EDUC 245

Fall 2011
Instructor: Brenda Thompson
Telephone (work) 804-378-2540
E-Mail Address:
Class Meeting Time: Tuesdays 6:00– 8:45 PM, Hull Room 245
Office Hours: Tuesdays 5:00-6:00
Course Description: A survey of the physical, cognitive and social-emotional
development of human beings. Hereditary and environmental influences will be stressed
in the life span study with specific emphasis on prenatal through adolescence
development. Three (3) credit course.
Text and Additional Requirement: McDevit, T. M. & Ormrod, J. E. (2010). Child
Development and Education (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, N J Merrill. (ISBN #0-13815840-1)
Instruction: Lectures and discussions are implemented. Emphasis is placed on
understanding children, how they learn and develop, what motivates them, difficulties
they may face, and what roles teachers play in helping them to meet their full potential.
Syllabus is subject to change.
Student Responsibilities: Attend classes, take notes, and participate in class. Work
cooperatively with fellow students and instructor. Complete all assignments and reports
on time and in a thorough manner. Secure missed assignments and work. Notify
instructor if absence is necessary. Put forth a SOLID effort.
My Responsibilities: Make this class as enjoyable as possible. Foster a cooperative
learning environment. Answer any questions fairly and to the best of my ability. Serve
as a guide to understanding the material. Furnish efficient information by way of
lectures, hand-outs, videos, and notes. Cover required material as prescribed by the
University. Evaluate objectively assignments and exams.
Class Schedule
Points of Discussion
Introduction /Chapter 1
Family, Culture, and
Chapter 2-3
September Biological Beginnings
Exam #1
Discuss Reflection #1
Chapter 4
Physical Development
1st Reflection due
Chapter 5
September Cognitive Development
Piaget and Vygotsky
Exam #2
Chapter 6
Cognitive Development
Cognitive Processes
Chapter 7
Take Home Exam #3
Chapter 8
Language Development
Chapter 9
Take Home Exam #4
Chapter 11
Emotional Development
Chapter 12
Extra Credit #1 due
Discuss Group Presentations
Development of Self
and Social
Development of
Motivation and SelfRegulation
Chapter 13
2nd Reflection due
Exam #5
Group Presentations
Development of
Morality and
Interpersonal Behaviors
Three Ages Project due
Group Presentations
Peers, Schools, and
Chapter 14
Reflection #1
#1 Extra Credit
Reflection #2
Three Ages Project
#2 Extra Credit
Chapter 15
Group Presentations
Extra Credit #2 due
September 20th
October 25th
November 1st
November 15th
November 29th
Course Requirements
Read all assigned work and be ready to discuss topics and ask questions in class.
Attend all class sessions and be on time.
Take tests on the designated day and time.
Secure all missed assignments, worksheets, etc.
Submit work when due. Two points per 100 will be deducted for each day an
assignment is late, and they will not be accepted more than a week late.
Complete all reports in a thorough manner following the directions given on
Blackboard and the class syllabus. Further instructions will be given in class.
Cooperate with group members, lead discussions on certain topics and present a
group report.
Complete two reflection papers - First is assigned. Second topic is self-selected.
Complete one, 8 - 10 page Three Ages Project following the guidelines.
Complete Group Presentation
Student Evaluation Criteria
Five Exams
One Final Exam
Two Reflection Journals
50 pts each
Three Ages Project
Group Presentations
500 pts total
100 pts
100 pts
100 pts
950 - 860
859 - 769
768 - 678
677 - 587
486 or below
**2 extra credit reports will be
assigned for 10 points total.
50 pts
50 pts
50 pts
950 pts
Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend all classes. Students should make every effort to notify
instructor, via phone or email, if absence is necessary. An F will be assigned for any
student missing three or more of the scheduled meeting times due to excused or
unexcused absences.
Honor Code
The Longwood University Honor Code prohibits lying, cheating, stealing, and
plagiarism. Students are expected to abide by this code at all times. All written work
submitted in this course must be pledged, meaning that students are to do their own
independent work unless an assignment is clearly designated as collaborative. Any
violations of the stipulations or ethical and moral essence of the Code of Honor will not
be tolerated.
Any student who feels he/she may need accommodations based on a disability should
contact me privately. If you have not already done so, please contact the Office for
Disability Services (103 Graham Building, 395-2391) to register for services.
Cell Phones/Pagers: will be set to voicemail during class.
Reflections - 50 Points each. (V1,TC4,TC6,TC8) (2 - 3 pages) Everyone is
required to complete reflection #1. Reflection #2 is required but the topic is selfselected from the four choices on the following page. You will need to answer the
questions posed and add your personal reflections. You will be graded on how
well you demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and/or issues and the
clarity with which you express your ideas. Where appropriate use term or concept
Reflection #1
(50 points)
Think of yourself at a particular time in your childhood (e.g., age 10). Using the
model from Urie Bronfenbrenner, reflect about the following:
Microsystem - Describe your family, your school and teacher, your peer group, media favorite TV shows, and your surrounding community.
