DEPARTMENT: DATE OF SELF-STUDY REPORT: UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM: REPORTED BY: Page 1 1) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this section, summarize the accomplishments and strengths of your program in achieving its goals and targets. Reflect on the challenges the department continues to face in achieving its goals. What resources or assistance could the Dean and administration provide to your academic program? This is the opportunity for you to make your case to the administration based on the evidence presented in the Self-Study Report. Page 2 2) WHAT IS THE PROGRAM’S MISSION STATEMENT? Copy and paste Mission Statement from WEAVEonline Detailed Assessment Report. 3) WHAT ARE THE PROGRAM’S GOALS? Program Goals: Program goals are broad, general statements of what the program intends to accomplish. They are not specific and measurable. 4) WHAT ARE THE STUDENT LEARNING AND PROGRAM OUTCOMES AND HOW DO THEY RELATE TO THE PROGRAM’S GOALS? Student Learning Outcomes: Specific outcomes which define what graduates know, think, or are able to do as a result of program completion. Knowledge gained, skills and abilities acquired or demonstrated, and attitudes or values changed This may include program specific skills and general education skills necessary for program success (i.e. critical thinking, oral communication, written communication). Program Outcomes: Program or process outcomes are what a program or process is to do, achieve or accomplish. These outcomes describe what you want a program to do or accomplish rather than what you want students to know, do or value. Metrics that evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the degree program, such as retention rates, graduation rates, transfer rates, course completion, faculty competencies, student satisfaction, employer satisfaction, etc. 5) HOW DO THE MISSION, GOALS AND OUTCOMES OF THE PROGRAM SUPPORT THAT OF THE UNIVERSITY? (SACS 3.3.1) Discuss how your program’s mission, goals, and outcomes reflect the University’s mission statement and current University strategic plan. Page 3 6) IF THE PROGRAM INCLUDES OUTREACH, SERVICE, AND/ OR CONTINUING EDUCATION, HOW DOES IT RELATE TO/SUPPORT THE INSTITUTION’S MISSION? (SACS 3.4.2) This question applies to noncredit activities offered to the public by your program. If your program does not offer these activities, then state that. 7) DOES THE PROGRAM HAVE ADMISSIONS POLICIES THAT DIFFER FROM THE UNIVERSITY? If your program does not have a different admissions policy than the university, state that and skip to question 10). 8) IF YES TO 7, WHAT ARE THEY? State your program’s admissions policy. 9) IF YES TO 7, WHAT EVIDENCE EXISTS THAT THE ADMISSIONS STANDARDS TO THE PROGRAM ARE CLEAR, REASONABLE, AND CONSISTENTLY IMPLEMENTED? To prove that the standards for admission are clear, describe how the admissions policy is disseminated and communicated to applicants. To justify that the standards are reasonable, explain what higher education standards were used to develop the policy. To support that the standards are consistently implemented across all categories of students (regular and transfer, for instance), provide examples of how the policy has been used to admit students. Redact all personal information from the examples. Page 4 10) HOW DOES THE PROGRAM ASSESS ACHIEVEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES (MEASURES/TARGETS)? Use your WEAVEonline Detailed Assessment Report here. For each outcome summarize the measures and targets your program has used to assess your outcomes over the course of the six year period of the Self-Report Study. 11) BASED ON PROGRAM ASSESSMENT DATA, WHAT IS THE EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING (FINDINGS)? Use your WEAVEonline Detailed Assessment Report here. Summarize the trends in the findings of student learning over the course of the six year period of the Self-Report Study. 12) HOW DOES THE PROGRAM UTILIZE ASSESSMENT DATA FOR PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT (ACTION PLAN)? Use your WEAVEonline Detailed Assessment Report here. Provide examples of how your program has used assessment findings to make changes to improve your program and further student learning during the six year period of the Self-Report Study. Looking at your action plans and what has been accomplished may be helpful. 13) HOW DOES THE PROGRAM USE TECHNOLOGY TO ENHANCE STUDENT LEARNING? This SACS standard focuses on how technology helps to enrich student learning in the discipline. For your academic program, describe what kinds of technology --examples of software or hardware programs – are useful for your discipline. Describe what technology Longwood provides to its faculty and students and provide specific examples of how students and faculty use that technology. Is your program satisfied with the existing level of technology available to your students and faculty? If not, then explain why in the next question. Page 5 14) WHAT EVIDENCE EXISTS THAT TECHNOLOGY IS APPROPRIATE FOR MEETING THE OUTCOMES OF THE PROGRAM? For your discipline, are there national recommendations or standards for technology use by undergraduates? If not, then what other disciplinary standards might determine whether technology is adequate to meet the needs of our faculty and students? If pertinent, describe how Longwood’s technology is not appropriate for meeting the needs of our students. 