1. What is the best way to search for a note that you know was taken last week? a. Use the Page List task pane and search by date. b. Riffle through all the pages. c. Add a note flag. d. Use the Find command on the Edit menu and search for the date. 2. You want to be able to flag some notes with a Shopping List check box. What do you do? a. Nothing, OneNote comes with a Shopping List note flag predefined. b. Use the To Do flag and type "shopping" at the start of each line. c. Use the Modify button in Customize My Note Flags task pane to modify a flag. d. It's impossible. You can only use the flags that already exist. 3. You want to create a summary page of note flags, but you only want to include unchecked items. What do you do? a. Select the Show only unchecked items check box in the task pane before creating the summary page. b. Create the summary page and then delete the items with checked note flags. c. Go through your notes and remove all the checked note flags. d. The unchecked and checked items are listed separately so you can use the minus sign to close the checked items before creating the summary page. 4. The Find box is best used to search for _____. a. Page titles. b. Specific words or phrases. c. Note flags. 5. You can only use Find in the section you're currently working in. a. True. b. False. 1. How many pieces of clip art, photos, sounds, and animations can you download at the Clip Art and Media site? a. More than 140,000 b. Around 100,000 c. About 60,000 2. On the Clip Art and Media site, what is a category? a. A collection of clips that follow the Dewey Decimal System. b. A collection of clips that are similar in subject. c. A collection of clips that Crabby Office Lady decided should go together. 3. How do you quickly change the number and size of thumbnails you see on a page at one time? a. Click Options in the upper right corner of the page. b. Click Help and find the topic. c. Conduct a search for clip art quantity and size. 4. You're looking for black and white clip art of computers. What is the best way to do this? a. Search for computers, then browse through pages of computer images to look for black and white clips. b. Search for black and white images, then browse through pages of black and white images to look for computer clips. c. Refine your search by clicking the Black & White category on the Clip Art and Media home page, typing computers in the search box, then clicking Go. 5. You can change the colors in a clip. a. True b. False 6. Let's say you want to find photos of children. What is the quickest and easiest way to do this? a. Type photos in the search box, then browse through pages of images to look for photos of children. b. In the Search dropdown list, select Photos, then type children in the search box next to it. c. Search for children, then browse through pages of images to look for photos of children. 7. What is the fastest way to use a clip in your document? a. Select a clip from the Clip Art and Media site, download the clip to Clip Organizer, then click and drag the clip to your document. b. Buy a random clip art CD, find a clip you want to use, drag the clip from the CD onto your hard drive, try to remember which folder you put that clip in, then paste it into your document. c. Right-click on the clip you want, click Copy, move your cursor to where you want the clip in your document, right-click to get the drop-down list, then click Paste. 8. How do you open Clip Organizer? a. In an Office program, use the Organize Clips link in the Clip Art task pane (Insert menu, Picture command). b. On the Microsoft Windows Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Office, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Clip Organizer. c. Download a clip from the Clip Art and Media site on Office Online. d. All of the above. 9. One way to tie together the look and feel of all the sections of your document is to use clips of the same: a. Style b. Flavor c. Family 10. You've made lots of changes to a clip - rotated it, changed its color, made it larger. Now, you decide you want to start from scratch. On the Picture toolbar, which button will give you the clip back in its original form? a. Reform Picture button b. Reset Picture button c. Retract Picture button 1. The Stationery task pane is available in all versions of OneNote. a. True. b. False. 2. Stationery in OneNote works exactly like Themes in other Microsoft Office System programs. a. True. b. False. 3. Which of these statements is correct? a. Stationery can be applied to new, blank pages. b. Stationery can be applied to existing pages that already contain notes. c. All of the above. 4. Apart from typed or handwritten text, character formatting, bulleted or numbered lists, pictures, clip art, note flags, rule lines, and background images, OneNote stationery can also include: a. A specific section color. b. One or more subpages. c. None of the above. 