Form A - Annual review form 2014 for 1st and 2nd year students [DOC 276.00KB]


FORM A - Student

School of Life Sciences

Research Student’s Annual Review Report 2013-14

Please answer the following questions carefully.

It is essential that this report be completed and submitted together with a printed copy of your written project report



June 2014

PRINT and give a copy each to:

Deeptima Massey (Research and Enterprise Co-ordinator)

Chemistry Office Arundel 305

Main Supervisor (if you wish them to have access to this)

Co-supervisor/Assessor (if you wish them to have access to this)

NOTE First year students who started during or after January 2014 need only to complete this Form A. Your full project report will be due in October 2014.

Your responses to the question on this form are intended to provide information to help assess your progress; they are also intended to provide an indication of any areas where your department and/or school might provide additional support in order to assist you.

Please enter text, or click with the mouse, the relevant boxes below. Please note you ca n ‘tab’ through this document to complete your answer in each box


Please indicate if you wish your supervisor/s to have access to this report?


NO If no, then give your supervisors a copy of just your project report and return this form to Deeptima Massey


Current address for correspondence:

Degree: MPhil DPhil

Date of starting research:

Current registration status:

Full-time Part-Time


Main Supervisor’s name:

CoSupervisor’s name:

FORM A - Student


Please list dates of any periods of intermission:

1. Please state your source of funding (even if your main source of funding has now expired)?

2. What stage has the work on your thesis reached? Please relate this account to the plans given in your research outline, explaining any changes from those, and including the most recent developments. If you are on fieldwork, or have completed it in the past year, please outline progress so far, and any problems that have arisen. Please attach any supplementary statement or materials regarding your progress as specified by your School

Progress to date:

Areas of strength:

Areas of weakness (if any)

Comment on the quality of the supervision /support you have received. It would be helpful if you could make positive suggestions about where improvement might be made, especially where this relates to specific actions that you or your supervisor could take to improve matters.

Please comment on general facilities and support, as well as support specific to your research project

3. Do you have any recognised disability which has been formally assessed?


If YES, has this been adequately supported?

4. If you are on continuation, do you now have a job?


If YES, what are its hours of work?

5. (a) Has work on your thesis been significantly impeded by any nonacademic factors (e.g. illness or financial)?



FORM A - Student

If YES, please give details:

Please list dates of any periods of intermission:

Main Supervisor’s Name:

Co/Second Supervisor’s Name:

(b) Do you expect it to be so in the next few months, or the year ahead? (e.g. by job change, childbirth)?


If YES, please give details:

6. When do you at present realistically expect to submit your thesis?

7. Are there any training requirements, identified at previous meetings or during meetings with your supervisor/s, that you feel have not been met?


If YES, please state:

(b) Is there any further training which you feel you need?

Please note that training in transferable skills is now taken very seriously by the research councils and University. Please identify at least one skills course that you will be taking during the next academic year

8. How many times have you been in contact with your main supervisor, and has that been satisfactory (in the case of joint supervision, please indicate the frequency of contact with both supervisors)?

9. Do you feel that you have been receiving adequate and appropriate feedback and advice from your main supervisor?


Please state any ways in which you feel this might be improved.


FORM A - Student

10. Please indicate any further areas in which you feel the support provided by those involved in your supervision might be improved (e.g. including support provided via additional supervisors, or other members of your supervisory team).

11. Is it clear to you who you should go to if you encounter problems with your research, or difficulties with a supervisor?


If NO, please indicate where clarification is required?

12. Are there any further specific areas relating to your research where you feel you are in need of additional support or guidance?


If YES, please indicate the area/s and any suggestions as to what might be provided.

13. Please indicate any areas where access to resources – e.g. via the library or availability of computing resources

– might be improved in order to assist you with your research.

14. Are sufficient opportunities available to you for contact and interaction with other research students?


Please state any ways in which you feel this could be improved.

15. Does your School and/or Graduate Centre provide a sufficient range of activities to enable you to discuss your research, and related areas of interest, with others engaged in similar fields of study?


Please indicate any suggestions you may have for how this might be improved.


FORM A - Student


Was the programme of events arranged by your School/Graduate Centre to support your induction to the University satisfactory?


Please state any specific areas in which this could have been improved, or anything additional you consider that should be provided in future years.

17. Please indicate any further comments you may have, or any further suggestions for how your experience as a research student could have been/could be enhanced further.

Please enter the date of completion of this report:

Student Signature


FORM A - Student

My Portfolio (2013-14)

(All students should complete this form for the current year only)

Please print or type. Use additional pages if required.

Specialist training/workshops/courses attended:

Transferable skills training/courses attended:

Talks given at conferences:

Poster presentations:

Teaching undertaken (including seminars, demonstrations, tutorials, marking):


Honours and Awards:

Membership of Committees/Professional Societies/Voluntary Work

Comments from Research Degree Convener (for office use only)


FORM A - Student

Associate Tutors Monitoring Report

Please complete this section if you did any form of tutoring/demonstrating this year



How may hours have you (or will you) have taught this academic year?

Please specify the mix of teaching, tutorials / seminar / demonstrating?

Has the amount of teaching you have been asked to do matched your expectations?

Was teaching payment correct and received promptly?

Did you do the full associate tutors training course or the cut down version, the demonstrating course.

Was this course useful, did it adequately equip you for what was to come?

Is there any other training (or changes for next year) which would you would regard as a priority to assist / prepare associate tutors in LifeSci, please comment.


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