BSED 436

BSED 436—Practicum II Business Education
Cheryl Davis
Hiner G15-5
Phone: 434-395-2006
Section 01:
Hiner 202
MW 1:00-2:15
Office Hours:
MW 9:00-10:00 a.m. & 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Email anytime and by appointment.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The goal of the Practicum II course is to help prepare and train student teachers for the
business courses they will be teaching through participation and micro-teaching processes observed in business
education in a public school settings for at least 30 hours under Longwood supervision. In addition, instruction and
follow-up will occur through course meetings. 1 credits.
COURSE PREREQUISITES: Prerequisite: EDUC 265 & 299.
COURSE PURPOSE: The goal of the Teaching Practicum is to help prepare and train student teachers for the
business courses they will be teaching. The Practicum will address both the practical and theoretical issues of
pedagogy. Students will learn firsthand from education professionals and have the opportunity to observe and
participate in the dynamics of the classroom. This fieldwork experience will take place during the fall of the
student’s senior year. Students will meet with their assigned placement schools for a total of approximately 40
contact hours during the course of the semester. During this semester, students will also be meeting in the
classroom to provide a forum for discussion, and a place where students can get support. Ideally, students will
learn from one another, and gain confidence by sharing their dilemmas, strategies, goals, and successes with their
peers. All students are required to participate in a teaching practicum.
1. Assist the cooperating teacher in implementing existing behavioral objectives using established curriculum
and materials.
2. Teach, under supervision, several short lessons, based on behavioral objectives and written lesson plans.
3. Maintain behavior management plans used by the cooperating teacher.
4. Assist the cooperating teacher in evaluating student performance (e.g. grading papers) and planning for
individual needs.
Grading Scale
Daily Observation and Reflection Entries (15)
Specific Requirements Entries (10)
Cooperating Teacher Evaluation
Longwood Supervisor Evaluation
Grade Scale
A – 90-100
B – 80-89
C – 70-79
D – 60-69
F – Below 60
Requirements Include:
1. Attend all scheduled days at the practicum site. Students who miss a practicum class must complete an
equivalent amount of time to compensate for all absences. It is the responsibility of the practicum student
to make the necessary arrangements with the cooperating teacher and to forward the appropriate
validation to the university supervisor within five (5) days after the last official day of the practicum. Form
is included in Appendix G.
2. Maintain professional conduct and appearance. Demonstrate a willingness to perform duties assigned to
you by the cooperating teacher. Become involved and be enthusiastic.
3. Attend the MANDATORY practicum class scheduled prior to beginning the field experience. Students are
required to complete all scheduled days (three weeks, or the equivalent thereof) at the field experience
site, in addition to weekly seminar meetings. For each day that is not made up, the student's grade will be
lowered by one letter grade.
4. Maintain a journal of your activities. For each journal entry, be complete and reflective. All journal entries
must be typed, double spaced, and available for inspection upon request from the university supervisor.
5. General Entries are to be done after school (not during school) on a daily basis to chronicle the activities
you observe/complete each day. They should follow this format:
Brief description of activities observed and/or completed (1-2 paragraphs):
Personal Reaction to the Day: This is to be a critical reflection upon the day in a 1-2-page entry. React in an
insightful way to what you observed and how practice relates to theory.
Discuss what went well and why; what did not go well and why. Compare what you expected to observe
with the realities of the classroom.
Show that you are thinking analytically about the teaching/learning process.
Specific Requirements:
The following specific requirements must be typed, double-spaced, and entered into your journal which
should be posted to the Discussion Board of Blackboard.
1. 1.Review 5 curriculum/resources such as books, workbooks, videos, resource books or computer
programs. Make your reviews reflective in nature. In a 1-2 page, double-spaced typed paper,
tell what is good or not good. What will work and what will not. Explain how each source fits
the SOLs (see sample in Appendix E).
2. 2.Observe your cooperating teacher presenting a lesson. Respond to the questions below to
structure your reporting of this observation.
A. How does the teacher start the lesson?
*How is the class "settled down?”
*How is interest stimulated?
*How is motivation handled?
B. How is the purpose of the lesson made clear?
*How are objectives made clear to the students?
*How are responses elicited from pupils?
*How are pupils required to "think"?
C. What procedures are used in teaching the lesson?
*Is the lesson mainly lecture?
*Is discussion encouraged?
*Is there audio-visual presentation?
*Is there demonstration?
*Are questions used which require an appropriate level of thinking?
D. What materials are used?
E. What provisions are made for individual differences?
*What provisions are made for those needing special help?
*How are alternate ways provided for the accomplishment of objectives?
*How are students aware of what they are supposed to accomplish?
*How are students appropriately challenged?
F. How are students held accountable for their work?
*How are students held responsible for completing as¬signed tasks?
