THEATRE 225-01 Elements of Theatrical Design- Syllabus 2010 Professor: Melissa Panzarello Office: New Center for Communication Studies and Theatre Office phone: 395 - 2470 Office hours: M/W 2-4pm E-mail address: Room: CSTAC 216 Class Time: MWF 9AM-9:50AM Course Description This is an introductory course in the elements of theatrical design. This course is the foundation of knowledge for all design courses in the theatre including scenic, lighting and costume. It will apply basic principles of visual design and provide the vocabulary necessary to analyze all aspects of theatrical design. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course the student should be able to: 1. Use and recognize the elements and principles of design in the creation of scenic, lighting, and costume designs 2. Analyze the relationship between the elements and the principles of design 3. Discuss the visual aesthetics of the theatre in the proper vocabulary of design 4. Create sketches that communicate the elements and principles of design 5. Analyze a script from a design perspective to inform the elements in a scenographic way 6. Practically use design elements through assignments 7. Develop research and writing skills as it pertains to the theatre Recommended Text Lauer, David and Pentak, Stephen. Design Basics . Wadsworth Publishing; 6th edition (February 23, 2004). ISBN# 0534625592 Course Supplies 1. Spiral-bound Sketchbook 8.5X11in or 11X17in 2. Black Fine Point, Medium point, and Broad point markers (Sharpie) 3. Colored media, excluding crayons. For example: colored pencils, markers, cray-pas, and artist’s chalk Course Requirements 1. Be on time and prepared for class. 2. Participate in class discussion and activities. 3. Turn in all work on time. 4. Attend the 2 Longwood University Theatre main stage performances 5. All written work is to be typed, 12pt Times New Roman font, and single-spaced and submitted via Turnitin on Blackboard 10 Unannounced Quizzes @ 10 pts. each 1 Final Exam @ 100 pts. 2 Design analysis papers @ 100 pts. each 3 Sketchbook entries @ 50 pts. each 1 Sketchbook Cover and Introduction @ 25 pts. 1 Script analysis @ 50 pts. 3 Research Packets @ 25 pts. each 1 Lighting Design @ 50 pts. 1 Costume Design @ 100 pts. 1 Scenery Design @ 150 pts. 100 pts 100 pts 200 pts 150 pts 25 pts 50 pts 75 pts 50 pts 100 pts 150 pts Grading 930-1000pts A 900-929pts A880-899pts B+ 830-879pts B 800-829pts B780-799pts C+ 730-779pts C 700-729pts C680-699pts D+ 630-679pts D 600-629pts D599 and below F Attendance If missing class is absolutely unavoidable, it is your responsibility to find the professor before the class period to discuss the missed information. Your grade will reflect your class attendance and participation. Graded work missed due to absence cannot be made up without permission of the professor. In accordance with the university catalog, a student’s grade may be lowered as follows: Three unexcused absences = one letter grade Six unexcused absences = two letter grades Seven absences = your grade will be an “F” Three late arrivals = one absence This is regardless of whether the absences were excused or not. Alcohol and Drug Policy Do not come to class under the influence of, or in possession of alcohol or any illegal substance. Anyone caught doing so will be denied access to class. This would count as an unexcused absence. It may also result in further disciplinary action. Honor Code Any material used in class must be noted as to the source or author. The Longwood University Honor Code will govern conduct and work in this course. Disability Statement It is the responsibility of any student with a physical or learning disability to communicate with the instructor at, or immediately following, the first class meeting to discuss means of meeting said disability. Withdrawal Policy A student may withdraw from this course in accordance with the college policy as outlined in the university catalog. Tentative Schedule week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 10 13-Jan 15-Jan 20-Jan 22-Jan 25-Jan 27-Jan 29-Jan 1-Feb 3-Feb 5-Feb 8-Feb 10Feb 12Feb 15Feb 17Feb 19Feb 22Feb 24Feb 26Feb 1-Mar 3-Mar 5-Mar 812Mar 15Mar Introduction to Design Elements for the Theatre Unity Variety Focus Scale Proportion Line Balance Rhythm Shape Mass Texture Illusion of Space Illusion of Motion Value Perception of Color Color Scenery Costumes Lighting Design Analysis Paper Due and Discussion TBA Spring Break – No Classes Design Aspects Review week 11 week 12 week 13 week 14 week 15 Finals 17Mar 19Mar 22Mar 24Mar 26Mar 29Mar 31Mar 2-Apr 5-Apr 7-Apr 9-Apr 12Apr 14Apr 16Apr 19Apr 21Apr 23Apr 26Apr Script Analysis Movie - TBD Movie - TBD Movie - TBD Movie Discussion - Analysis of One Act Play Due Costume Research Discussion for One Act Play Scenery Research Discussion for One Act Play Lighting Research Discussion for One Act Play One-on-One Meetings with Professor to discuss designs One-on-One Meetings with Professor to discuss designs One-on-One Meetings with Professor to discuss designs Design Unions- Job Opportunities Class Presentations Class Presentations Class Presentations Design Analysis of Production #2 Due Sketchbooks Due- Discussion 30Apr Final Exam – TBA