Study Abroad Application Affiliate or Exchange Program For any programs not listed on the study abroad website, you must secure approval from International Affairs. Please call434.395.2172 for an appointment with the Executive Director. Complete all fields of this application. Please fill-in the text fields and then print and sign. A legal guardian must sign as well. Submit to International Affairs (Stevens Hall). Your name: DESTINATION INFORMATION Country of destination: City of destination: Indicate type of program: Longwood exchange program at partner institution (Nantes, Oldenburg, HAN, Derby, etc.) -Indicate full name of partner university you will attend: Program offered by an affiliate or non-affiliated company or organization (ISS, ISA, CIS, etc.) A. Indicate name of affiliate/non-affiliate program provider: B. Check which one applies: I will be taking classes at a foreign institution -IF SO, indicate full name of the school or institute: I will be performing an internship -IF SO, indicate full name of the company or organization if known at this point: I will be completing student teaching or a practicum -IF SO, indicate full name of the school or institute where you will be teaching: Timeframe for Travel: Approx. dates of travel: Year; Fall; Spring; Summer Departure: Month Year Return: Month Year Are you participating in the Virginia Pre-Paid Education Program? Yes No BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION (Legal) First name: Middle: Last: Nickname: Do you attend Longwood? Yes If no, please name institution: Your address at college: Your permanent address: L number: Phone: Email: Month of birth: Day: Year: Place of birth: US Citizen: Yes No --If not American citizen provide country: What type of visa? Do you have passport: Yes No --If yes provide number: Expiration: Where issued: Your marital status: Single Are you an international student on a visa? Yes No Ethnicity (for reporting purposes only): Hispanic/Latino Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino If you chose “Non-Hispanic/Non-Latino” please select one or more of the following that best describes your racial group: American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander Black or African American White Choose not to disclose ACADEMIC INFORMATION Current classification: Freshman Class when you will be when studying abroad:Freshman Major(s): Minor(s): GPA: Anticipated Graduation Date: January Year: Have you ever been found guilty in a judicial or honor code violation? Yes --If yes to above please explain: Courses you plan to enroll in while abroad: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Contact #1 First name: Home phone: Cell phone: Relation to you: Is this individual a legal guardian? Last: Work phone: Email: Yes No Contact #2 First name: Home phone: Cell phone: Relation to you: Is this individual a legal guardian? Last: Work phone: Email: Yes No AGREEMENT AND RELEASE I certify the above information is complete and correct. I understand that any misrepresentation may result in my dismissal from the program. I understand that any request to participate in a non-affiliate program must be approved by International Affairs. I understand that I am responsible for attending a Risk Management session delivered by the Office of International Affairs. I am also required to have medical coverage that meets the minimum standards set forth by that office. I must work closely with the Study Abroad office and International Affairs to ensure that I submit all required documents. I hereby apply to the Longwood University program and authorize the release of any information necessary to complete the application. Applicant’s signature ________________________________________Date _____________________ PARENT STATEMENT Parents and/or Guardians, please read and sign the following, even if your son or daughter is over 18 years of age. Your support of your son/daughter’s desire to study abroad is important. Thank you. 1. I have read and signed the Conditions of Participation. 2. I have read and understand the study abroad program refund policy. 3. I understand that even mild physical and emotional problems may be exacerbated by the stress associated with travel and adjusting to a new cultural environment. I believe that my daughter’s/son’s decision to undertake this experience at this time is a sound one. Parent’s signature: _____________________________________________Date: ___________________ (Students, it is a violation of the honor code to sign on behalf of a parent/guardian. This must be signed by someone who is legally responsible for you.)