*How does the teacher ensure that students understand what they are expected to accomplish?
*How does the teacher ensure that students understand consequences for not completing task?
G. How do the pupils respond to the lesson?
*Are they enthusiastic?
*Is "time on task" satisfactory?
*How do you know students are actively involved in the lesson?
*How do you know learning is taking place?
*How are students given positive feedback?
H. How does the teacher end the lesson?
*How are important points reviewed?
*What evaluation techniques are used?
*Is an assignment made?
I. What classroom management techniques are used?
*How is the atmosphere positive?
*How does the teacher ensure that rules are clearly understood and consistently followed?
*How is preventive control exercised?
*How is each student's sense of personal worth enhanced?
*How are students supervised and provided with appropriate assistance?
J. How is the classroom environment conducive to learning?
*How are the seats arranged?
*What evidence is there of good housekeeping?
*How is the room made attractive?
3.Using the Longwood lesson plan format in Appendix G of your manual, outline two lessons correlated
with appropriate SOLs. Under the teacher's supervision, carry out at least two lessons. Evaluate these
lessons with your cooperating teacher and list his/her suggestions in your journal. Include all lesson plans
in your folder along with samples of your work, such as tests, quizzes, worksheets, study guides, etc.
4. Write a 1-2 page reflective evaluation of the last lesson you taught. What did you like about the lesson?
What do you wish you had done differently?
5. After your university supervisor has observed you and held a follow up conference, write an entry, giving
your reaction to the observation/conference. Do you agree or disagree with the suggestions? What points
did the supervisor offer that will be helpful to you?
Evaluation Rubric to be used for observation/conference
Met = A
Partially Met = C
Student ____________________________
Not Met = F
Practicum II
Evaluation Rubric
Major Program _______________________
Date ______________
Cooperating Teacher ______________________ Longwood Supervisor __________________ Semester __________
School Assignment/Grade/Subject
If you have not had the opportunity to observe the candidates performance on any of the standards please write NOTO in the
score column.
Plans for Instruction
Writes objectives to achieve
SOL and/or other learning
Not Met - 1
Partially Met - 2
Met - 3
Candidate writes
objectives that are not
linked to SOLs and/or do
not describe student
Candidate develops
teaching procedures that
fail meet individual and
group needs.
Candidate fails to develop
lesson plans using the
appropriate format.
Candidate writes
objectives most of which
are linked to SOLs and
describe student
Candidate develops
teaching procedures most
of which meet individual
and group needs.
Candidate uses
appropriate format most
of the time.
Candidate writes
objectives that are linked
to SOLs and describe
student outcomes.
Candidate fails to select
and use appropriate
technology and available
resources to meet
instructional goals.
Implementation and Management of Instruction
Uses effective lesson design to Candidate fails to use
provide instruction appropriate
effective lesson design to
to lesson objectives.
provide instruction
appropriate to lesson
Maintains a high level of
Candidate fails to
motivation through the
maintain a high level of
appropriate use of academic
motivation through the
learning time.
appropriate use of
academic learning time.
Facilitates high expectations
Candidate fails to
for all learners through
maintain high
individual and group learning
expectations for all
learners through
individual and group
learning experiences.
Candidate usually selects
and uses appropriate
technology and available
resources to meet
instructional goals.
Candidate selects and
uses appropriate
technology and available
resources to meet
instructional goals.
Candidate usually uses
effective lesson design to
provide instruction
appropriate to lesson
Candidate usually
maintains a high level of
motivation through the
appropriate use of
academic learning time.
Candidate usually
maintains high
expectations for all
learners through
individual and group
learning experiences.
Candidate uses effective
lesson design to provide
instruction appropriate to
lesson objectives.
Develops teaching procedures
to meet individual and group
Develops lesson plans using
the appropriate format.
Selects and uses appropriate
technology and available
resources to meet instructional
Candidate develops
teaching procedures that
meet individual and
group needs.
Candidate develops
lesson plans using the
appropriate format.
Candidate maintains a
high level of motivation
through the appropriate
use of academic learning
Candidate maintains
high expectations for all
learners through
individual and group
learning experiences.
Correlates knowledge of
subjects with effective teaching
Candidate fails to
correlate knowledge of
subjects with effective
teaching methodology.
Candidate usually
correlates knowledge of
subjects with effective
teaching methodology.
Candidate correlates
knowledge of subjects
with effective teaching
Stimulates and encourages
critical thinking and creative
problem solving as
Candidate fails to
stimulate and encourage
critical thinking and
creative problem solving.
Candidate usually
stimulates and
encourages critical
thinking and creative
problem solving.
Candidate stimulates
and encourages critical
thinking and creative
problem solving.