5. The easiest way to customize existing stationery is to: a. Find the stationery source file on your computer's hard disk, open it in OneNote, make the changes you want, and then overwrite the file. b. Create a new, blank page in your notebook, apply the stationery you want to modify, make the changes that you want, and then click Save current page as stationery in the Stationery task pane. c. Open the Stationery task pane, right-click the name of the stationery you want to modify, and then click Customize on the shortcut menu. 6. The easiest way to create new stationery is to: a. Create a new stationery file in the OneNote Stationery folder on your hard disk, open the file in OneNote, design the page, and then save your changes to the file. b. Create a new, blank page anywhere in your notebook, design the page, and then click Save current page as stationery in the Stationery task pane. c. Right-click the list of available stationery designs in the Stationery task pane, and then click New stationery on the shortcut menu. 7. The easiest way to delete custom stationery you have created is to: a. Open the Stationery task pane, right-click the name of the stationery you want to delete, and then click Delete on the shortcut menu. b. Click Stationery Manager on the Tools menu, click the name of the stationery you want to delete, and then click Delete. c. Open any page in your notebook that contains the stationery you want to delete, click the arrow next to the page tab, and then click Remove stationery on the shortcut menu. 8. To automatically apply the same stationery to new pages in a particular section of your notebook, you would: a. Apply the stationery to a new, blank page, click the arrow next to the New Page tab on the page, and then click Set as default stationery on the shortcut menu. b. Open the Stationery task pane and then select the name of the stationery you want from the Choose default stationery list. c. Open the Stationery task pane, and then select the Set current page as default stationery check box. 9. Is it possible to share your customized stationery with other OneNote users? a. Yes. b. No. 10. You can download additional stationery designs from the _____ Web site and add them to your list. a. Microsoft Download Center b. Office Online c. Office Update 1. How do you open Clip Organizer? a. In an Office program, use the Organize Clips link in the Clip Art task pane. b. On the Microsoft Windows Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Office, point to Microsoft Office Tools, and then click Microsoft Clip Organizer. c. Download a clip from the Clip Art and Media site on Office Online. d. Any of the above. 2. What are the three major collections in Clip Organizer? a. My Collections, Office Collections, and Web Collections. b. My Collections, Business Collections, and Other Collections. c. Main Collections, Office Collections, and Online Collections. 3. If you need to delete a clip, what's your method? a. Delete the clip reference from a particular collection. b. Completely delete the clip reference from Clip Organizer. c. Delete the clip from your computer altogether. d. Any of the above. 4. You can add, edit, or delete keywords for clip art. a. True b. False 5. You have Clip Organizer if you have: a. Office 2003 b. Office 2003 or Office XP c. Office XP or Office 2000 1. You've created a new section. How can you change the color of the section? a. Right-click the section tab, point to Section Color on the shortcut menu, and then click the color you want. b. On the Edit menu, point to Select, and then click a color name. c. On the Standard toolbar, click the arrow next to Pen color. , and then choose a 2. You've just created a new page in your notebook. How can you give the page a title that also appears in the page tab? a. Right-click the page tab, click Rename on the shortcut menu, and then type the title. b. Type the title in the title area at the top of the page. c. Right-click the section tab in which the page is located, click Rename on the shortcut menu, and then type the title. 3. The only way to create a new page in your notebook is by using the New task pane. a. True b. False 4. How can you choose stationery for a new page? a. On the File menu, point to Stationery, and then choose the stationery you want b. Press CTRL+S. c. Open the Stationery task pane, and then select the stationery you want. 5. You want to record what someone is saying, but you don't have OneNote open. What's the fastest way to start a recording? a. Open OneNote, create a new section, point to Audio Recording on the Tools menu, and then click Record. b. Right-click the OneNote icon in the notification area, at the far right of the taskbar, and then click Start Recording Audio on the shortcut menu. c. Open OneNote, right-click an area on any page, and then click Start Recording Audio on the shortcut menu. 6. How do you move existing sections into a new folder? a. Select the sections you want to move, and then click New Folder on the Insert menu. b. On the View menu, click Page List, and then sort the sections into the new folder. c. Right-click the tab for each section, and then click Move on the shortcut menu. 7. How can you use the Note Flags Summary task pane to view only those to-do items that you haven't yet marked as complete? a. Select the Show only unchecked items check box. b. In the Search list, click Selected pages, and then click Refresh Results. c. In the Group note flags by list, click Note Flag Name. 8. How can you get notes from OneNote into Microsoft Word? a. On the File menu, click Share with Others. b. Click Publish Pages on the File menu. c. On the File menu, point to Send To, and then choose Microsoft Office Word. 9. You took some notes in OneNote and you want to send them to a friend in e-mail. However, your friend does not have OneNote installed, so he won't be able to view your notes. a. True b. False 10. When you customize note flags, your changes do not affect notes you have already flagged. a. True b. False