15) HOW DOES THE PROGRAM ENSURE STUDENT ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY AND TRAINING? Does the program monitor whether computer labs and up-to-date software programs are satisfying student technology needs? Does the program provide instruction about technology in any of its courses? 16) DOES THE PROGRAM INVOLVE CONSORTIAL RELATIONSHIPS OR CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENTS? According to SACS, consortial relationships or contractual agreements include joint degrees, dual degrees, and contracts supporting educational programs. This does not include agreements involving clinical training, internships, study abroad programs, and transfer/articulation agreements. Page 6 17) HOW DOES THE PROGRAM’S CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT PROVIDE FOR THE FOLLOWING: (a) A CLEAR INDICATION OF THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF ALL PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT; (b) PROVISION FOR ENSURING THE QUALITY OF THE PROGRAM AND COURSES OFFERED THROUGH THE AGREEMENT; AND (c) PROVISION FOR EVALUATING THE AGREEMENT IN RELATION TO PURPOSES OF THE INSTITUTION? Using the consortial agreement or contract as evidence, address the above questions. Attach a copy of the consortial agreement to the WEAVEonline supporting documents section. 18) WHAT IS THE PROGRAM’S PROCESS FOR ENSURING THE QUALITY OF THE COURSES OFFERED THROUGH CONTRACT OR CONSORTIAL AGREEMENT? Are there other documents or does the agreement stipulate when and how the program will be reviewed for compliance with the standards/requirements of the courses being offered? What Is the evidence that an evaluation has taken place? 19) WHAT IS THE PROCESS OF FACULTY INVOLVEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, APPROVAL, EVALUATION, AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE CURRICULUM? The University-wide process of curriculum development is well known. What is less well known is how curriculum development is done within the academic program. Describe how your program organizes curriculum review and revision before you send a proposal to the dean or college curriculum committee. As evidence, cite department meeting minutes and other communications where curriculum review and revision is discussed. Upload these minutes to the WEAVEonline documents Page 7 20) HOW OFTEN DOES FACULTY REEVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS AND QUALITY OF THE CURRICULUM? Does your program stipulate a regular review of the curriculum or are reviews done on an ad-hoc basis? Documentation could include program/departmental policies that stipulate curricular review; or examples in meeting minutes of when faculty have discussed the effectiveness of the curriculum and proposed and implemented revisions. Supplemental documentation-usage of indirect measures such as exit surveys (i.e., internship, student learning experience); alumni surveysquestions relative to content knowledge, skills, abilities, career preparation. 21) WHEN REVIEWING THE QUALITY OF THE CURRICULUM, HOW DOES THE PROGRAM CONSIDER: (a) THE CURRENCY AND RELEVANCY OF THE THEORIES AND PRACTICES IN THE FIELD OR DISCIPLINE; (b) INTELLECTUAL RIGOR APPROPRIATE TO THE LEVEL OF THE DEGREE PROGRAM; (c) THE “CONNECTIVITY” AMONG THE COMPONENTS OF THE CURRICULUM? For (a) and (b), are there discipline specific professional organizations that have established standards for the undergraduate curriculum? In what ways has your program considered these standards? For (c), “connectivity” may be demonstrated through methods such as curriculum mapping: demonstrated outcomes – key concepts – course sequence & level of instruction (introduced, reinforced, emphasized) – assessments. Page 8 22) WHAT EVIDENCE EXISTS THAT THE PROGRAM COORDINATOR HAS THE QUALIFICATIONS, CREDENTIALS, AND COMPETENCIES FOR LEADERSHIP IN THE DEVELOPMENT AND REVIEW OF THE CURRICULUM? Using evidence from the program coordinator’s curriculum vita, describe the coordinator’s qualifications, credentials, and experiences in a leadership position. 23) NUMBER OF DEGREES AWARDED OVER THE MOST RECENT SIX YEARS include narrative analysis of data for Program Review period. Documentation: Calculations for Productivity formulas (Appendix 1) will be done by the Asst/Assoc Deans and provided to the program for narrative analysis 24) NUMBER OF MAJORS OVER THE MOST RECENT SIX YEARS include narrative analysis of data for Program Review period. Documentation: Calculations for Productivity formulas (Appendix 1) will be done by the Asst/Assoc Deans and provided to the program for narrative analysis 25) NUMBER OF STUDENTS SERVED FOR THE MOST RECENT SIX YEARS include narrative analysis of data for Program Review period. Documentation: Calculations for Productivity formulas (Appendix 1) will be done by the Asst/Assoc Deans and provided to the program for narrative analysis Page 9 26) WHAT IS THE DEPARTMENTAL PROCESS FOR DETERMINING THE QUALIFICATION AND COMPETENCIES OF ITS FACULTY IN ACCORDANCE TO THE MISSION OF THE DEPARTMENT AND INSTITUTION AND THE SPECIFIC NEEDS OF THE PROGRAM? Describe the process within the department for determining what qualifications are needed to teach a course required within the program and deciding who is or is not qualified to teach a course. 