Candidate fails to select
appropriate evaluation
methods for each lesson
Candidate fails to use
evaluation results to
make instructional
Candidate usually selects
appropriate evaluation
methods for each lesson
Candidate usually uses
evaluation results to
make instructional
Candidate selects
appropriate evaluation
methods for each lesson
Candidate uses
evaluation results to
make instructional
Candidate demonstrates
little understanding of the
subject being taught.
Candidate has little skill in
helping learners to
understand the subject
and its relationship to the
student and world at
Candidate seldom
evaluates and integrates
information provided in
textbooks and other
resource materials.
Candidate presents
subject content using a
limited number of
methods and materials.
Candidate demonstrates
an adequate
understanding of the
subject being taught.
Candidate is adequate at
helping learners to
understand the subject
and its relationship to the
student and world at
Candidate usually
evaluates and integrates
information provided in
textbooks and other
resource materials.
Candidate presents
subject content using
some variety in methods
and materials.
Candidate demonstrates
a thorough
understanding of the
subject being taught.
Candidate is adept at
helping learners to
understand the subject
and its relationship to the
student and world at
Candidate critically
evaluates and integrates
information provided in
textbooks and other
resource materials.
Candidate presents
subject content using a
variety of methods and
General communication
is often unclear and
Often communicates with
students unclearly and/or
Often communicates with
colleagues and
supervisors unclearly
and/or ineffectively.
General communication
is usually clear and
Usually communicates
with students clearly and
Usually communicates
with colleagues and
supervisors clearly and
General communication
is clear and effective
Candidate fails to
establish an environment
conducive to learning for
Candidate usually
establishes an
environment conducive to
Candidate establishes
an environment
conducive to learning for
Selects appropriate evaluation
methods for each lesson
Uses evaluation results to
make instructional decisions.
Knowledge of Subject
Demonstrates a thorough
understanding of the subject
being taught.
Helps learners understand the
subject and its relationship to
the student and world at large.
Critically evaluates and
integrates information provided
in textbooks and other
resource materials.
Presents subject content using
a variety of methods and
Communication Skills
Demonstrates competence in
oral and written language
Effectively communicates with
Effectively communicates with
colleagues and supervisors
Establishes an environment
conducive to learning for a
diverse student population.
Communicates with
students clearly and
Communicates with
colleagues and
supervisors clearly and
Develops instructional
strategies appropriate for
diverse student populations.
Classroom Management
Positively reinforces rules,
procedures, and academic
Uses fair and positive
classroom management
Establishes a learning
environment that encourages
mutual cooperation.
Demonstrates and
understanding of child
development with respect to
typical and atypical behaviors
of students.
Professional Responsibilities
Dresses appropriately for
Uses appropriate verbal and
nonverbal behavior.
Demonstrates prompt and
regular attendance.
Demonstrates interest in the
teaching profession.
Demonstrates initiative and
a diverse student
Candidate fails to develop
instructional strategies
appropriate for diverse
student populations.
learning for a diverse
student population.
Candidate usually
develops instructional
strategies appropriate for
diverse student
a diverse student
Candidate develops
instructional strategies
appropriate for diverse
student populations.
Candidate fails to
reinforce rules,
procedures, and
academic standards in a
positive manner.
Candidate fails to use fair
and positive classroom
management techniques.
Candidate positively
reinforces rules,
procedures, and
academic standards.
Candidate fails to
establish a learning
environment that
encourages mutual
Candidate demonstrates
little understanding of
child development with
respect to typical and
atypical behaviors of
Candidate usually
reinforces rules,
procedures, and
academic standards in a
positive manner.
Candidate usually uses
fair and positive
classroom management
Candidate usually
establishes a learning
environment that
encourages mutual
Candidate demonstrates
an adequate
understanding of child
development with respect
to typical and atypical
behaviors of students.
Candidate often dresses
inappropriately for
Candidate uses
inappropriate verbal and
nonverbal behavior.
Candidate is often late or
absent without good
Candidate demonstrates
little interest in the
teaching profession.
Candidate often fails to
demonstrate initiative and
Candidate dresses
appropriately for
Candidate usually uses
appropriate verbal and
nonverbal behavior.
Candidate usually
demonstrates prompt and
regular attendance.
Candidate demonstrates
mild interest in the
teaching profession.
Candidate usually
demonstrates initiative
and enthusiasm.
Candidate dresses
appropriately for
Candidate uses
appropriate verbal and
nonverbal behavior.
Candidate demonstrates
prompt and regular
Candidate demonstrates
interest in the teaching
Candidate demonstrates
initiative and
Candidate uses fair and
positive classroom
Candidate establishes a
learning environment
that encourages mutual
Candidate demonstrates
an understanding of
child development with
respect to typical and
atypical behaviors of