Longwood Education Program SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies- Middle School David Locascio, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Education Program Coordinator: Hull Building; Room 215 Longwood Educational Program: Liberal Studies –Middle School Program Coordinator e-mail Address: locasciod@longwood.edu Program Coordinator Office Phone: (434) 395-2609 National Middle School Association SPA Name: (NMSA) SPA Website: www.nmsa.org Date SPA Assessment Plan Submitted: June 28, 2006 Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Date Plan Approved by AIR: Page 1 David Locascio 4/10/2020 Chart 1: Required (RQ) and Recommended (RC) Standards for Each Assessment SPA Assessments NMSA STANDARDS Recommended Method of Assessment: 1 Content Knowledge (Required) 2 Content Knowledge (Required) PRAXIS II 3 Pedagogical KSD (Required) Planning 4 Pedagogical KSD (Required) Clinical Evaluation 5 Effects on Learning (Required) 6 Program Choice (Required) 7 Program Choice (Optional) 8 Program Choice (Optional) 1. YOUNG ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT 1a. Knowledge relating to standard RC RC RC 1b. Dispositions relating to standard RC RC RC 1c. Performances relating to standard RC RC RC 2a. Knowledge relating to standard RC RC RC 2b. Dispositions relating to standard RC RC RC 2c. Performances relating to standard RC RC RC 3a. Knowledge relating to standard RC RC RC RC RC 3b. Dispositions relating to standard RC RC RC RC RC 3c. Performances relating to standard RC RC RC RC RC 4a. Knowledge relating to standard RC RC RC RC RC 4b. Dispositions relating to standard RC RC RC RC RC 4c. Performances relating to standard 5. MIDDLE LEVEL INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT RC RC RC RC RC 5a. Knowledge relating to standard RC RC 5b. Dispositions relating to standard RC RC 2. MIDDLE LEVEL PHILOSOPHY AND SCHOOL ORGANIZATION 3. MIDDLE LEVEL CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT 4. MIDDLE LEVEL TEACHING FIELDS Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 2 David Locascio 4/10/2020 SPA Assessments NMSA STANDARDS 1 Content Knowledge (Required) 2 Content Knowledge (Required) 5c. Performances relating to standard 3 Pedagogical KSD (Required) 4 Pedagogical KSD (Required) RC RC 5 Effects on Learning (Required) 6 Program Choice (Required) 7 Program Choice (Optional) 8 Program Choice (Optional) 6. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT 6a. Knowledge relating to standard RC 6b. Dispositions relating to standard RC 6c. Performances relating to standard RC 7. MIDDLE LEVEL PROFESSIONAL ROLES 7a. Knowledge relating to standard RC 7b. Dispositions relating to standard RC 7c. Performances relating to standard RC Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 3 David Locascio 4/10/2020 Chart 2: Program Assessment Descriptions and Delineation of Specific Items that Meet SPA Standards SPA Assessments NMSA STANDARDS 1 Praxis II 2 Composite Grades 3 Group Station Projects 4 Clinical Experience Evaluation 5 Teacher Work Sample 6 Dispositions Assessment 7 Teaching Portfolio* 8 Teacher Survey* 1. YOUNG ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT 1a. Knowledge relating to standard 1b. Dispositions relating to standard 1c. Performances relating to standard Composite Grades for EDUC 245, 265, 370, 425, 427, 450 & 452 Composite Grades for EDUC 245, 265, 370, 425, 427, 450 & 452 Composite Grades for EDUC 245, 265, 370, 425, 427, 450 & 452 Group Station Projects G4 CEXEVL CFIII, MSa-c Teacher Work Sample Section a Three Ages Project MSa-d Group Station Projects G4 CEXEVL CFII, IV, V, MSa-c Student Teaching Presentati on* Teacher Work Sample All sections Teacher Survey* 2. MIDDLE LEVEL PHILOSOPHY AND SCHOOL ORGANIZATION 2a. Knowledge relating to standard 2b. Dispositions relating to standard 2c. Performances relating to standard Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Composite Grades for EDUC 260 265, 370, 427 & 452 Composite Grades for EDUC 260 265, 370, 427 & 452 Composite Grades for EDUC 260 265, 370, 427 & 452 Page 4 Group Station Projects G5 Middle School Synopsis* CEXEVL MSa-c Group Station Projects D3 MSa-d Philosoph y of Education Statement Teacher Survey* David Locascio 4/10/2020 SPA Assessments NMSA STANDARDS 1 Praxis II 2 Composite Grades 3 Group Station Projects 4 Clinical Experience Evaluation 5 Teacher Work Sample Group Station Projects All sections CEXEVL CFIII, V, MSa-c Teacher Work Sample All sections 6 Dispositions Assessment 7 Teaching Portfolio* 8 Teacher Survey* 3. MIDDLE LEVEL CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT Composite Grades for EDUC 265, 370, 380, 425, 427, 450 & 452 Composite Grades for EDUC 265, 370, 380, 425, 427, 450 & 452 Composite Grades for EDUC 265, 370, 380, 425, 427, 450 & 452 3a. Knowledge relating to standard 3b. Dispositions relating to standard 3c. Performances relating to standard Group Station Projects All sections Group Station Projects All sections Teacher Work Sample Section g CEXEVL CFII, IV, V, MSa-c Assessmen t assignment * MSa-d Teacher Work Sample All sections Teacher Survey* 4. MIDDLE LEVEL TEACHING FIELDS 4a. Knowledge relating to standard Praxis II sub-scores in areas correspondi ng with concentratio ns Composite Grades for courses in concentratio n areas Group Station Projects G1, G5 CEXEVL CFI, MSa-c 4b. Dispositions relating to standard 4c. Performances relating to standard Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Teacher Survey* MSa-d Praxis II sub-scores in areas correspondi ng with concentratio ns Composite Grades for courses in concentratio n areas Page 5 Group Station Projects CEXEVL CFII, IV, V, MSa-c Teacher Survey* David Locascio 4/10/2020 SPA Assessments NMSA STANDARDS 1 Praxis II 2 Composite Grades 3 Group Station Projects 4 Clinical Experience Evaluation 5 Teacher Work Sample Group Station Projects All sections CEXEVL CFIII, V, MSa-c Teacher Work Sample All sections 6 Dispositions Assessment 7 Teaching Portfolio* 8 Teacher Survey* 5. MIDDLE LEVEL INSTRUCTION AND ASSESSMENT 5a. Knowledge relating to standard 5b. Dispositions relating to standard 5c. Performances relating to standard Composite Grades for EDUC 265, 370, 380, 425, 427, 450 & 452 Composite Grades for EDUC 265, 370, 380, 425, 427, 450 & 452 Composite Grades for EDUC 265, 370, 380, 425, 427, 450 & 452 Group Station Projects All sections Group Station Projects All sections Teacher Work Sample Section g CEXEVL CFII, IV, V, MSa-c Assessmen t assignment * MSa-d Teacher Work Sample All sections Teacher Survey* 6. