3 + report 2014 [DOC 269.00KB]

3 Yr + REPORT – Student/Supervisor
School of Life Sciences
Research Student’s Annual Review Report 2013-14
To be completed by all full-time research students in their third year or beyond (and by all part-time research
students who have completed or are close to completing their experimental or empirical work).
Supervisors and students are encouraged to discuss the questions below before the student gives
his / her answers on the student section of this form.
Students when you have completed your section with as much detail as possible
please email the form to your supervisor no later than 2nd June
2014 and ask them to complete their section.
Please “also” email or print a copy and send to Dr Deeptima Massey ,
Research and Enterprise Co-ordinator LifeSci School Office
Email d.massey @sussex.ac.uk
Supervisors Please review the student’s section of this report and complete the supervisor section
in as much detail as possible.
When complete please return the full report to:
Dr Deeptima Massey , Research and Enterprise Co-ordinator
LifeSci School Office, d.massey @sussex.ac.uk by 9th June
1. This report replaces the written report required of first and second year research students.
2. Your supervisor(s) are asked on this form whether they agree with your assessment of your progress.
3. Your progress will be assessed on the basis of the report below by your departmental research degree
convenor. A short interview with your co-supervisor / independent assessor or your Departmental
Research Degree Convenor may be arranged if this is felt necessary.
Please enter text, or click with the mouse, the relevant boxes below. Please note you can
‘tab’ through this document to complete your answer in each box.
Degree: MPhil
Current address for correspondence:
Date of starting research:
Current registration status:
Main Supervisor’s name:
Co/Second Supervisor’s Name:
Please list dates of any periods of
3 Yr + REPORT – Student/Supervisor
Please state your source of funding (even if your main source of funding has now
1. Please comment reflectively on the progress you have made this academic year,
highlighting areas of both strength and weakness. Comment on objectives achieved
and the quality of the supervision / support you have received. Identify any specific
actions that you or your supervisor should take to ensure thesis submission within
the maximum period of registration.
a) Areas of strength
b) Areas of weakness (if any)
2. What proportion of the empirical /experimental work for your thesis has now been
3. a) What work remains to be done before your thesis can be submitted?
Further laboratory experiments
Data analysis
Empirical work
Thesis writing.
b) For each of these types of work, how long (in months) do you anticipate that they will
Experiments/Empirical work………
Data analysis…………………
Thesis writing…………
4. a) If you will not have submitted your thesis by the end of September 2014 how will
you be re-registering for 2014-15?
*If you are registering for continuation status for the first time you must complete a
continuation form and return with this report.
b) How will this be funded?
5. How many chapters do you anticipate that your thesis will have?
3 Yr + REPORT – Student/Supervisor
6. Which of the thesis chapters are:
In late or final draft version?
In rough draft?
7. When do you (realistically rather than optimistically) anticipate that you will submit
your thesis?
8. Please identify any specific difficulties that you have that may delay your thesis
9. Identify any specific actions that you or your supervisor should take to ensure thesis
submission within the maximum period of registration? (4 year FT/ 6 year PT)
10. Please provide a 2-3 page report on your research/thesis progress. Include chapter
titles and a detailed summary of their content.
3 Yr + REPORT – Student/Supervisor
My Portfolio (2013-14)
(All students should complete this form for the current year only)
Please print or type. Use additional pages if required.
Specialist training/workshops/courses attended:
Transferable skills training/courses attended:
Talks given at conferences:
Poster presentations:
Teaching undertaken (including seminars, demonstrations, tutorials, marking):
Honours and Awards:
Membership of Committees/Professional Societies/Voluntary Work
Comments from Research Degree Convenor (for office use only)
3 Yr + REPORT – Student/Supervisor
If applicable please also complete the Associate Tutor Monitoring form at the end of this
Student Signature
3 Yr + REPORT – Student/Supervisor
Please comment on your student’s progress to date, giving details of any problems or
concerns, which may affect the student’s ability to submit their thesis on time.
When do you realistically expect the student’s thesis to be submitted? Has this been
arrived at as a result of direct discussions with the student.
Are you in regular contact with the student? If not why?
Do you consider the student’s report to be an accurate reflection of progress?
If your assessment is different from the student’s assessment of progress above please
give reasons why.
Supervisor’s Signature
Research Degree Convenor: Annual Review Comments
Recommend re-registration for academic year 2014-15: YES / NO
RDC Signature: ....................................................Date: ……………………………..
Director of Doctoral Studies: Comments/recommendations:
Progression approved YES / NO
Signed ----------------------------------------------------------Date …………………………………..
3 Yr + REPORT – Student/Supervisor
Associate Tutors Monitoring Report
Please complete this section if you did any form of tutoring/demonstrating this year
How may hours have you (or will you) have taught this academic year?
Please specify the mix of teaching, tutorials / seminar / demonstrating?
Has the amount of teaching you have been asked to do matched your
Was teaching payment correct and received promptly?
Did you do the full associate tutors training course or the cut down version, the
demonstrating course.
Was this course useful, did it adequately equip you for what was to come?
Is there any other training (or changes for next year) which would you would
regard as a priority to assist / prepare associate tutors in LifeSci, please