MSW Electronic Application for Field Education Practicum/Placement Student Name: Date completed Form: Click here to enter a date. Date submitted Form: Click here to enter a date. FAPE: ☐Yes or ☐No Directions: Please select your contact person, complete all sections of this form, and electronically send document to ☐UA Lakewood & Concentration Students, Becky Thomas 330.972.5682 ☐ UA Main Campus - Foundation Students, Naomi White 330.972.5978 ☐ UA Wayne College – Foundation & Concentration Students, temporary contact person until June 13, 2016 -Lisa 330.684.8707 Please select semester you will begin your field education experience: Choose an item. Please select program status: Choose an item. 5.10.16 Courage | Compassion| Competence Page 1 MSW Electronic Application for Field Education Practicum/Placement Part I Student Information Last Name: First Name: Date Completed Application: Expected Date of Graduation: Student UA ID#: Date of Birth: Permanent Address: Present Address: Email Address: Telephone: Permanent: Current: Work: Cell #: Part II Student History Education High School #1 High School #2 Attended: Attended: Graduation Date Graduation Date Other/Colleges Attended: Name: Dates: Degree: Major Subject: Name: Dates: Degree: Major Subject: 5.10.16 Courage | Compassion| Competence Page 2 MSW Electronic Application for Field Education Practicum/Placement Work (Paid Employment) during past 2 years: #1 Employer Name: Position: Dates of Employment: #2 Employer Name: Position: Dates of Employment: #3 Employer Name: Position: Dates of Employment: #4 Employer Name: Position: Dates of Employment: Volunteer and/or Community Work during past 2 years: Organization #1 Description of Activities Time frame (dates) Organization #2 Description of Activities Time frame (dates) Organization #3 Description of Activities Time frame (dates) 5.10.16 Courage | Compassion| Competence Page 3 MSW Electronic Application for Field Education Practicum/Placement Part III Student Health Rate your general health: Choose an item. Do you have any emotional or physical difficulties which may require special arrangements in a field practicum placement? ☐Yes (Please Explain) ☐No if yes, please explain if yes, please let us know how we may best assist you Part IV Other Student Information Will you have the use of a car for field?Choose an item. Do you have a valid Ohio’s Driver’s License? Choose an item. Are you presently employed?Choose an item. If you are employed, place of employment: Address: Phone: Position: Nature of work performed: Work Schedule (indicate work hours next to working days) ☐Monday ☐ Tuesday ☐Wednesday ☐ Thursday ☐Friday ☐ Saturday ☐Sunday Do you plan to work while in field? Choose an item. At the same job? Choose an item. Same Schedule? Choose an item. Field at Placement of Employment (FAPE): Under certain circumstances, a student may do field at his/her place of employment. The standards and requirements for this type of field placement are the same as those for all other placements in the Program. 5.10.16 Courage | Compassion| Competence Page 4 MSW Electronic Application for Field Education Practicum/Placement The proposed field instructor should be someone other than the student’s immediate employment supervisor; Field Instructor should have a MSW/MSSA degree with 2 years post-graduate employment experience; Field Instructor should have at least 1 year with the agency; and Field Instructor should be able to offer the student a minimum of 1-1 ½ hours per week of individual supervision. Field assignments should be different from employment activity and educationally focused. Students interested in completing their field experience at their place of employment are required to submit this application, and submit a written Field at Place of Employment Proposal for approval by the field office. (See form on website: - field education-MSW Field Information and Forms- FAPE) If planning to apply for a Field at Place of Employment (FAPE), please provide the following information: Agency name: Agency address: Contact Person’s Name: Contact Peron’s Phone # & Extension: Part V Student Agreement Important! Signature Box Below A check in this box, affirms that I hereby attest that all of the information on this application is true to the best of my knowledge and is the equivalent of my signature. I hereby authorize it can be shared with the field instructor. I understand that acceptance into the Field Education Program is determined by the social work faculty and that satisfactory completion of field is a requirement for completion of the Master of Social Work degree and for graduation. I understand that if I do not submit all field documents according to scheduled time frame, I may not receive credit for my field experience during that semester. Signature Date: Click here to enter a date. 5.10.16 Courage | Compassion| Competence Page 5 MSW Electronic Application for Field Education Practicum/Placement 5.10.16 Courage | Compassion| Competence Page 6