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Teacher Work Sample Section a 6a. Knowledge relating to standard 6b. Dispositions relating to standard Teacher Survey* MSa-d Teacher Work Sample Section a 6c. Performances relating to standard 7. MIDDLE LEVEL PROFESSIONAL ROLES 7a. Knowledge relating to standard Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Composite Grades for EDUC 260, 265, 370, 381, & 487 Page 6 Electronic media project* David Locascio 4/10/2020 SPA Assessments NMSA STANDARDS 1 Praxis II 2 Composite Grades 7b. Dispositions relating to standard 3 Group Station Projects 4 Clinical Experience Evaluation 5 Teacher Work Sample 6 Dispositions Assessment 7 Teaching Portfolio* MSa-d Composite Grades for EDUC 260, 7c. Performances relating to standard 265, 370, 381, & 487 *NOTE: After completing this chart, you would be ready to complete your SPA Report Form/Template Section III-RELATIONSHIP OF ASSESSMENT TO STANDARDS. Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School 8 Teacher Survey* Page 7 Teacher Survey* David Locascio 4/10/2020 Chart 3: List of Assessments and Time of Administration (Taken from the SPA Report Template: SECTION II— LIST OF ASSESSMENTS) Name of Assessment Praxis II: *Note: Virginia requires students seeking middle-level licensure to take the two Praxis II 1 tests in their areas of concentration; Language Arts (test # 0049), Math (0069), Science (0439), and/or Social Studies (0089) Composite Grades *Various grade composites drawn from the following education courses; EDUC 245, 260, 370, 380, 381, 425, 427, 450, 452 and 487, and the following content-area courses (dependent upon students’ concentration areas; 2 English: ENG 150, 350, 381, 382, 400, and 479; Math: MATH 121/204, 181, 309, 310, 313/335, and 430; Natural Sciences: BIOL 114, EASC 101 and 300, CHEM 101 Social Sciences: HIST 100, 110, 121, and 222, POSC 150, GEOG 221, 222, ECON 111/115 3 Group Station Project (rubric attached) 4 Clinical Experience Evaluation (attached) Teacher Work Sample (rubric attached) Includes sub-assessment of a. Contextual Factors b. Learning Goals 5 c. Assessment Plan d. Design for Instruction e. Instructional Decision Making f. Analysis of Student Learning g. Reflection /Self-Evaluation Type or Form of Assessment1 State Licensure Test When the Assessment Is Administered2 End of Program Final Grade for Courses Specified. Content area composite grades dependent upon students’ two concentration areas. As students complete courses Collaborative Unit Plans designed around Advanced Curriculum Model EDUC 450-52 (Middle School Partnership) Evaluation during Student Teaching Student Teaching Teacher Work Sample Rubrics with sub-assessments as listed on left EDUC 450-52 (Middle School Partnership) 1 Identify the type of assessment (e.g., essay, case study, project, comprehensive exam, reflection, state licensure test, portfolio). Indicate the point in the program when the assessment is administered (e.g., admission to the program, admission to student teaching/internship, required courses [specify course title and numbers], or completion of the program). 2 Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 8 David Locascio 4/10/2020 Name of Assessment 6 Dispositions Assessments (attached) Presentation of Teaching Portfolio Portfolio will include the following assignments (assignments under development *); -Three Ages Project (EDUC 245) -Philosophy of Education statement (EDUC 260) 7 -Educational autobiography (EDUC 260) -Assessment assignment* (EDUC 380) -Electronic media project* (EDUC 381) -Middle School Synopsis* (EDUC 425) -Lesson Plans (EDUC 425 & 450) -Student Teaching presentation* (EDUC 499) 8 Teacher Survey (under development*) Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Type or Form of Assessment1 When the Assessment Is Administered2 Practicum, Partnership, and Student Teaching Disposition Rating Form Practicum II, Partnership, and Student Teaching Holistic assessment of portfolio representing students progression through the Liberal studies program Through the duration of the Liberal Studies program Survey of Graduates Post Graduation Page 9 David Locascio 4/10/2020 APPENDIX: Standard Aligned Assessment Rubrics Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 10 EDUC 450-452; Middle School Partnership (Assessment #3) Note: This rubric contains criteria representing a total of 80 points (combining group and individual scores). Acceptable performance on this assignment if a score of 64 or better, representing 80%. Group Station Product (GSP) grading rubric Group members: Date: GSP component completed …out of 80 points Subject area: Math Science Social Studies English Grade level/ SOL: General comments: Content (G1) Process (G2) Product (G3) Context (G4) Resources Group components (up to 50 points) Does not meet expectations Score of 6 Partially meets expectations Score of 8 Meets or exceeds expectations Score of 10 Group demonstrated insufficient disciplinary expertise to effectively address content components of the Standard of Learning (SOL). Deeper conceptual understanding is lacking. Group worked largely individually on separate components, with “group” work overly contentious or dominated by individuals. Resource use (both human and text) was minimal. Group demonstrated content knowledge that is well-suited to teaching the SOL at the given grade level, but demonstration of deeper conceptual knowledge is minimal. Group demonstrated applicable content expertise, including knowledge of SOL-related content as well as discipline-specific concepts and principles. Group worked together, but collaborative discussions were at times off-task. Applicable resources were not often incorporated into design process. Group GSP lacked numerous