Psychology Major Requirement Guide Effective Fall 2015 A. General Education Requirements (41 Credits) Goal 1 - Longwood Seminar (1) ____LSEM 100 (1) Goal 2 – Freshman Writing (3) Goal 9 – Diversity (3) ____ ANTH 101 (3) ____ GEOG 220 (3) ____ HIST 200 (3) ____ HIST 210 (3) ____ HIST 202 (3) Goal 3 – Literature (3) ____GERM 341 (3)* ____GERM 342 (3)* ____SPAN 340 (3)* ____SPAN 350 (3)* *ENGL 150 Pre-req. Goal 10 – Foreign Language (3) ____ FREN 201 (3) ____ GERM 201 (3) Goal 4 – Artistic Achievements (3) ____ MUSC 102, 103, 104 ____ MUSC 105, 106, 107 ____ MUSC 221 (3) ____ MUSC 222 (3) ____ MUSC 224 (3) ____ THEA 101 (3) Goal 5 – Math (3) ____ CMSC 121 (3) ____ FINA 250 (3) ____ MATH 114 (3) ____ MATH 131(3) ____ MATH 121 (3) ____ MATH 171 (3) Math 171 is Pre-requisite for PSYC 234 and satisfies either Additional Degree Requirement or Goal 5 Students who complete calculus (Math 164, 261, or 267 are exempt from this goal. ____ SPAN 201 (3) Goal 11 – Wellness (2) ____ PHED 101 (2) ____ ART 121 (3) ____ ART 125 (3) ____ ART 160 (3) ____ ART 201 (3) ____ ENGL 315 (3) ____ ENGL 316 (3) ____ ENGL 317 (3) ____ ENGL 318 (3) ____ HLTH 210 (3) ____ MUSC 225 (3) ____ POSC 255 (3) ____ RELI 242 (3) ____ SPAN 331 (3)* *Pre-requisite classes ____ENGL 150 (3) ____ENGL 201 (3)* ____ENGL 202 (3)* ____ENGL 203 (3)* ____FREN 341 (3)* ____FREN 342 (3)* C. Major Requirements (42 Credits) ____RECR 101(2)* Goal 12 – Ethics (3) ____ COMM 400 (3) ____ KINS 398 (3) ____ MANG 474 (3) ____ MATH/CMSC 350 (3)* ____ PHIL 308 (3) ____ PHIL 315 (3) ____ PHIL 316 (3) ____ POSC 331 (3) ____ POSC 332 (3) *Pre-requisite classes Goal 13 – Writing/Citizen Leadership (3) ____ GNED 495 Goal 14 – Internship (1) Goal 6 – Natural Science (4) ____PSYC 492 (1) (May double count) ____ BIOL 101 (4) ____ CHEM 101 (4) ____ GNED 162 (4) ____ GNED 261 (4) *SENIORS ONLY 2. Must take 1 from each Area (13 Cr. Hrs.) INDUSTRIAL / ORGANIZATIONAL/SOCIAL: ____ PSYC 360 (Consumer Psychology) (3) ____ PSYC 331 (Social Psychology) (3) ____ PSYC 366 (Industrial/Organizational Psychology) (3) ____ PSYC 400 (Human Factors Psychology) (3) B. Additional Degree Requirements for B.S. (7 Credits) ____ HIST 110 (3) Goal 8 – Social Science (3) ____ ANTH/WSTU 106 (3) ____ POSC 150 (3) ____ ECON 111 (3) ____ SOCL 101 (3) ____ GEOG 201 (3) ____ SOCL 102 (3) ____ HIST 221 (3) ____ HONS 250 (3) ____ HIST 222 (3) (3.25 GPA Required) 3. Psyc. Electives (6 Cr. Hrs.) Electives can be chosen from this list or from courses listed under Section 2 ____ PSYC 295 (Special Topics) (3) ____ PSYC 311/312 (Study Abroad) (3) ____ PSYC 330 (Life-Span Development) (3) ____ PSYC 350 (Psychology of Sex and Gender) (3) ____ PSYC 357 (Psychopathology of Childhood) (3) ____ PSYC 380 (Community Psychology) (3) ____ PSYC 401 (Psychology of Warfare & Terrorism (3) ____ PSYC 410 (Interviewing) (3) ____ PSYC 430 (Psychology and the Law) (3) ____ PSYC 452 (Psychopharmacology) (3) ____ PSYC 453 (Psychology of Language (3) ____ PSYC 490 (Independent Research) (1-3) ____ PSYC 492 (Internship) (1-15) ____ PSYC 495 (Special Topics) (3) ______________________ PRE-CLINICAL / COUNSELING: ____ PSYC 356 (Abnormal Psychology) (3) ____ PSYC 420 (Psychological Tests & Measures) (3) ____ PSYC 423 (Theories of Personality) (3) GENERAL / EXPERIMENTAL: PRE-REQUISITES – PSYC 233 & PSYC 234 ____ PSYC 300 (Sensation & Perception) (4) ____ PSYC 321 (Behavioral Neuroscience) (4) ____ PSYC 322 (Cognitive Psychology) (4) ____ PSYC 324 (Learning) (4) ____ PSYC 333 (Individual Differences & Social Behavior) (4) ____ PHYS 103 (4) ____ PHYS 105 (4) Goal 7 – Western Civilization (3) ____ HIST 100 (3) ____ PSYC 101 (Intro. to Psychology) (3) ____ PSYC 151 (Intro to Biopsychology) (3) ____ PSYC 233 (Research Methods) (4) ____ PSYC 234 (Quantitative Methods) (3) Pre-requisite is MATH 171** ____ PSYC 457 (History & Systems) (3) ____ PSYC 460 (ADVANCED GEN. PSYC) (3)* ____ PSYC 461 (SENIOR SEMINAR) (3)* ____ PSYC 492 (Internship in Psychology) 1-15 hours (Applied/Research/TA) DEVELOPMENTAL: ____ PSYC 371 (Infant & Child Development) (3) ____ PSYC 373 (Adolescent & Adult Development) (3) ____ PSYC 384 (Cross Cultural Psychology) (3) *Permission of Instructor ____ ENGL 400 (3) 1. Core Requirements (23 Credit Hrs.) Must Take Each of These Courses: **Satisfies Goal 5 or Additional Degree Req. ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______ Math or Computer Science (3 cr.) Math 171 is Pre-requisite for PSYC 234 and satisfies either Goal 5 or Additional Degree Requirement ______ Natural Science (4 cr.) 120 Total Credit Hours Required Rev. 11/3/15