– April 7, 2011 Meeting Minutes Graduate Curriculum Committee Dr. Jennifer Apperson


Graduate Curriculum Committee

– April 7, 2011 Meeting Minutes

Dr. Jeannine Perry called the meeting to order at 3:36 p.m. The following members were present:

Dr. Jennifer Apperson

Dr. Gretchen Braun

Dr. William Burger

Ms. Mary Carroll-Hackett (absent)

Mrs. Kathy Charleston

Dr. Audrey Church

Dr. Sharon Emerson-Stonnell

Dr. Lily Goetz (absent)

Dr. Frank Howe

Dr. David Locascio

Dr. Pat Lust

Dr. Rachel Mathews

Dr. Jennifer Miskec

Ms. Abbey O’Connor (absent)

Dr. Jeannine Perry

Dr. Michele Norman

Dr. Gena Southall (absent)

Dr. Gerry Sokol

Dr. Burger moved, Dr. Apperson seconded and the minutes of the March 3, 2011 meeting were approved.

Dr. Lust presented the new course (MUSC 646) and program change in EDMU. Dr. Sokol suggested removing the words ‘hybrid online’ from the course description. Dr. Burger moved, Dr. Braun seconded to approve with the friendly change and the new course and program change were approved.

Ms. Charleston presented the three program name changes from graduate licensure to professional endorsement for GLAS, GLRD and GLLM. The changes were necessary to align with Virginia

Department of Education requirements. Dr. William Burger moved and Dr. Emerson-Stonnell seconded and the three name changes were approved.

Dr. Howe presented the course change (COUN 613) in School Counseling. Dr. Lust moved and Dr.

Church seconded and the additions of prerequisites to the course were approved.

Ms. Charleston presented the program change to the Spanish Initial Licensure program. Dr.

Apperson moved and Dr. Burger seconded and the change to increase the required Spanish hours was approved.

A discussion about accurate course titles needing to appear on academic transcripts for courses that can be repeated for credit when the topic changes. The discussion included courses brought in for study abroad that are not reflecting actual study by students. Determined this should be resolved by a meeting with the Registrar.

Dr. Miskec presented the new course - ENGL 590. Dr. Sokol suggested changing the words

‘director’s approval’ to ‘faculty member’s’. Dr. Church moved and Dr. Sokol seconded to approve with the friendly change and the new course was approved.

Dr. Perry moved for adjournment at 4:10 p.m.
