Bureau Internationale Studentenzaken International Student Affairs APPLICATION FORM Name home university: Name Exchange Coordinator: E-mail address: Telephone number: Requested period of exchange From: / (month/year) Till: / (month/year) Personal Data: Last Name: Given names: First name (if different from given name): Nationality: Gender: Male Female Place of birth: Date of birth: / / (day / month / year) Country of birth: Passport number: Valid until: Address: Postal code: City: Telephone number: Mobile number: E-mail address: 2nd e-mail address: Emergency contact: Name: Relationship: Address: Postal code: City: Telephone number: Mobile number: E-mail address: Educational background: Field of study: Specialization: Year of study completed: Expected date of graduation: November 2009 Bureau Internationale Studentenzaken International Student Affairs Requested faculty/department at UvA: ____ International School of Humanities and Social Science (ISHSS) ____ Faculty of Humanities ____ Amsterdam Law School ____ Faculty of Business & Economics ____ Department of Psychology ____ Other, namely: Study Plan: List of courses you would like to take at the host university: Course title (incl. code) / # of (local) credits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Other study or research plans (describe on a separate sheet of paper if necessary): Proficiency in English for Non-Native Speakers Poor (-) Weak (+/-) Average (+) Good (++) Speaking Writing Reading TOEFL-score: IELTS -score Other relevant information for your application ( restrictions, medical information, etc.): Date: / / (day / month / year) Place: Signature: Sign this form after printing November 2009 Bureau Internationale Studentenzaken International Student Affairs Do not forget to include the following: 1. Two recent passport photo with your name on the back 2. Certified photocopies of all academic records: an official 'transcript' or list of courses/examinations taken and grades obtained, including a list of courses in progress. 3. A proof of English language proficiency; like TOEFL (score 230 CB or 88/89 IbT) or IELTS (score 6,5), for non-native speakers only. Scores can be sent separately. 4. Letter of motivation in which you state the reason why you wish to attend the programme (approx. 400500 words) 5. Curriculum vitae (resume) 6. Academic letter of reference (by a member of staff at the applicant's home university) 7. A copy of your passport (identity-page) or identity card 8. Please enclose an extra copy of the complete original file!!! CHECKLIST : Application Form (with photo) Motivation letter Curriculum Vitae (resume) Certified copies of academic records Letter of reference Copy of passport Proof of English language proficiency Extra copy of the complete file Application deadline: Full Year & Semester 1: Semester 2: April 1 September 15 Application files have to be sent by the exchange coordinators of the home university to: University of Amsterdam Attn. Ingeborg de Brieder International Student Affairs Binnengasthuisstraat 9 1012 ZA Amsterdam The Netherlands November 2009