Mesosystem - Describe how your parents interacted with your peers, how your parents
interacted with your school, and how your community supported your school or
Exosystem - Describe your parents' jobs, vacations you took, and whether or not there
was a divorce in your family.
Macrosystem - Describe your ethnic heritage, your religious affiliations, whether you
lived in an urban or rural setting, and your social class.
Chronosystem - Describe what the world was like at the time (e.g., who was president,
world events and any other significant issues of the time).
Reflection #2
(50 points)
Choice 1:
How would you describe your temperament? If possible, ask your parents or someone
who knew you when you were an infant. Were you an easy child, a difficult child, or a
slow to warm up child? How stable has your temperament been over the course of your
development? If you had brothers or sisters, how different or similar were your
individual temperaments? Do you think temperament is inherited? How do other
individuals react to your temperament style? What have been the advantages and
disadvantages of having your temperament? Do you think there is a connection between
your temperament and how your body feels during emotional moments (for example, if
you are shy do certain situations make your body feel uncomfortable?)
Choice 2:
Reflect on your early childhood years. What style of parenting did your parents use?
Did both parents use the same style or were they different? Give examples to explain
your answers. How has your parents' style influenced the person you have become?
How has their style of parenting affected how you plan to discipline your children?
Choice 3:
Think back to your elementary school years. Reflect on your cognitive abilities during
those years. What subjects were your favorites? What grades did you receive in your
favorite classes? What subjects did you dislike the most? What were your grades in
those classes? Do you think there is a correlation between how much you like a subject
and the grade you earn? Why or why not? Think of an example where a teacher's
expectations of your ability influenced his or her behavior toward you.
Choice 4:
Think back to your adolescence and identify a peer group or an individual person that had
the most affect on your sense of identity/ self. Using Marcia's identity statuses on page
452 (Identity Achievement, Moratorium, Foreclosure, and Diffusion), identify which of
the categories you experienced during high school and the order in which you
experienced them. Where is your identity status at this point in your life?
Three Ages Project
(100 points)
In this project you will apply what you are reading and learning about Human Growth
and Development to real-life individuals. The project involves interviewing three
individuals from three age ranges. You may choose people that you know (siblings,
cousins, neighbors, friends, etc.), or you may work with young people from local schools,
day-care centers, or other community settings. You will need to get parental and school
permission to interview any children that you do not know personally (permission
procedures will be discussed in class).
An individual must be interviewed from each of the following age groups:
-Early Childhood
-Later Childhood
(ages 3-6)
(ages 7-12)
(ages 13-19)
Some general questions should attend to aspects of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development, with additional questions focusing in on a specific area of
interest (see list of examples below). Questions should be open-ended. Avoid questions
that can be answered by simple yes or no response. See the “goals” section below for
additional suggestions.
Project Report. The 8-10 page document should be typed, double-spaced, and include the
elements described below under “format.” The report should cover the general
developmental characteristics of your participants as well as the observations you made
specific to your area of interest. All names should be changed to maintain
Goals: Consider the following as you develop questions and interview individuals:
1. What stages of development are they experiencing?
 physical
 cognitive
 socio-emotional
2. How is this person being affected by:
 family
 peers
 community
 teachers
 normative events
 societal and/or cultural values
3. What particular/special areas of development might be explored?
 temperament
 attachment
 influence of parenting styles
 problem-solving strategies
 learning styles
 social relationships
 moral reasoning
 career goals
 others!
Format: Your report should adhere to APA format (APA Guidelines are available on the
Education and Human Services Web Page). It should be 8-10 pages, typed and doublespaced. Reports MUST include the following items and be organized with A. coming
first and I. at the end:
A. Cover sheet: Include title, student name, date, instructor, course section, and
honor pledge.
B. Introduction: Introduce the participants (use pseudonyms, no real names),
give ages, how they were chosen, and the setting of the interviews. Describe the
manner that responses were recorded (e.g. tape or video recording can be used or
students may rely solely on interview note-taking). Restate the rationale of your
project and briefly include what you expected to find.
C. Interview #1: Summarize three areas of development as explained above (or
on rubric). Student responses can be paraphrased, but some quotes should be used
as well. For example: When asked about what he wanted to be as a grown-up,
Billy said, “I think being a fireman is fun because you get to put out fires and ride
in fast trucks with the loud siren on.” Be sure to be attentive to what participants
are “telling you” through their body-language and behavior. Compare growth
expectations from the text to what you observe during the interview.