elements of presentation, or was submitted incomplete or late. Group GSP was complete and on-time but lacked some elements related to the assignment. Attention to the needs of academic diversity within the unit was not fully developed. Group presented a GSP product that insufficiently demonstrates knowledge of the principles, theories and research relating to young adolescent development Annotated bibliography is not included, is incomplete and/or inadequately developed. Group presented a GSP product that demonstrates adequate knowledge of the principles, theories and research relating to young adolescent development Annotated bibliography is included, but is not properly cited, and/or does not include articles relating Group worked effectively together, using assigned readings and additional resources where appropriate. All group members contributed actively to GSP development. Group completed a GSP product that was professional, complete, and on-time. Product incorporates SOL-based content into an instructional unit appropriate for academically diverse classrooms at the stated grade level. Group presented a GSP product that demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of the principles, theories and research relating to young adolescent development Annotated bibliography is included, is properly cited, and includes articles relating to teaching this Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Score Page 11 Explanation of variance to teaching this subject area in the 6-8 school setting. (G5) subject area in the 6-8 school setting. Individual components: PCM Developers (up to 30 points) Conceptual foundation (D1) Introductory & learning activities (D2) Teaching strategies & resources (D3) Products & assessments (D4) Grouping & modification for learner needs (D5) Writing mechanics Does not meet expectations Score of 3 Partially meets expectations Score of 4 Meets or exceeds expectations Score of 5 Curriculum is lacking elements of content coverage as they relate to the SOLs. PCM framework is largely absent. Curriculum is grounded in SOL-based content, but lesson is less effective in demonstrating conceptual grasp of the PCM framework. Description of activities is inadequate, or activities have minimal connection to learning goals (knowledge and skills) Activities are described adequately, but lack connection to some stated learning goals. Student activities are excessively teacher-driven and offer few opportunities for authentic engagement. Teaching strategies are lacking in descriptive detail or appropriateness to grade level or content. Resource use is limited or absent from descriptions. Teaching strategies are described in general terms without clear connection(s) to content structure. Teaching may not be wholly consistent with theory and research on middle-level teaching. Resources are used but are limited to text based materials. Curriculum is grounded in SOL-based content, while also coherently incorporating underlying conceptual framework related to this knowledge. PCM design elements are clearly present. Activities are clearly described and are organized, relevant, and engaging. Tasks are aligned with goals of understanding and skills acquisition. Elements of collaboration and/or student initiative are incorporated where appropriate. Teaching strategies are clearly described, are rich and varied, and appear sensible for the grade level and consistent with theory and research on middle level teaching. Appropriate resources are creatively incorporated. Description of assessments is lacking in clarity or is missing elements (i.e. pretest). Assessments that are described are not openended enough to measure important learning objectives embedded within the unit design. Unit is focused upon products or assessments that are reasonable, if not particularly authentic or engaging. Open-ended performance assessments are not fully considered as viable alternatives to traditional pre and post test formats. Unit shows little attention to raising cognitive demand beyond declarative SObased knowledge. Description of grouping strategies is lacking. Unit represents an effort to “raise the ceiling” to challenge learners, but explicit approaches to flexible differentiation are lacking or underdeveloped. Unit is written without sufficient attention to professionalism, Contains excessive errors and a clear Unit is written clearly but lacks some critical elements of professionalism. Additional editing or Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Score Unit is focused upon assessing students’ knowledge and skills through meaningful student products and/or performances which call on students to use what they know in meaningful and interesting ways. Unit includes use of preassessment. Unit incorporates ascending intellectual demand through work that is sufficiently flexible to engage students of various ability levels. Explicit modifications are identified. Unit is well-written and professionally presented. Contains minimal spelling and/or grammatical errors. Page 12 Explanation of variance (D6) lack of proof-reading. proof-reading needed. Individual component: Recorder (up to 30 points) Explanation of task division (R1) Overview of discussion (R2) Assessment of group dynamics & performance (R3) Does not meet expectations Score of 6 Partially meets expectations Score of 8 Meets or exceeds expectations Score of 10 Natural history gives minimal attention to the group’s decision-making processing, in either content selection or task division. Natural history offers a summary of group decisionmaking that does not fully expose how content was decided upon or how tasks were divided. Natural history effectively summarizes the group’s approach to the GSP assignment. Steps in deciding upon a subject and dividing tasks are included. Natural history offers only a limited description of how the group proceeded through discussions on assigned readings or other resources. Natural history offers a narrow discussion of “scripted” discussions (i.e. the assigned readings), but fails to describe the more emergent discussions within the project (ie. resources, complexity of teaching young adolescents, etc. ). Natural history offers a comprehensive overview of the group discussion pertaining to assigned readings, design concerns, and resources, as well as consideration of the complexity of teaching young adolescents. Natural history offers no assessment of how the group worked together or as individuals to do the GSP assignment. Little to no critical insight is offered. Natural history offers generalities about group work, but is limited in critiquing the particulars of group members’ task performance. Natural history offers insight into the group’s efficiency, offering constructive critiques of how the group members performed their assigned tasks. Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Score Page 13 Explanation of variance Final Clinical Experience Evaluation v062 (Assessment #4) *Average Score of “2.5” Considered Acceptable Page 1 Enter the confidential access number provided to you in order to continue to the Final Clinical Experience Evaluation. {Enter text answer} [ ] Page 2 Final Clinical Experience Evaluation (v. 062) IMPORTANT NOTE: This evaluation can only be processed if the Longwood ID and teacher candidate name you provide are accurate. If you do not have access to this information, please ask the candidate to provide this information. Thank you. Please provide the candidate's Longwood ID/CWID: {Enter text answer} [ ] NOTE: You MUST provide a correct Longwood ID in order for this evaluation to be processed. Please provide the candidate's name as s/he is currently enrolled at Longwood: Last Name {Enter text answer} [ ] First Name {Enter text answer} [ ] Middle Name or Middle Initial {Enter text answer} [ ] Please indicate on which of the following you are reporting information: {Choose one} ( ) Student Teaching Placement 1 ( ) Student Teaching Placement 2 ( ) Full Student Teaching Experience ( ) Graduate Professional Internship (EDUC 689) ( ) Other Placement Please indicate the semester and year in which you are completing this evaluation: Semester {Choose one} ( ) Spring ( ) Summer ( ) Fall Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 14 Year {Choose one} ( ) 2006 ( ) 2007 ( ) 2008 ( ) 2009 ( ) 2010 ( ) 2011 ( ) 2012 ( ) 2013 ( ) 2014 ( ) 2015 Please indicate your role: {Choose one} ( ) University Supervisor ( ) Cooperating Teacher ( ) University Faculty ( ) Principal ( ) Other INSTRUCTIONS: Below are essential knowledge and skills that the Longwood Professional Education Community has determined as important for its candidates to develop during their educational preparation. Using the available Conceptual Framework Standards Rubrics, please assess this candidate's present ability to demonstrate these characteristics. If you are unable to evaluate a candidate on a particular indicator (i.e., you did not have an opportunity to observe this behavior), please choose "NA" for "Not Applicable/Not Observed." However, please use this option sparingly as we desire your best judgment of the candidate's ability on as many of these indicators as possible. Click here to view a copy of the Longwood Conceptual Framework Standards Rubrics. CF Standard I: Content Knowledge a. Demonstrates understanding of the subject being taught {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA b. Helps learners understand the subject and its relationship to the student {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 15 c. Uses variety of methods and materials to present subject content {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA d. Communicates concepts, processes and knowledge {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA e. Demonstrates instructional strategies related to content and student learning {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA f. Guides students to understand content from various perspectives and its relationship to the world at large {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA Page 3 CF Standard II: Planning a. Develops outcomes aligned with standards {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA b. Uses contextual data to design instruction relevant to students {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA c. Plans assessments to guide instruction and measure learning outcomes {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 16 d. Plans instructional strategies, activities, and adaptations that address learning outcomes for all students {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA e. Plans instructional strategies, activities, and adaptations that facilitate multiple levels of learning {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA CF Standard III: Learning Climate a. Communicates rules, procedures, and academic standards {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA b. Demonstrates fair and positive classroom management techniques {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA c. Establishes a safe and supportive learning environment that encourages mutual cooperation and respect {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA d. Demonstrates an understanding of child development with respect to typical and atypical behaviors of students {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA e. Communicates high expectations {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 17 f. Values and supports student diversity and addresses individual needs {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA CF Standard IV: Implementation/Management a. Uses effective lesson design to provide instruction appropriate to lesson objectives {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA b. Facilitates high expectations for all learners through individual and group learning experiences {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA c. Stimulates and encourages critical thinking and creative problem solving as appropriate {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA d. Implements planned instruction based on diverse student needs and assessment data {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA e. Uses time effectively {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA f. Uses and arranges classroom space effectively {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA Page 4 Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 18 CF Standard V: Evaluation/Assessment a. Uses a variety of appropriate evaluation methods for each lesson objective {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA b. Uses assessments that are aligned with learning outcomes {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA c. Analyzes assessment data to guide instruction and learning and to measure learning progress {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA d. Shares assessment results with students and parents {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA e. Adapts assessments to accommodate diverse learning needs and situations {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA CF Standard VI: Communication a. Demonstrates competence in oral communication {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA b. Demonstrates competence in written communication {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 19 c. Demonstrates the ability to communicate with students {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA d. Demonstrates the ability to communicate with school personnel {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA e. Demonstrates the ability to communicate with parents and families {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA CF Standard VII: Technology a. Uses media, technology, and available resources to design and plan instruction {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA b. Uses media, technology, and available resources to implement instruction and facilitate student learning {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA c. Uses media, technology, and available resources to assess and communicate student learning {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 20 d. Integrates student use of media, technology, and available resources into instruction {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA For the candidate you are evaluating, please indicate his/her educational program of study: {Choose one} ( ) Art Education ( ) Business Education ( ) Elementary Education ( ) History/Social Studies Education ( ) Middle School Education ( ) Secondary Mathematics Education ( ) Theatre Education ( ) Other Page 10 Below are additional standards for those who are pursuing a degree to work in Middle School education. Please assess this candidate's present ability to demonstrate these characteristics. Middle School Education Standards MSa. Demonstrates understanding of the major principles and theories relating to young adolescent development. {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA MSb. Applies theory and research relating to your adolescent development to support student learning. {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA MSc. Demonstrates a belief in and a commitment to teaching within the developmentally responsive middle school setting, including interdisciplinary teaming, advisory roles, modeling of appropriate behaviors, and involvement with families and community members. {Choose one} ( ) Indicator Not Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Partially Demonstrated ( ) Indicator Demonstrated ( ) NA Page 13 Thank you for taking a moment to help us collect information about how well Longwood is preparing teachers. Please click "finish" below to submit your responses. Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 21 Teacher Work Sample Analytic Scoring Rubrics (Assessment #5) *NOTE: An average score of 2.5 across indicators aligned to any standard is considered Acceptable. Contextual Factors Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher uses information about the learning/teaching context and student individual differences to set learning goals, plan instruction and assess learning. Rating Indicator 1 Indicator Not Met 2 Indicator Partially Met 3 Indicator Met Teacher displays minimal, irrelevant, or biased knowledge of the characteristics of the community, school, and classroom. Teacher displays some knowledge of the characteristics of the community, school, and classroom that may affect learning. Teacher displays a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of the community, school, and classroom that may affect learning. Teacher displays minimal, stereotypical, or irrelevant knowledge of student differences (e.g. development, interests, culture, abilities/disabilities). Teacher displays general knowledge of student differences (e.g., development, interests, culture, abilities/disabilities) that may affect learning. Teacher displays general & specific understanding of student differences (e.g., development, interests, culture, abilities/disabilities) that may affect learning. (NMSA 1a, 6a, 6c) Teacher displays minimal, stereotypical, or irrelevant knowledge about the different ways students learn (e.g., learning styles, learning modalities). Teacher displays general knowledge about the different ways students learn (e.g., learning styles, learning modalities). Teacher displays general & specific understanding of the different ways students learn (e.g., learning styles, learning modalities) that may affect learning. 4. Knowledge of Students’ Skills And Prior Learning Teacher displays little or irrelevant knowledge of students’ skills and prior learning. Teacher displays general knowledge of students’ skills and prior learning that may affect learning. Teacher displays general & specific understanding of students’ skills and prior learning that may affect learning. Teacher does not provide implications for instruction and assessment based on student individual differences and community, school, and classroom characteristics OR provides inappropriate implications. Teacher provides general implications for instruction and assessment based on student individual differences and community, school, and classroom characteristics. Teacher provides specific implications for instruction and assessment based on student individual differences and community, school, and classroom characteristics. 