Office of Human Resources RECRUITMENT REQUEST Hiring Department Reason for Opening: Vacancy Pos. # Supervisor____________Replacement for: Seasonal – Temporary Hire Dept. or Academic Discipline: Proposed/Budgeted Salary: Salary Budget: Code: Advertising Budget Code: Position Type: New Position Separation Date: Title or Proposed Faculty Rank: Projected Start Date: If Temporary, Projected End Date: Line: Line: (required) Tenure-track Non-tenure 1 Year Non-tenure Instructional Faculty: Adjunct Faculty Admin/Professional Miscellaneous: Professional Position without benefits Classified Classified - Restricted Funding Funded Wage-29 hrs/wk with maximum 1500 hrs/yr Temporary Wage-Hours per week requested: or # of hours pos. will work: (minimum 10, maximum 29 hrs per wk for a max of 6 mos. per yr. ) Vacant Position only: Has anything changed within this position since it was vacated? No, & I’ve attached the existing Position Description Yes, and I’ve revised and attached the Position Description New Position only: 1. List the essential functions of this position (Position Description forms available at 2. Describe why the position needs to be filled and the impact of it not being filled 3. Complete and attach a Position Description or EWP form (forms available at Type of Search: General Public Do you want to advertise externally? NO RECRUITMENT Estimated Advertising Costs $ All State Employees Longwood (employees only-there must be an adequate pool of applicants) No (LU site only) Yes (If yes, click here to see advertising cost worksheet. (Print worksheet, check all that apply, and attach worksheet to the form) Estimated *Non-advertising Recruitment Costs $ *(ex., travel, meals, lodging) Person making Hiring decision: Supervisor (if different than above): Extension: Extension: Email: Email: Approvals (Required, and must be obtained by Hiring Dept.) Department Head/Chair/Grant Administrator’s: For Academic Searches: Dean’s: Area Vice President: Date: Date: Date: Human Resources Position No. Classification Changes No Yes Special Adv Req: Sensitive Yes No Economic Interest Statement Yes No Emergency Personnel Yes FLSA Status: Exempt Non-exempt Telework: Yes No WC Code: Work Mode: Job Title: Pay Band: Role Code: SOC: Class/Comp Approval: Date: EEO: Org Unit Code: No PMIS/Reporting Budget/Grants Budget Code: Restricted Funding: No If Yes, funding end date: Yes Est. Salary Savings or Deficit: Comments: Budget Approval: Grants Manager Approval: Based on Date: Date: Start date Budgeted Salary Salary of Previous Incumbent Leave Payout Cost of Temp if any Est. Recruitment cost Est. Avail. Position Funding Est. New Annual Salary Est. New Semi-Mo. Payments Total Est. Current FY Payments Revised 02/12/16