D. Interview #2: Same as #1
E. Interview #3: Same as #1
F. Discussion: Compare and contrast the information you gathered from your
three participants.
1. How are these three people different? The same? Give examples:
socio-economic, race, gender, etc.)
2. What developmental characteristics, whether delayed or appropriate
are most apparent in each case?
3. Which of the theorists discussed in class (e.g. Freud, Skinner, Erikson,
Piaget, Bronfenbrenner, Vygotsky, Kohlberg, Marcia, etc.) provided a
framework through which these individuals can best be compared?
4. Did you make any observations inconsistent with these theories?
5. What evidence is present of an interrelationship of several types of
Note: cite sources where appropriate. Points will be deducted for discussions that do not
adequately address theoretical frameworks. You do not have to include all theorists, just
those that apply to your particular subjects.
G. Recommendations: Choose one of your participants and offer
recommendations for possible assistance in future development and/or realization
of personal potential. Recommendations can include instructional approaches
which you feel are particularly appropriate for this individual.
H. Conclusion: Conclude the paper with a summary of what you learned.
How are theories of development apparent in individuals?
Did your findings surprise you?
What problems did you encounter?
How were these difficulties overcome?
Do you feel that your observations are “valid?” Why or why not?
If you had an opportunity to “follow-up” on your observations with an
additional round of questions, what would you ask?
References: Use APA style (5th edition) to alphabetically list sources
Group Presentations
(50 points)
Groups will be formed in class to aid in the interpretation and application of content
material for each unit of study - Prenatal, Infancy, Preschool, School Age and
Adolescence, for presentation of special topics as explained below, and forming of
possible study groups.
Each group will select a topic from the list below for presentation to the class. With
instructor approval, you may propose alternate subjects or narrow or expand the
focus of the topic. Your group will need to pose a variety of questions and read
articles on this subject in an effort to understand a variety of view points. Remember
to focus on what teachers need to know. Once the research is complete, your group
will need to develop a fact sheet to share with class members and then present a
debate, skit, etc., to prompt class discussion on the issue. Each group will produce an
annotated bibliography of articles read with two references contributed by each
member. The bibliography is due the day of the presentation. Write your names and
the title of your presentation on all sheets.
Each group will need to select an individual to send me the fact sheet and communicate
the format of your presentation to me THE WEEK PRIOR TO THE
Possible topics - Other ideas are welcome (with approval)
After School Care
Adoption - Open/Closed, Domestic/Foreign
Divorce - Custody or other issues teachers need to know
Ritalin - Use/Over Use
Migrant Children and Families
Gender Stereotyping/Reverse Discrimination
Foster Children
Homeless Children
Violence - teens charged as adults
Extra Credit Assignments
(5 points each; 10 points total)
You may complete two extra credit assignments during the semester. You must choose
from those listed below and have them completed by the dates indicated. No late
assignments will be accepted. Several of the assignments involve a visual evaluation
while others will require you to complete a bit of research to understand the topic. To
earn extra credit points you must turn in a written reflection/analysis concerning the
topic. All extra credit work must be turned in on the due date.
Topics: ECA #1
1. Theory Use in the Popular Press – Read an article in a magazine such as Parents,
Better Homes and Garden, etc., or you may choose a newspaper article.
Summarize the main point of the article in a brief paragraph. In a second
paragraph, write an evaluation of how the author uses the theory to get his/her
point across – (is it accurate? is it thorough? is it informational or is it being used
to persuade the reader?, etc.) – be decisive in your judgment and be sure to
convey your feelings in the paragraph. Lastly, provide bibliographic information
about the article you chose for the assignment.
2. Toy Evaluation – Visit a store that sells toys for children. Walk through the aisles
and look for themes (groupings and collections), color patterns, gender influences,
etc. Do the toys and/or groupings encourage certain behaviors, such as positive
social behaviors, aggressive behaviors, or stereotyped behaviors? Your written
assignment should give the store’s name, how the aisles were organized your
evaluation of the layout, the images and influences the store is trying to convey.
3. Toy Comparison – Find two toys that are targeted to a particular age group.
Compare the toys for educational value, possible creative use by child and any
safety issues that may be present – pro or con. Think about how the toy may be
used in different ways – is it “open-ended” in its ability to be used? Think about
the manufacture’s intention use versus its possible use as a play instrument. Is it
appropriate for the age ranges listed on the packaging? In your first paragraph,
tell where you located the toys – store, home, etc. – and give a brief description of
each toy. In you second paragraph, share you comparisons and feelings about the
toys’ possible uses, etc. Close your paper by making a recommendation about the
toys’ value as an educational product – don’t forget that education doesn’t just
mean technical schooling, but life lessons as well.
