During the spring 2008 semester the Professional Education Unit revised its list of required dispositions to include valuing diversity. At the same time the Professional Education Unit revised the examples of at standard and target behaviors associated with this disposition. These include accepting/willingly working with others from different ability, race, gender, or ethnic groups, displaying respectful and responsive behavior toward the ideas and views of others, interacting in a polite and professional manner with those perceived different from themselves, listening carefully and respecting the views of those perceived different from themselves, and welcoming feedback and interaction with others. These examples provide a common framework as individual programs identify and/or refine opportunities to observe these dispositions in clinical settings. As described earlier, all initial and advanced preparation programs developed Program Assessment Plans that outline how each program plans to collect program-level disposition data. Furthermore, candidate proficiencies related to diversity are captured within the Virginia Teacher Standards: “Evidence of opportunities for candidates to participate in diverse school settings that provide experiences with populations that include racial, economic, linguistic, and ethnic diversity throughout the program experiences. The indicator of the achievement of this standard shall include evidence that the professional education programs provide opportunities for candidates to have program experiences in diverse school settings that provide experiences with populations that include racial, economic, linguistic, and ethnic diversity within each biennial period.” The dispositions assessments and the field placement information found on this site are evidence of meeting this standard. Communicates high expectations: Sets significant and challenging objectives for students and verbally/nonverbally communicates confidence in students' ability to achieve these objectives Establishes a positive learning environment: Establishes clear standards of conduct, shows awareness of student behavior, and responds in ways that are both appropriate and respectful of students Values and supports student diversity and addresses individual needs: Consistently supports student diversity and addresses individual needs using a variety of strategies and methods Fosters mutual respect between teacher and students and among students: Consistently treats all students with respect and concern and monitors student interactions to encourage students to treat each other with respect and concern Kentucky Teacher Standard 4 – Implements/Manages Instruction includes the following proficiencies: Implements instruction based on diverse student needs and assessment data: Implements instruction based on diverse student needs and assessment data AND adapts instruction to unanticipated circumstances if needed As described under NCATE Standards 1 and 2, all initial and advanced programs have developed critical performances that measure candidate proficiency on these as well as other Kentucky Teacher Standards. Finally, for the initial preparation programs and many advanced programs, the Teacher Work Sample or a similar project provides candidates the opportunity to demonstrate within an instructional unit their ability to meet the diverse needs of students. Below are the particular TWS components, indicators, and descriptions of what candidates must demonstrate to meet each indicator. Contextual Factor Indicators Knowledge of Community, School, and Classroom Factors (CF1): Teacher displays a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of the community, school, and classroom that may affect learning. Knowledge of Characteristics of Students (CF 2): Teacher displays general and specific understanding of student differences (e.g., development, interests, culture, abilities/disabilities) that may affect learning. Knowledge of Students’ Varied Approaches to Learning (CF3): Teacher displays general and specific understanding of the different ways students learn (e.g., learning styles, learning modalities) that may affect learning. Knowledge of Students’ Skills and Prior Learning (CF4): Teacher displays general and specific understanding of students’ skills and prior learning that may affect learning. Implication for Instructional Planning and Assessment (CF5): Teacher provides specific implications for instruction and assessment based on student individual differences and community, school, and classroom characteristics. Learning Goals Indicators Appropriateness for Students (LG3): Most goals are appropriate for the development; pre-requisite knowledge, skills, experiences; and other student needs. Assessment Plan Indicators Adaptations Based on the Individual Needs of Students (AP5): Teacher makes adaptations to assessments that are appropriate to meet the individual needs of most students. Design for Instruction Indicators Use of Contextual Information and Data to Select Appropriate and Relevant Activities, Assignments and Resources (DFI5): Most instruction has been designed with reference to contextual factors and pre-assessment data. Most activities and assignments appear productive and appropriate for each student. Instructional Decision-Making Modifications Based on Analysis of Student Learning (IDM2): Appropriate modifications of the instructional plan are made to address individual student needs. These modifications are informed by the analysis of student learning/performance, best practice, or contextual factors. Include explanation of why the modifications would improve student progress.