1. Knowledge of Community, School and Classroom Factors (NMSA 1a, 6a, 6c) 2. Knowledge of Characteristics of Students (NMSA 1a, 6a, 6c) 3. Knowledge of Students’ Varied Approaches to Learning (NMSA 1a, 6a, 6c) 5. Implications for Instructional Planning and Assessment (NMSA 1a, 6a, 6c) Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 22 Score Learning Goals Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher sets significant, challenging, varied and appropriate learning goals. Rating Indicator 2 Indicator Partially Met 3 Indicator Met Goals reflect only one type or level of learning. Goals reflect several types or levels of learning but lack significance or challenge. Goals reflect several types or levels of learning and are significant and challenging. Goals are not stated clearly and are activities rather than learning outcomes. Some of the goals are clearly stated as learning outcomes. 3. Appropriateness For Students Goals are not appropriate for the development; prerequisite knowledge, skills, experiences; or other student needs. Some goals are appropriate for the development; prerequisite knowledge, skills, experiences; and other student needs Most goals are appropriate for the development; prerequisite knowledge, skills, experiences; and other student needs. 4. Alignment with National, State or Local Standards Goals are not aligned with national, state or local standards. Some goals are aligned with national, state or local standards. Most of the goals are explicitly aligned with national, state or local standards. 1. Significance, Challenge and Variety 2. Clarity 1 Indicator Not Met Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 23 Most of the goals are clearly stated as learning outcomes. Score Assessment Plan Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher uses multiple assessment modes and approaches aligned with learning goals to assess student learning before, during and after instruction. Rating Indicator 1. Alignment with Learning Goals and Instruction 2. Clarity of Criteria and Standards for Performance 3. Multiple Modes and Approaches 4. Technical Soundness 5. Adaptations Based on the Individual Needs of Students 1 Indicator Not Met 2 Indicator Partially Met 3 Indicator Met Content and methods of assessment lack congruence with learning goals or lack cognitive complexity. Some of the learning goals are assessed through the assessment plan, but many are not congruent with learning goals in content and cognitive complexity. Each of the learning goals is assessed through the assessment plan; assessments are congruent with the learning goals in content and cognitive complexity. Assessment criteria have been developed, but they are not clear or are not explicitly linked to the learning goals. Assessment criteria are clear and are explicitly linked to the learning goals. The assessment plan includes only one assessment mode and does not assess students before, during, and after instruction. The assessment plan includes multiple modes but all are either pencil/paper based (i.e. they are not performance assessments) and/or do not require the integration of knowledge, skills and reasoning ability. The assessment plan includes multiple assessment modes (including performance assessments, lab reports, research projects, etc.) and assesses student performance throughout the instructional sequence. Assessments are not valid; scoring procedures are absent or inaccurate; items or prompts are poorly written; directions and procedures are confusing to students. Assessments appear to have some validity. Some scoring procedures are explained; some items or prompts are clearly written; some directions and procedures are clear to students. Assessments appear to be valid; scoring procedures are explained; most items or prompts are clearly written; directions and procedures are clear to students. Teacher does not adapt assessments to meet the individual needs of students or these assessments are inappropriate. Teacher makes adaptations to assessments that are appropriate to meet the individual needs of some students. Teacher makes adaptations to assessments that are appropriate to meet the individual needs of most students. The assessments contain no clear criteria for measuring student performance relative to the learning goals. Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 24 Score Design for Instruction Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher designs instruction for specific learning goals, student characteristics and needs, and learning contexts. Rating Indicator 1 Indicator Not Met 1. Alignment with Learning Goals Few lessons are explicitly linked to learning goals. Few learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals. Not all learning goals are covered in the design. Most lessons are explicitly linked to learning goals. Most learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals. Most learning goals are covered in the design. All lessons are explicitly linked to learning goals. All learning activities, assignments and resources are aligned with learning goals. All learning goals are covered in the design. 2. Accurate Representation of Content Teacher’s use of content appears to contain numerous inaccuracies. Content seems to be viewed more as isolated skills and facts rather than as part of a larger conceptual structure. Teacher’s use of content appears to be mostly accurate. Shows some awareness of the big ideas or structure of the discipline. Teacher’s use of content appears to be accurate. Focus of the content is congruent with the big ideas or structure of the discipline. 