Record of Direct Team Hours Worksheet This sheet is for recording a running total of team (behind the mirror) hours. Please provide a copy to your supervisor at the end of each semester. You will also need to put the total for each individual section on your Clinical Activity Form at the end of each semester. NAME: Date Client# SEMESTER: SUPERVISOR: Group Individual Couple Date Trainee Signature Date Supervisor Signature Family Group Supervision Worksheet This sheet for recording group supervision hours is for your convenience. You are only required to record the total hours from each section, and turn in a Clinical Activity form at the end of each semester. Date Supervisor Record Number of Supervision Hours Case Report Live (Consultation) Video Individual Supervision Hours Worksheet This sheet for recording individual supervision hours is for your convenience—you do not have to turn this in—only the total from each section on the “Clinical Activity Form at the end of each semester. Date Supervisor Record Number of Supervision Hours Case Report Live (Consultation) Video