Professional Education Council APRIL 25, 2006 MINUTES 3:30PM HULL 132 MEETING CALLED BY Tony Norman ATTENDEES Pam Arkin, Deborah Carrington, Vonnie Colvin, Cheryl Davis, Lily Goetz, David Locascio, Pat Lust, Enza McCauley, Tony Norman, Marilyn Osborn, Jeannine Perry, Lissa Power-deFur, Chuck Ross, Michele Smith, Gerry Sokol, Peggy Tarpley; Guests: Jeff Hoyt, Wayne McWee Agenda Topics CHARGE FROM VICE PRESIDENT DISCUSSION SPA Assessment Plan Deadline Dr. McWee stressed the importance of PEC and assured members support at the highest levels. He asked for a rough draft of SPA Assessment Plans to go to Dr. Norman. He reiterated July 1 st due date as important for fall 2006 implementation. He cited advantages saying that this not only helps gather information for NCATE purposes, but it will also be used for program biennial reports submitted to Longwood’s Office of Assessment and Institutional Research. COMMENTS Dr. Norman restated his request to have SPA Assessment Plans from faculty by June 1 st, thus allowing him 30 days to give program coordinators feedback before their final submission of the plans to Dr. Hoyt’s office by July 1 st. Dr. Hoyt noted that Dr. Norman’s request to have the SPA Assessment Plans done now will actually streamline the process and cut down on the frequency of reports (from being completed every year to every other year). NEW PEC BYLAWS Article 3.2 Dr. Goetz stated that 7 days notice is not enough notice for a meeting. Suggested that it be changed to one month prior to meeting date. DISCUSSION CONCLUSION Motion to change notice time to one month, and change was accepted. Article 3.2 will now read: Notification of meetings shall be given at least 1 month prior to any meeting except in emergency situations. DISCUSSION Article 5 Dr. Norman emphasized that the PEC is primarily an advisory body. CONCLUSION Motion to accept bylaws. Vote taken. Bylaws accepted by assent. POWER POINT PRESENTATION: PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION UNIT WIDE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM DISCUSSION PowerPoint (See PowerPoint attached in e-mail) Review of the work completed this year to develop a unit-wide assessment system that will be ready for fall 2006 implementation (See Orange Book). Dr. Goetz asked for clarification of when unit-wide assessments would occur. Dr. Norman moved to the chart that shows most unit-wide assessments will occur during EDUC courses. Dr. Power-deFur suggested that some items on the Clinical Experience Diversity Report might cause concern among our PK -12 partner schools. Dr. Norman agreed to get feedback from schools about the acceptability of these items. Dr. Norman also invited program coordinator to meet with him about how to enhance unit-wide assessment to meet specific program assessment needs. CONCLUSION Dr. Norman requested that the PEC Charge Dr. Smith and him with the task of taking ideas in Orange Book and begin writing policies and procedures this summer that will then be discussed and potentially approved for implementation by the PEC early fall 2006. INFORMATION FROM DIRECTOR OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - DR. SMITH’S CHALLENGES Forty-five students do not meet requirements for Practicum II. Suggested that we may need to back up the time line for requirements to be met. She asked for suggestions. She stressed that most students did not know the score needed to enter teacher prep (Combined Praxis score should be 532). Stated she would be working with Dr. Norman about how to streamline process for entrance into teacher prep and working with Registrar’s Office to catch stud ents early on (requires coding correctly in system). INFORMATION FOR THE VA DEPT OF EDUCATION - DR. POWER Dr. Power-deFur clarified that two separate laws dictate the use of Praxis I. One law, still in effect, specifies the use of Praxis I as an entrance requirement into all VA teacher preparation programs. Another law specifies Praxis I as a licensure requirement. This law recently changed replacing Praxis I with the VCLA as a licensure requirement. She mentioned that ABTEL is working with t he state to express Higher Ed’s frustration that the present situation requires two different tests, although they purportedly meas ure the same skills. The state is working to remedy the situation. She also pointed out that changes in any of our teacher pre paration programs MUST BE approved by the state or we risk students not being eligible for licensure. She encouraged all program coordinators to contact the VA Director of Teacher Education, Melanie Bierman, regarding any changes they are making or contemplating making to their programs.