27) WHAT IS THE DEPARTMENTAL PROCESS FOR DETERMINING THE QUALIFICATION AND COMPETENCIES OF ITS FACULTY IN ACCORDANCE TO THE MISSION OF THE DEPARTMENT AND INSTITUTION AND THE SPECIFIC NEEDS OF THE PROGRAM? Describe the process within the department for determining what qualifications are needed to teach a course required within the program and deciding who is or is not qualified to teach a course. 28) HOW DOES THE DEPARTMENT DOCUMENT THE QUALIFICATIONS OF ITS FACUTLY? 29) FROM THE EVIDENCE COLLECTED AND ENTERED IN THE FACULTY ROSTER FORM (APPENDIX 2), HOW DOES FACULTY QUALIFICATIONS COMPARE TO THE SACS GUIDELINES FOR FACULTY CREDITIONALS FOR TEACHING GENERAL EDUCATION AND OTHER UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: DOCTORATE OR MASTER’S IN THE TEACHING DISCIPLINE, OR MASTER’S WITH A CONCENTRATION IN THE TEACHING DISCIPLINE (MINIMUM 18 GRADUATE SEMESTER HOURS)? Page 10 30) PROVIDE A COPY OF THE FACULTY ROSTER FORM AND SUMMARIZE (SEE APPENDIX 2). 31) HOW DO FULL-TIME FACULTY CONSTITUTE A SUFFICIENT RESOURCE FOR CARRYING OUT BASIC FACULTY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE PROGRAM? Using the data provided in Appendix I for FTEF, along with any other relevant information as evidence of sufficiency, discuss to what extent faculty provide a sufficient resource to fulfill basic faculty functions of curriculum design, development, and evaluation; teaching; identification and assessment of appropriate student learning outcomes; student advising; research and creative activity; and institutional and professional service. (*Sufficiency in accordance to SACS guidelines.) 32) WHAT PERCENTAGE OF COURSE AND GENERATED CREDIT HOURS ARE TAUGHT BY FULL-TIME FACULTY? FOR EACH ACADEMIC YEAR (FALL & SPRING SEMESTERS), USE FULLTIME, TENURE TRACK (FT) AND FULL-TIME, LECTURER (FL) DATA FROM APPENDIX 1 TO CALCULATE THIS PERCENTAGE. IF LESS THAN 75% OF COURSE OR GENERATED CREDIT HOURS ARE TAUGHT BY FULL-TIME FACUTLY, WHAT IS THE JUSTIFICATION FOR THE USE OF PART-TIME FACULTY? 33) HOW DOES THE PROGRAM FOLLOW THE UNIVERSITY POLICY AND PROCEDURES THAT GOVERN FACULTY EVALUATION ACCORDING TO THE FPPM? Describe the process within your program for the department chair and the P&T Committee to ensure the FPPM guidelines for faculty evaluation are followed. For example, describe how an Assistant Professor in year 4 of a 6 year probationary period would go through the evaluation process. 34) HOW DOES THE PROGRAM UTILIZE FACULTY EVALUATIONS TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE STUDENT LEARNING? Page 11 35) HOW DOES THE PROGRAM SUPPORT FACULTY PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT? Describe the ways in which the program supports, either through funding or mentoring, professional development activities for faculty as teachers, scholars, and/or practitioners. 36) WHAT ARE THE PROGRAM STANDARDS FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT? Describe the program expectations, as explained in the FPPM, for professional development for the faculty. 37) WHAT EVIDENCE SUGGESTS THAT FACULTY IS ENGAGING IN EFFECTIVE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES? Using the curriculum vita of the faculty, summarize the faculty’s professional development activities as teachers, scholars, and practitioners for the program review period. Activities for inclusion include: (1) professional publications; (2) faculty grants and research support (both internal and external); (3) sabbatical leave program (research, writing, curriculum development, advanced study, faculty connections program, or other creative endeavor ); (4) training workshops (both internal and external), (5) symposium and colloquium presentation; (6) presentations at professional meeting; (7), attendance at professional meetings. 38) ARE FACULTY PROVIDED WITH APPROPRIATE SUPPLIES, WELL-EQUIPPED OFFICE, AND UPDATED TECHNOLOGY TO ENABLE THEM TO TEACH EFFECTIVELY? IF NOT, WHAT IS THE NEED AND JUSTIFICATION(S)? 39) IS ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF ADEQUATE TO SUPPORT THE PROGRAM? IF NOT, WHAT IS THE NEED AND JUSTIFICATION(S)? Page 12 40) ARE THE CLASSROOMS THAT ARE USED BY THE PROGRAM CONDUCIVE TO STUDENT LEARNING WITH THE LATEST TECHNOLOGIES? IF NOT, WHAT IS THE NEED AND JUSTIFICATION(S)? 41) DOES YOUR PROGRAM RECEIVE ADEQUATE FUNDING/BUDGET? IF NOT, HOW DOES YOUR PROGRAM OBTAIN TECHNOLOGY, SUPPLIES, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, AND OTHER NECESSARY RESOURCES? 42) DOCUMENT HOW PROGRAM RESOURCES (SUCH AS TECHNOLOGY, SUPPLIES, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, ETC.) HAVE BEEN UTILIZED BY THE PROGRAM. Page 13