Longwood University Social Work Program Advisory Board By-Laws April 14, 2011 Article I Name The name of the organization shall be the Longwood University Social Work Program Advisory Board (hereafter referred to as the Advisory Board). Article II Purpose The purpose of the Advisory Board is to assist in program development, provide professional support and expertise, and provide a forum for ongoing exchanges between the professional social work community, the community-at-large, and the Social Work Program. Article III Functions The functions of this Advisory Board shall be: 1. To support the educational endeavors and integrity of the Longwood University Social Work Program. 2. To provide its professional expertise and knowledge of the social service needs and resources with the Social Work Program and the community at large. 3. To promote the Social Work profession and program to the larger community. Article IV Membership Section 1. The membership of the Advisory Board shall be no less than 8 nor more than 20 individuals. Section 2. The membership shall seek to include, but not be limited to, representative from public and private social service agencies, alumni, the business community, and three social work student representatives selected by the faculty and the social work student association. Section 2a. New members shall be selected based on recommendation of Advisory Board members. Section 3. Social Work Program Faculty members will serve as non-voting members of the Advisory Board. Section 4. The Social Work program coordinator or their designee shall serve as the liaison to the Advisory Board. Section 5. Members shall be appointed for a four year term with the opportunity to serve a second term. Student members can serve multiple years under student association recommendation. Section 6. Each member shall have one vote, with the exception of the Chairperson, who will vote only in the case of a tie. Article V Officers Section 1. The elected officers of the Advisory Board shall be a Chairperson and Secretary. Section 2. Officers shall have the following duties: Chairperson: to preside at meetings of the Advisory Board and generally act as an official spokesperson for the Advisory Board. Chairperson is to remain in regular contact with Program Coordinator. Secretary: to keep minutes of meetings of the Advisory Board and distribute to members. Section 3. Officers shall serve a two year term in office and will be eligible for one additional consecutive term. Article VI Meetings Section 1. The Advisory Board shall meet two times during the academic year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Each will include reports from the program coordinator and student representatives. Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the chairperson or by program coordinator. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Section 3. The quorum shall consist of a simple majority of the membership of the Advisory Board to conduct business. Section 4. Members are expected to attend at least one Board meeting per academic year. If a member misses three consecutive meetings, the member will be dismissed from the Board. Article VII Committees Section 1. A standing Executive Committee shall consist of the officers: Chairperson and Secretary. Section 2. Ad hoc subcommittee chairpersons may be appointed by the Board Chairperson or Executive Committee to address specific issues identified by the Advisory Board. Section 3. It is the responsibility of the ad hoc subcommittee chairperson to form the committee. Article VIII Amendments to the By-Laws These by-laws shall continue in force, and may be amended by the Advisory Board. A copy of the proposed amendment shall be included in the written notice of the meeting. Article IX Effective Date The effective date of these by-laws, as approved by the Advisory Board is (date).