Topics: ECA #2
4. Playground Evaluation – Visit a playground at a park, a daycare center, a local
community, or an elementary school. Evaluate the equipment for layout,
friendliness, age-appropriateness, safety and supervisory needs. For what age
group is it intended? What materials are used? What types of play does the
equipment encourage? What skills can be developed – physical, social, etc.? Is it
able to be independently or does it require adult help? What surface is the ground
beneath and around the equipment? Is the area inviting? Your first paragraph
should give the location, the basic layout, the materials used and a brief
explanation of the area surrounding the playground – neighborhood, school, etc.
The second paragraph should explain safety concerns, possible uses, age
grouping, etc. Finally, state your views about how the playground meets its
intended use and encourages positive play. Do you have any suggestions for its
improvement? Would you let you children play on the equipment – why or why
5. Book Review – Locate three, pre-K to 1st grade children’s books to review or find
two books intended for 2nd to 6th grade students. Evaluate the books for gender
stereotyping, age-appropriate content, positive role models, current content,
political correctness, etc. Your first paragraph should give the title, the author’s
name and a brief overview of the book itself. The second paragraph needs to
explain the topics mentioned above. Close your paper by telling how the book
might be used in the classroom setting and give your recommendation for its use
or nonuse as an educational resource.
6. Media Review – Review two prime-time television programs, two Saturday
morning television programs, a movie with a PG rating, or two video games.
During the viewing, record how many acts of violence you see, either physical or
verbal abuse, in a thirty-minute time span (15 minutes for each program/game; 30
minutes of the movie). In your first paragraph tell which shows, games or which
movie you viewed and tell what the intended audience/age-group is for the
programs/games. Your second paragraph should give the actual count of violent
acts, explain what type of violence was viewed (verbal or physical), give the
outcome of the violence (do the characters actually perish or do they immediately
recover), and tell whether the action is realistic or completely imaginary. Finally,
in your last paragraph, tell how you personally feel about the programs, games, or
movie. Would you let your children watch it? Do you think it has a “real” impact
on children? And, are ratings necessary or even accurate?
Report/Assignment Requirements
1. Submitted on time using narrative form and APA guidelines.
2. Edited for punctuation, grammar and spelling – EXTREMELY
3. Have a cover page with your name, the title of the assignment, the due date
and the honor pledge.
4. End with a reference page where required; use APA guidelines. Publication
Manual of the American Psychological Association Fifth Edition. (2001).
Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.
Professional Teacher Outcomes:
V1- Educators as Reflective Citizen Leaders
TC 1 - Plan for Instruction
TC 2 - Implementation and Management of Instruction
TC 3 - Evaluation and Assessment
TC 4 - Knowledge of Subject
TC 5 - Classroom Behavior Management
TC 6 - Communication Skills
TC 7 - Profession Responsibilities
TC 8 - Technology
TC 9 - Diversity
Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course in Human Growth and Development
the student will be able to:
1. Explain the developmental nature of human growth and development.(V1,TC4)
2. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the major theories of human growth and
3. Demonstrate an understanding of common research methods, techniques, and
approaches to the study of human development.(TC3,TC7,TC8)
4. Demonstrate an understanding of the major trends and controversies of the field
of human development.(V1,TC1,TC4,TC5,TC9)
5. Make application of cognitive, socioemotional and physical domains to actual
situations as children grow and develop.(V1,TC1,TC2,TC3,TC4,TC5,TC9)
6. Compare and contrast the three domains of development explaining their
interrelationships and change over time.(TC1,TC2,TC4,TC5)
7. Analyze the effects of parenting, monitoring and care giving from the prenatal
period through adolescences.(V1,TC1,TC2,TC3,TC4,TC5,TC9)
8. Analyze the effects of school organization and the educational philosophies on the
age group served.(V1,TC1,TC2,TC3, TC4,TC5,TC9)
9. Describe the significant developmental steps from adolescence to early
10. Discuss the role of education in promoting continued growth throughout the life
11. Describe the importance of multicultural concepts related to human development
and how these characteristics of diversity may impact behavior.
1. Demonstrate the ability to interpret, predict and analyze behavior using the major
theories of human growth and
2. Demonstrate the ability to use research techniques such as data collection and
3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the physical, motor, cognitive, language
and social skills of children at varying ages through completing a case study.
4. Demonstrate the ability to communicate the effects of varying environmental and
social conditions such as school organization on the development of
1. Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the diverse potential of all
students. (V1,TC1,TC2,TC3,TC4,TC5,TC9)
2. Demonstrate an appreciation of the importance of various forces and events in the
shaping of individuals. (V1,TC1,TC2,TC3,TC4,TC5,TC6,TC7,TC9)
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the role of teachers, parents and mentors in
providing safe and positive environments for development.