3. Lesson and Unit Structure The lessons within the unit are not logically organized organization (e.g., sequenced). The lessons within the unit have some logical organization and appear to be somewhat useful in moving students toward achieving the learning goals. All lessons within the unit are logically organized and appear to be useful in moving students toward achieving the learning goals. Little variety of instruction, activities, assignments, and resources. Heavy reliance on textbook or single resource (e.g., work sheets). Some variety in instruction, activities, assignments, or resources but with limited contribution to learning. Significant variety across instruction, activities, assignments, and/or resources. This variety makes a clear contribution to learning. Instruction has not been designed with reference to contextual factors and preassessment data. Activities and assignments do not appear productive and appropriate for each student. Some instruction has been designed with reference to contextual factors and preassessment data. Some activities and assignments appear productive and appropriate for each student. Most instruction has been designed with reference to contextual factors and pre-assessment data. Most activities and assignments appear productive and appropriate for each student. Technology is inappropriately used OR teacher does not use technology, and no (or inappropriate) rationale is provided. Teacher uses technology but it does not make a significant contribution to teaching and learning OR teacher provides limited rationale for not using technology. Teacher integrates appropriate technology that makes a significant contribution to teaching and learning OR provides a strong rationale for not using technology. 4. Use of a Variety of Instruction, Activities, Assignments and Resources 5. Use of Contextual Information and Data to Select Appropriate and Relevant Activities, Assignments and Resources 6. Use of Technology Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School 2 Indicator Partially Met Page 25 3 Indicator Met Score Instructional Decision-Making Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher uses on-going analysis of student learning to make instructional decisions. Rating Indicator 1. Sound Professional Practice 1 Indicator Not Met Many instructional decisions are inappropriate and not pedagogically sound. 2 Indicator Partially Met Instructional decisions are mostly appropriate, but some decisions are not pedagogically sound. Most instructional decisions are pedagogically sound (i.e., they are likely to lead to student learning). Appropriate modifications of the instructional plan are made to address individual student needs. These modifications are informed by the analysis of student learning/performance, best practice, or contextual factors. Include explanation of why the modifications would improve student progress. Modifications in instruction are congruent with learning goals. 2. Modifications Based on Analysis of Student Learning Teacher treats class as “one plan fits all” with no modifications. Some modifications of the instructional plan are made to address individual student needs, but these are not based on the analysis of student learning, best practice, or contextual factors. 3. Congruence Between Modifications and Learning Goals Modifications in instruction lack congruence with learning goals. Modifications in instruction are somewhat congruent with learning goals. Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School 3 Indicator Met Page 26 Score Analysis of Student Learning Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher uses assessment data to profile student learning and communicate information about student progress and achievement. Rating Indicator 1. Clarity and Accuracy of Presentation 2. Alignment with Learning Goals 3. Interpretation of Data 4. Evidence of Impact on Student Learning 1 Indicator Not Met 2 Indicator Partially Met Presentation is not clear and accurate; it does not accurately reflect the data. Presentation is understandable and contains few errors. Presentation is easy to understand and contains no errors of representation. Analysis of student learning is partially aligned with learning goals and/or fails to provide a comprehensive profile of student learning relative to the goals for the whole class, subgroups, and two individuals. Analysis is fully aligned with learning goals and provides a comprehensive profile of student learning for the whole class, subgroups, and two individuals. Interpretation is inaccurate, and conclusions are missing or unsupported by data. Interpretation is technically accurate, but conclusions are missing or not fully supported by data. Interpretation is meaningful, and appropriate conclusions are drawn from the data. Analysis of student learning fails to include evidence of impact on student learning in terms of numbers of students who achieved and made progress toward learning goals. Analysis of student learning includes incomplete evidence of the impact on student learning in terms of numbers of students who achieved and made progress toward learning goals. Analysis of student learning includes evidence of the impact on student learning in terms of number of students who achieved and made progress toward each learning goal. Analysis of student learning is not aligned with learning goals. Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 27 3 Indicator Met Score Reflection and Self-Evaluation Rubric TWS Standard: The teacher analyzes the relationship between his or her instruction and student learning in order to improve teaching practice. Rating Indicator 1 Indicator Not Met 2 Indicator Partially Met No evidence or reasons provided to support conclusions drawn in “Analysis of Student Learning” section. Provides evidence but no (or simplistic, superficial) reasons or hypotheses to support conclusions drawn in “Analysis of Student Learning” section. Uses evidence to support conclusions drawn in “Analysis of Student Learning” section. Explores multiple hypotheses for why some students did not meet learning goals. Provides no rationale for why some activities or assessments were more successful than others. Identifies successful and unsuccessful activities or assessments and superficially explores reasons for their success or lack thereof (no use of theory or research). Identifies successful and unsuccessful activities and assessments and provides plausible reasons (based on theory or research) for their success or lack thereof. 