacher workdays, field trips, etc.)!
B.I will make at least three visits each placement.
C. We will have at least one group seminar meeting (TBA) to converse, to reflect, to process,
and to analyze and evaluate this experience. Meetings will be about one-hour in length and
an exact time and location will be announced in advance. You will also have a Wrap-Up day
on campus on April 28.
IV. School System Information
First placement: January 14-February 29
Second placement: March 3-April 25 with Wrap-Up Day on campus on April 28
Follow your school system calendar (not Longwood’s calendar!)
V. Questions/Concerns
January 14, 2008
Dear Cooperating Teacher,
____________________ will be your student teacher in the coming weeks. He/she has been
instructed to arrange a time convenient for you and I to meet during his/her first week in your
classroom. At that time, as _________________’s University Supervisor, I will be happy to
answer any questions you may have regarding the student teaching experience. In addition, I will
observe and give feedback to your student teacher at least three times while he/she is in your
Meanwhile, please help your student teacher become comfortable in your classroom. Remember
when you were a student teacher and your cooperating teacher did those "little things" that helped
you to be at ease? Please provide these for your student teacher! For example, during the first few
days of student teaching, you may wish to:
 Introduce your student teacher to the faculty and tour your building;
 Introduce your student teacher as you would another professional to the children in your
 Send a letter home to parents informing them of your student teacher's arrival;
 Provide your student teacher with a "personal space" (e.g., a table or desk in a position of
 Provide your student teacher with copies of textbooks, teacher's guides, plan books, student
handbooks/codes of conduct, faculty handbooks, pacing guides, etc.; and,
 Provide opportunities for your student teacher to interact with individual students and/or with
small groups under your supervision.
You will find helpful suggestions for student teaching activities in the Student Teaching Manual
available on-line from the Longwood University College of EHS web-site (Click on Office of
Professional Services for the Student Teaching Manual and to complete the on-line evaluation form
for your student teacher at the end of his/her placement).
Our students are expected to maintain a professional appearance and to behave in a responsible
manner at all times. They are to assume, gradually, all professional duties for which you are
responsible. Please remember, however, that _____________ is not yet a "first year" teacher.
His/her job is to learn with your guidance. I believe you will be pleased with the performance of
your student teacher. I look forward to working with you in the coming weeks. Thank you for
hosting this student teacher.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Ruth Lyn Meese, Longwood University Supervisor
Daily Lesson Plan for Special Education
Name_________________________________ Teacher_______________________________
Date __________________________________ Standard of Learning____________________
Age/Grade Level ________________________ Subject _______________________________
IEP Goal(s):
Lesson Plan Objective(s):
Materials and Advance Preparation for Lesson:
Guided Practice:
Closing/Transition/Enrichment/Independent Practice:
Evaluation of Student Performance:
What went well and why?
What would you change and how?
Appendix I
You were terrific when:
Areas for growth:
I note growth/improvement in:
(This form may be used to report the daily progress of the student teacher by the cooperating