Parallel Sorting Algorithm.ppt

Parallel Sorting Algorithm
Bitonic Mergesort
Bitonic Sequence
A bitonic sequence is defined as a list with no more than one
LOCAL MAXIMUM and no more than one LOCAL MINIMUM.
(Endpoints must be considered - wraparound )
A bitonic sequence is a list with no more than one LOCAL
MAXIMUM and no more than one LOCAL MINIMUM.
(Endpoints must be considered - wraparound )
This is ok!
1 Local MAX; 1 Local MIN
The list is bitonic!
This is NOT bitonic! Why?
1 Local MAX; 2 Local MINs
Binary Split
Divide the bitonic list into two equal halves.
Compare-Exchange each item on the first half
with the corresponding item in the second half.
Two bitonic sequences where the numbers in one sequence are all less
than the numbers in the other sequence.
Repeated application of binary split
Bitonic list:
24 20 15 9 4 2 5 8
10 11 12 13 22 30 32 45
24 20 15 13 22 30 32 45
Result after Binary-split:
10 11 12 9 4 2 5 8
If you keep applying the BINARY-SPLIT to each half repeatedly, you
will get a SORTED LIST !
10 11 12 9 . 4 2 5 8 | 24 20
4 2 . 5 8 10 11 . 12 9 | 22 20
4 . 2 5 . 8 10 . 9 12 .11
15 . 13
2 4 5 8 9 10 11 12
13 15
15 13 . 22 30 32 45
. 15 13 24 30 . 32 45
22 . 20 24 . 30 32 . 45
20 22 24 30 32 45
Q: How many parallel steps does it take to sort ?
A: log n
Sorting a bitonic sequence
Compare-and-exchange moves smaller numbers of each pair to left
and larger numbers of pair to right.
Given a bitonic sequence,
recursively performing ‘binary split’ will sort the list.