3. Alignment Among Goals, Instruction and Assessment Does not connect learning goals, instruction, and assessment results in the discussion of student learning and effective instruction and/or the connections are irrelevant or inaccurate. Connects learning goals, instruction, and assessment results in the discussion of student learning and effective instruction, but misunderstandings or conceptual gaps are present. Logically connects learning goals, instruction, and assessment results in the discussion of student learning and effective instruction. 4. Implications for Future Teaching Provides no ideas or inappropriate ideas for redesigning learning goals, instruction, and assessment. Provides ideas for redesigning learning goals, instruction, and assessment but offers no rationale for why these changes would improve student learning. Provides ideas for redesigning learning goals, instruction, and assessment and explains why these modifications would improve student learning. 5. Implications for Professional Development Provides no professional learning goals or goals that are not related to the insights and experiences described in this section. Presents professional learning goals that are not strongly related to the insights and experiences described in this section and/or provides a vague plan for meeting the goals. Presents a small number of professional learning goals that clearly emerge from the insights and experiences described in this section. Describes specific steps to meet these goals. 1. Interpretation of Student Learning (NMSA 3b, 5b) 2. Insights on Effective Instruction and Assessment (NMSA 3b, 5b) (NMSA 3b, 5b) (NMSA 3b, 5b) (NMSA 3b, 5b) Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 28 3 Indicator Met Score Dispositions Assessment (v. 063) (Assessment #6) *Average Score of “3” Considered Acceptable Page 1 Enter the confidential access number provided to you in order to continue to the Dispositions Assessment {Enter text answer} [ ] Page 2 Longwood University Dispositions Assessment (v. 062) IMPORTANT NOTE: This form can only be processed if the Longwood ID and teacher candidate name you provide are accurate. If you do not have access to this information, please ask the candidate to provide this information. Thank you. Please provide the candidate's Longwood ID/CWID: {Enter text answer} [ ] NOTE: You MUST provide a correct Longwood ID in order for this form to be processed. Please provide the candidate's name as s/he is currently enrolled at Longwood: Last Name {Enter text answer} [ ] First Name {Enter text answer} [ ] Middle Name or Middle Initial {Enter text answer} [ ] Please indicate on which of the following you are reporting information: {Choose one} ( ) Practicum II ( ) Student Teaching ( ) Graduate Practicum II (EDUC 679) ( ) Graduate Professional Internship (EDUC 689) ( ) Other Placement Please indicate the semester and year in which you are participating in this experience: Semester {Choose one} ( ) Spring ( ) Summer ( ) Fall Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 29 Year {Choose one} ( ) 2006 ( ) 2007 ( ) 2008 ( ) 2009 ( ) 2010 ( ) 2011 ( ) 2012 ( ) 2013 ( ) 2014 ( ) 2015 INSTRUCTIONS: Below are essential dispositions that the Longwood Professional Education Community has determined as important for its candidates to develop during their educational preparation. Using the available rubric and indicator descriptions provided at the link below, please assess this candidate's present demonstration of these characteristics. Click here to view a copy of the Longwood Conceptual Framework Standards Rubrics. Dispositions are described under Standard IX. CF Standard IX: Dispositions a. Values learning: Attendance {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target b. Values learning: Class participation {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target c. Values learning: Class preparation {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 30 d. Values learning: Communication {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target e. Values personal integrity: Emotional control {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target f. Values personal integrity: Ethical behavior {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target g. Values diversity {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target h. Values collaboration {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target i. Values professionalism: Respect for school rules, policies, and norms {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 31 j. Values professionalism: Commitment to self-reflection and growth {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target k. Values professionalism: Professional development and involvement {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target l. Values professionalism: Professional responsibility {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target For the candidate you are evaluating, please indicate his/her educational program of study: {Choose one} ( ) Middle School Education ( ) Other Page 3 Below are addtional dispositions we are assessing for those who are pursuing a degree to work in Middle School education. Please assess this candidate's present demonstration of these characteristics. Middle School Education Dispositions MSa. Values learning: Is responsive to the developmental uniqueness of young adolescents in general. {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target MSb. Values diversity: Respects the range of individual developmental differences among young adolescents. {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 32 MSc. Values collaboration: Engages in interdisciplinary teaming and involvement with families and the community. {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target MSd. Values professionalism: Assumes a responsibility of behavioral model for young adolescents. {Choose one} ( ) Below Standard ( ) Near Standard ( ) At Standard ( ) Above Standard ( ) Target Page 4 Thank you for taking a moment to help us collect information about how well Longwood is preparing teachers. Please click "finish" below to submit your responses. Longwood SPA Assessment Plan: Liberal Studies; Middle School Page 33